SBF Blanks

SBF Blanks

Essilor supports the use of SBF (Smart Blue Filter) blanks for some designs.  Because these lenses cannot be tinted, they can only be used when the order does not require a lab-applied tint. 

Since Essilor selects the OPCs of the blanks to use, different LNAM codes are used to indicate to Essilor whether or not a tint is required for the order, and thus, whether SBF blanks can be used. 

To set up the different LNAM codes, two entries are used in the VCA Label Table for a particular design/material. 

To illustrate using an example, the Varilux S Regular in Poly Clear Coated, has an LNAM=474900 if the job needs to be tinted, and an LNAM=474940 if the order does not have a tint.  The VCA Label Table entries would be set up as:

When the LNAM is retrieved for an order, whether a tint is required on the order is determined by the job flow rules on the addon.  For example, if the following addon:

Is added to an order, then the order is considered to require a tint to be applied.  In this case, the LNAM=474900 would be selected and sent to Essilor; Essilor, in turn, would send the OPC for the current (non-SBF) blank, so that the end result could be tinted.

If no addons with "Tint" checked are present on the order, then LNAM=474940 would be selected, and Essilor would send back the OPCs for the SBF SFSV blanks.

Please note that SBF blanks are not used for all designs, nor for all labs.  If your lab has been advised by Essilor Digital that SBF blanks can be used in your region and at your lab, the lab can easily change the LNAM values to the SBF-specific values.  To do so, follow these steps:
1) Download the SBF label table from the cloud server
2) Once all SBF entries have been downloaded, click the "3" button on the screen
3) Select the table you wish to modify to use the SBF blanks.  In North America, this will be table "ESS"; in Latin America, table "ESSL", and in Asia/Africa, this will be table "ESSA".

4) You will be prompted to confirm:

Once finished, existing entries for designs that can use SBF blanks will have been modified to set the LNAM codes to "tint yes"; the SBF entries will be copied to the specified table, with entries "tint no".  Any designs not in the SBF table will be left un-changed.





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