Benefits Of Using A Frame Tracing

Benefits Of Using A Frame Tracing

RX-Universe gives users the option to input frame tracings or box measurements when creating orders. There are cases where two identical jobs with the same box measurements, one including a trace and one without, yield different results for thickness calculations. Take for example the following trace:

This trace was calculated for a +7.00 Single Vision job while forcing the following blanks:

This yielded the following thickness:

Creating an identical job with the same forced blanks, but entering the above box measurements (A = 52.4, B = 37.2, ED = 54.8, ED = 18.0) without a trace and running the calculator gives smaller thickness values:

These differences are a result of how RX-Universe handle box measurements as opposed to frame tracings. When calculating thickness for jobs including tracings, Rx-Universe has 360 points to perform accurate thickness calculations (The 360 points are connected to create the tracing seen in the 2D view).

When box measurements are entered, RX-Universe has no way of knowing what shape is filling the box and thus will make an estimate based on the entered values. Take the example of these tracings:

All of these tracings will fit within the same box, however, each have different designs and will yield different edge thicknesses. Since RX-Universe has no way of knowing these shape, users can receive less than optimal thickness values when using this method.

This can result in RX-Universe selecting incorrect blanks, especially blanks with a larger diameter. For the most accurate thickness measurements, it’s best to include a frame trace.

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