Hoya digital requires the customer to run a "middleware" LDS Client. This "middleware" LDS client will receive the JOB#.LDS from RxUniverse and convert and create a temporary copy of the original .LDS file (IE: It will translate the JOB.LMS to JOB~00000.ODS). Once this completed the LDS client will perform calculation via a cloud calculator where the results will be sent back and the JOB#.LMS will be added to the defined directory. (note: Hoya will provide you with instructions on how to define the LMS/LDS directory within the HOYA LDS middleware)
The Hoya LDS "middleware" does not properly move the .SDF file in the location initially define in RxUniverse. To fix this you will need to add the .SDF in the "Move SDF file from folder". This will cause RxUniverse to move the .SDF file in the location define in the "Location of SDF files from digital surface" field.
Download Data for Hoya
When setting up Hoya digital, you can download certain information first to make the process smoother.
1.Download all the pucks for the designs you will be doing.
For the LifeStyle designs, these are the IDPK, IDPKC, IDCDPK, and IDCDPC blanks, in Poly, CR39, Trivex and 167, for example:
The 4 different puck designs are the dual-add blanks which have an add power on the front along the vertical axis, and then a different add along the horizontal axis.
The IDPK and IDCDPK pucks are left/right blanks, the IDPKC and IDCDPC pucks are centered blanks, where the same blank is used for both eyes.
When setting up a lab, for convenience, you opt to EXPORT the lens catalogue screens from a lab that is currently set up, and then import all blanks into the new lab system. Remember to also export the OPC codes if you do opt for this.
2) Download the HOYA VCA lens table by going to "Devices", "VCA Label Table Settings", select the "Import" button from the top, and choose "HOYA" from the list of available tables:
3) Import base curve charts "ID" and "AY" for all materials.
4) Set up the lens style(s) needed, per the instructions that follow.
Designs (LNAM codes)
Code | Name | LNAM | Pucks | Comments |
ID, IDCR | iD-Lifestyle | 457 | uses IDPK pucks | not available in 170, 174 - two different lens style codes for different "degression" selection |
IDCD | iD-Lifestyle CD | 458 | uses IDCDPK pucks | not available in 170, 174 - two different lens style codes for different "degression" selection |
IDHM | iD-Lifestyle-Harmony | 962 | uses IDPK pucks | not available in 170, 174 - two different lens style codes for different "degression" selection |
IDCL | iD-Lifestyle-Clarity | 963 | uses IDPK pucks | not available in 170, 174 - two different lens style codes for different "degression" selection |
IDCDHM | iD-Lifestyle-CD-Harmony | 964 | uses IDCDPK pucks | not available in 170, 174 - two different lens style codes for different "degression" selection |
IDCDC | iD-Lifestyle-CD-Clarity | 965 | uses IDCDPK pucks | not available in 170, 174 - two different lens style codes for different "degression" selection |
ECPIQ | Summit ECP IQ | 581 | uses SUMMIT pucks | |
CDIQ | Summit CD IQ | 582 | uses SUMMCD pucks | |
AMPIQ | Amplitude IQ | 583 | uses Amplitude pucks | |
AMPMIQ | Amplitude Mini IQ | 584 | uses Amplitude mini pucks | |
SV BF IQ | design was listed from Hoya but with no documentation | |||
ARY11 | Array 11mm | 832 | uses SV pucks | |
ARY13 | Array 13mm | 833 | uses SV pucks | |
ARY15 | Array 15mm | 834 | uses SV pucks | |
ARY17 | Array 17mm | 835 | uses SV pucks | |
AMPBS | Array Amplitude | 836 | uses SV pucks | |
AMPMBS | Array Amplitude Mini | 837 | uses SV pucks | |
SYNC5 | Array Sync5 | 838 | uses SV pucks | |
SYNC8 | Array Sync8 | 839 | uses SV pucks | |
TCTBS4 | Array Tact Backside 40 | 840 | uses SV pucks | |
TCTBS6 | Array Tact Backside 60 | uses SV pucks | coming soon as of Feb 2015 |
(These codes are set up in table HOYA, you can download this table by importing this table using "Import From Web" in the VCA label tables).
Material | Index | LMATID |
CR39 | 1.498 | 2 |
CR39 Polarized | 1.498 | 10 |
Transitions | 1.501 | 20 |
Poly | 1.586 | 4 |
Poly Polarized | 1.586 | 30 |
Poly Transitions | 1.586 | 36 |
Trivex | 1.530 | 53 |
Trivex Transitions | 1.530 | 54 |
Trivex Polarized | 1.530 | 169 |
160 | 1.595 | 19 |
167 | 1.66 | 41 |
167 Transitions | 1.66 | 49 |
170 | 1.70 | 42 |
174 | 1.74 | 51 |
Setting up Hoya designs
The Hoya LifeStyle designs use a dual-add puck (a blank with adds along the two meridians). The designs must be set up to indicate that dual-add pucks are needed for this design:
There are two different codes needed for each Lifestyle digital design, because some materials use different rules for the selection of vertical add. We use the "Near vision" degression chart for selection of vertical add.
For Polycarbonate and 167, blanks comes only in 3.00 vertical add, so degression rules are used to always select degression 3.00:
For CR39 and Trivex, the pucks come in degressions of 2.00 and 3.00, so the degression rules are set up differently:
The ID and IDCR pucks use base curve chart "ID" to select the "best" best curve for the job. This is combined with the vertical add and horizontal add to select the proper puck.
The pucks themselves (called IDPK and IDCDPK) are set up as lens styles which have multi-adds; the vertical add (VADD in Hoya parlance) is stored in the "Add" field, and the horizontal add (HADD) is stored in the upper add field on the inventory records.
The lens style is set up as follows:
The inventory catalog entries for these blanks look as follows:
When selecting blanks for multi-add designs, the vertical add is determined based on the Rx add power, similar to how a near-vision lens is set up. The horizontal add is determined from a formula provided by Hoya.
To select the pucks needed for the Lifestyle designs, an alias record from the design to the puck must be set up. In this example, designs ID and IDCR are set up to select IDPK:
Array Designs
The Hoya Array designs are backside progressives, that use any SV puck. While care must be taken to ensure the pucks chosen match the index of refraction supported by Hoya, there are no other specific requirements for the blanks.
Array designs must be set up to use a base curve chart (chart AY is pre-created for convenience). Array designs can now be decentered by Hoya, so should be set up similar to the following:
Checking the "Center Design on Frame" option will instruct the Hoya calculator to optimize decentration, by sending "_OptimizeDecenterFlag=1" in the LDS file. Of course, this label must be included in the LDI file in order to be included in the LDS file. A sample LDI file for HOYA follows:
Note: Hoya does not always use the _OPTIMIZEDECENTERFLAG option, so it is wise to confirm this with Hoya for each individual installation.
In addition, sometimes Hoya requests that FED be added to the LDS packets, so that should be confirmed with Hoya as well.
Amplitude and Summit designs
The Amplitude iQ and Summit designs use Amplitude and Summit semi-finished blanks as pucks, and have an optimized back surface design. The same base curve charts that are used for the semi-finished blanks can be used for these optimized designs.
The alias should be set up to point to the semi-finished blanks:
Setting Up The Hoya Digital Type
The Hoya digital interface is set up much the same as other digital vendors, specifying the local folders for the LDS, LMS and SDF files. The device parameters screen should be set up to use label table ID "HOYA" to properly translate the LMATID codes required by Hoya. Under the digital tab, the flag "Send blank diameter when CRIB=0 or suppressed" must be checked. The Hoya digital calculator cannot process a CRIB=0 value, so, when the calculated CRIB that will be sent to the calculator is zero replace it with the blank diameter instead.
The Hoya calculator also requires two labels to be set up in the device setup under VCA Over-rides, as follows:
_CTO=1 instructs Hoya to return thickness information, and _OUTPUTFORMAT=1 instructs it to return an SDF file in VCA-standard structure.
(Note in an install April 2022, these two tags appear to no longer be required, as the calculator is returning SDF files and thickness information even without them).