Digital Parameters System Variable Screen
Digital Parameters System Variable Screen
Prompt for recalc on modify – if checked, the user will be asked, at the end of modifying a digital job, whether or not to resubmit the job to the DS calculator. If a lab has an arrangement with the digital processor to compensate based on a method other than a per job or per lens basis, then there is no need to ask whether or not digital calculations should be re-done – this flag can be left un-checked, and every job will be resubmitted each time it is modified.
However, when a lab pays for digital jobs on a per-job or per-lens basis, the user can decide whether or not to resubmit the job for calculation. For example, if a job is modified to change pricing information or other information which has no effect on the lens, there is no need to recalculate it. However, if the job requires an Rx change, or a change to the frame measurements, then recalculation should be done. This flag puts the decision in the hands of the operator, based on the changes made:
Laser JOB files by order num – if checked, this causes the .JOB files that are created for the LaserOp laser engraver to be named based on the order number instead of the tray number. This has effect only if Rx-Universe is creating the .JOB files – if the DS calculator creates them directly (as with Shamir), this checkbox has no effect.
Digital LDS/LMS etc files by order num – if checked, this causes the LDS and LMS files (and BRS/BAS files, if used) to be created using order number rather than tray number. While this removes any confusion resulting from re-use of tray numbers, it will result in a larger number of files in the ARCHIVE folders for the various files.
Digital Surface Device Name – this is the printer that work tickets will be printed to by the Rx-Universe DS processor (when results are returned from the DS calculator). This is a duplicate of the same field also present on the Orders1 tab, and is included on this tab for convenience.
How long to wait for BAS file – when a lens style is set up to request the base curve from the DS calculator, Rx-Universe creates a BRS request, and then must wait for the response in the form of a BAS response. Since we do not want to wait forever if the DS calculator is not running or otherwise does not return an answer, the lab can set the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response. If a BAS response is not received by the end of the timeout period, an error message will be displayed and blanks will not be automatically selected.