

The following are common errors which can be returned by the DS processor, and printed on the work ticket (also visible from the F1 device information screen on the order), along with suggestions on how to resolve the issue.


Frame tilt_FaceFormAngle for current design not in range (Lab policy)

One (or more) of the Wrap (panoramic) angle, pantoscopic tilt, or vertex distance, is outside of the range allowed for the design specified. 

Below is the chart sent out by Shamir indicating the acceptable levels.


Wrap and Wrap SV





15 (105)

8 (98)

30 (120)


9 (99)

0 (90)

12 (102)


13 (103)





Fixed\ Variable\ SV AW





5 (95)

0 (90)

12 (102)


9 (99)

0 (90)

12 (102)


13 (103)





#B;126;Wrong DRILLE Format. The drill eye must be equal to the lens eye;E

We’re still working with IOT on the fix for this, but under some conditions the IOT calculator rejects jobs with a DRILLE record, even though the DRILLE record conforms to the VCA standard.  The temporary workaround for this is to remove the DRLFMT and DRILLE records from the .LDI file for the IOT design.  (This is done in the Digital Type setup for the IOT calculator in Rx-Universe).


8;Object reference not set to an instance of an object; E.

IOT tells me this is a general error message however I encountered this when we tried to send the BRS request to the IOT engine. They are working on this and the work-around for us is to have the lab enter the base curve they want to use into the Stock Screen.


#L;1388: Left-Calculation was terminated because it was found that the lathe will crash into the alloy.

This is basically a cutter crash warning from the DS engine. The fix is to select a smaller block.


#R;52827:Right; Failed to insert a new semi-finished blank record because front curvature value is not within the range of any of the available base.

The blank selected (whether automatically or manually by the lab) is outside the allowed range for the prescription. Solution is to pick a blank with a front curve within the range required by the LDS vendor for the design and prescription.


#L;1;1back-r too small

The base curve used is too steep - select a blank with a flatter true curve.


#R;214;Box-height too large

This indicates a problem with the height of the frame shape - likely because Zeiss is interpreting the frame data sent in a non-VCA way - sample job at one lab, Zeiss showed they were understanding the frame shape as below - the solution to this error is a configuration change on the Zeiss side.  We found, however, that changing the number of points we send to 72 solves the problem.

Surface Radius Smaller Than Tool Radius

Version of the Satisloh generator software does more critical checking of the tools, so this error can occur when the radius of the surface is smaller than the tool radius:
A very strong curve as follows:

Can result in the following error


The following suggestions to fix this issue have been suggested by Satisloh:

1. Try activating the second fast tool with a smaller radius e.g. PCD 8mm, for pre-processing. Without this the message that the radius of the surface is smaller than the radius of the standard milling tool will appear and that is maybe what is causing the problem.

2. Change the filtering on the macro management. For designs that do not work try the medium filter and if this is unsuccessful then try the Strong Filtering.

At the macro management on the Generator you will find the surface smoothing, options. Here you select from off to light, medium or strong, as well as further refining the macros from -5 up to +5.  Negative values make the test less sensitive, positive value more sensitive.


3. On Blended bifocal designs if none of the above work, try using a larger _BLEND value (for Crossbows only). This will give a smoother transition between distance and segment areas and may eliminate the issue.


freeform file: invalid count value


This error, appearing on the VFT generator, is caused by either an LDTYPE that the generator doesn't recognize, or a mis-match between the surface point file format, and the LDTYPE sent to the generator.  Some possible causes and solutions are:
1) Rx-Universe is sending LDTYPE=HMF for Zeiss jobs.  HMF is not recognized by the VFT as a valid option for Zeiss.  Upgrading to version 6.45.07 or later of Rx-Universe will cause LDTYPE=STF to be sent for HMF format files.  Another solution is to ask Zeiss to send LDTYPE in the LMS packet, and then set Rx-Universe to use LDTYPE (on the Device tab of the digital type setup):

This latter solution is necessary if Zeiss sends SDF data as Schneider format data in the XML (this has been encountered at some labs).


Device Errors

"Essilor software not installed"

This message can appear on the Satisloh Orbit generator - in most cases, suppressing LDVEN on the generator will resolve this problem.







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