Opto+(added in version 7.31.00)

Opto+ is a locally installed digital calculator, using a standard VCA interface, with a few specific things to be aware of.

  1. Because of file naming conventions with the Opto+ calculator, the lab cannot set up the interface directly from the OE screen - the option "Interface at OE" is not available for this vendor.

  2. Because Opto+ does not support the option to send labels with a value of "?", any labels that are not applicable for a particular job will not appear in the LDS file.

  3. For jobs with a frame trace, Rx-Universe will send CRIB=0 and ELLH=0 in the LDS file, which requests the Opto+ calculator to calculate optimal CRIB and ELLH values.

  4. Note that Opto+ does not calculate decentration on designs, so all designs for this vendor in Rx-Universe should be set up with "Center design on frame" NOT checked.

  5. Opto+ does not support BRS requests, so the lab will need to set up base curve charts for these designs.  Chart 84 is available in Rx-Universe as a "standard" chart for digital lenses. When using this chart, the option ""Add add to sphere" should be checked, on the "Digital" tab of the design setup.

  6. The values returned for minimum and maximum edge thickness are not correct, so these should be treated with caution on Opto+ jobs.

  7. The Opto+ calculator does not check for curve out or thickness of the blank relative to the design.  While Rx-Universe will check center thickness to confirm that a blank is thick enough in the center, it does not check the entire back surface against the blank, so it is possible a valid Opto+ calculation could result in an blank with insufficient thickness at some point(s).  This could also be an issue with polarized lenses, since the Opto+ calculator is not verifying thickness against the location of the polarizing film.

  8. Decentration of Opto+ designs on uncuts is supported using labels BCERIN/BCERUP.

Setting Up Opto+ Lens Designs

The Opto+ design should be set up with the correct LNAM value, using a base curve chart (84 in this example), with the options as below: