

Indo uses encrypted surface point files for generating their digital designs, but provide a simplified surface point file for devices such as the engraver. The encrypted data is not delivered as a file – rather, it is a security key which is passed to the equipment (in the LDPATH label), and the equipment uses that key to connect to an Indo computer to retrieve the data it needs to generate the design.


As a result, several different paths can be provided by Indo – this is done by means of different LDPATH records, each indicating the device they are intended for.  The LMS file will contain something similar to:





These different LDPATH values will be stored in the PROC file and the appropriate value sent to a device which requests it.  This requires a PROC record to exist for the device in question, so if a new device is added that doesn’t have a PROC for the device, no LDPATH record will be sent to that device.

Indo lens styles require some optional labels to be set up:

LDTYPE and LDCRYPT are used to tell the generator that Indo-encrypted surface points are being used. The _OPTIM=1 label indicates that thickness should be optimized on the lens.


Some Indo lens designs require NOD (for example) – this can be set up as an optional field on the lens design (as above), with a default value.  This value is also settable on each order, on the F12 Surface Options screen:



Indo only supports returning BAS responses as files with an extension of .LMS (other vendors allow an extension of either BAS or LMS).  Because of this, Indo must be set up to only process LMS files for jobs which Rx-Universe has submitted, and to look for the BAS response as an LMS file:

If different LNAM values are required for the same design in different materials (as with the Maxima, for example), a label table must be used to set up the correct LNAM values.  To use the table, specify the table name in the DS setup for the Indo interface:


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