System Settings - Surf1

System Settings - Surf1

Semi-Finished CRIB safety allowance - This variable contains the amount, in mm, which will be added to the minimum calculated blanksize to allow for edging tolerance; this allowance is used both when selecting the blank, and of course in crib diameter. Range from 0 to 10 mm. Applies only to semi-finished blanks.

Finished CRIB safety allowance - This variable contains the amount, in mm, which will be added to the minimum calculated blanksize to allow for edging tolerance; this allowance is used both when selecting the blank, and of course in crib diameter. Range from 0 to 10 mm. Applies only to finished blanks.

Blank seg drop - This is the segment drop of the lens blank, the vertical distance from the geometric center of the blank and the top of the segment.

In the case of progressive lenses, this is the vertical distance from the geometric center of the blank to the fitting cross. This is also sometimes called the “fitting cross height”. Range from 0 to 99.9.

Blank seg inset - This is lens blank inset, the horizontal distance from the geometric center of the blank to the center of the bifocal segment.

In the case of progressive lenses, this field is the horizontal decentration of the PRP from the geometric center of the blank.

In the case of executive or E-line lenses, this is the decentration of the segment from the geometric center of the blank.

Seg height breakpoint - There are two methods of specifying seg height. Rx-Universe allows the use of either method or both methods at once.

All segment heights that are entered, that are less than or equal to the breakpoint, will be interpreted as distance above/below the datum line.

All segment heights that are entered above the breakpoint, will be interpreted as distance from the bottom of the frame.

Max OC decentration - This field is only used when the blocking method is set to “D” (for Semi-Tech dual center blockers) and specifies the maximum difference between the geometric center and the optical center.

Lab has Coburn style generator - Check this setting if the lab uses a Coburn style generator.

Thinning reduction - This setting controls prism on the progressives and executive lenses, and is only used if the “PROG THIN” field on the account file is set to space. The settings are:

  • Y - Use 2/3 of the add power of the progressive lens for thinning prism

  • N - Do not calculate thinning prism

  • E - This is the same option as “Y” with an adjustment factor added for seg-height (or vertical decentration)

  • F - Equithin setting calculates prism to equalize the edge thickness at the top and bottom of the lens. This is the most accurate method and sometimes results in base-up prism.

  • G - Option “F” combined with executive thinning

  • X - Does “Y” thinning on progressive and executive lenses

  • Z - Does “E” thinning on progressives and executive lenses

Use Plano ET for minus lens -

Equalize BOC’s - This setting controls how vertical imbalance will be handled when different segment heights are prescribed.

When checked, the BOC’s will be calculated so that both optical centers are the same distance above the segment line.

When not checked, the BOC’s are calculated so that both optical centers are at the same location relative to the frame, not the segments.

BOC default - This variable contains the default value for distance between the optical center and the segment which would be used for all multi-focal jobs. Range from 0 to 99.9. Suggested setting is zero.

BOC lower limit - This field may be set according to your lab’s preference for handling the location of the OC on the muti-focal lenses. A minimum BOC will mean that the OC will always be at least X millimeters above the segment, where X is the value contained in this field, even if it involves creating vertical decentration.

BOC upper limit - This field may be set according to your lab’s preference for handling the location of the OC on multi-focal lenses. An upper limit will not allow the OC to be higher than that distance above the segment, even if it involves creating vertical decentration. If you do want to set a limit, enter a value of zero.

Base lower limit - This field defines the normal lower limit of the base curve. Any work ticket value below this limit will be printed in bold on the work ticket

Note - That the numbers are positive; the generator curves are interpreted internally as being “minus” curves

Base upper limit - This field defines the normal upper limit of the base curve. Any work ticket value below this limit will be printed in bold on the work ticket

Note - That the numbers are positive; the generator curves are interpreted internally as being “minus” curves

Cross lower limit - This field defines the normal lower limit of the cross curve. Any work ticket value below this limit will be printed in bold on the work ticket

Note - That the numbers are positive; the generator curves are interpreted internally as being “minus” curves

Cross upper limit - This field defines the normal upper limit of the cross curve. Any work ticket value below this limit will be printed in bold on the work ticket

Note - That the numbers are positive; the generator curves are interpreted internally as being “minus” curves

Front curve lower limit - This field defines the normal lower limit of the front curve. Any work ticket value below this limit will be printed in bold on the work ticket

Note - That the numbers are positive; the generator curves are interpreted internally as being “minus” curves

Front curve upper limit - This field defines the normal upper limit of the front curve. Any work ticket value below this limit will be printed in bold on the work ticket

Note - That the numbers are positive; the generator curves are interpreted internally as being “minus” curves

Extra Thick Check Polz - Rx-Universe can perform checks to ensure that a lens will not cut into the polarizing film. On a lens where the resulting thickness is very close to the film, the lab can chose to set a minimum thickness to check. For example, if a lens has polarized film that is 1.9 mm from the front, and the finished CT of the lens is 1.9 mm, the lens would be allowed. If the lens was fined just a little too long, the curve might cut into the film. If this field were set to 0.1 mm for example, the lens would be ground to a CT of 2.0 (the polarized film + this extra thickness).

Min ET @ Crib Diam - Minimum edge thickness at crib diameter.

Wrap defaults:

Default panto tilt - This is the default pantoscopic tilt that will be used when doing wrap calculation if no specific pantoscopic tilt exists for the frame specified or on the order.

Default Wrap angle - This is the default wrap angle that will be used when doing wrap calculations if no specific wrap angle exists for the frame specified or on the order.

Default vertex fit distance - This is the default vertex fitting distance that will be used when doing wrap calculations if no specific value is entered for the order.

Default vertex refracted distance - This is the default vertex refracted distance that will be used when doing wrap calculations if no specific value is entered for the order.

Prism Settings:

Lab has a prism blocker - This field should be checked if the lab uses a Prism Blocker.

Combine Rx and decentration prisms - When checked, the Rx and decentration prisms will be combined for jobs blocked on optical center and then switched to Geometric center blocking. This especially affects decentered progressives, which many labs block on OC. Therefore, when checked, a decentered progressive with Rx prism will be switched to GC blocking and have prism ground for both Rx and to decenter the OC back to appropriate spot.

Use Pratt formula for prism - Checking the option uses an alternate method of calculating prism, which is more accurate on low-power lenses. See QRG on the Pratt Prism Formula for compete details.

Prism thinning on minus - When checked, will apply prim thinning on low power minus lenses if the power, including add, is plus along any meridian.

When not checked, will not apply prism thinning if the power of the lens is minus along any meridian.

Prism thinning base up - When checked, will calculate base up or base down prism as required to equalize thickness.


SV Prism Grinding - This setting controls prism on single vision lenses. The settings are:

  • Always grind maximum - Always grind maximum prism on SV lenses.

  • Grind to move OC - Only grind prism on SV lenses when required for cutout; when prism is required grind all prism to move OC to desired point.

  • Grind to move OC by decentration - Only grind prism on SV lenses when required for cutout; grind minimum amount of prism to move OC by decentration as well.

  • Grind Rx Prism - Grind minimum amount of prism when required for cutout, but grind all of the Rx prism. (Do no decenter lens for Rx prism purposes)


Executive Prism Grinding - This setting control prism on executive lenses. The settings are:

  • Calculate for decentration - Calculates prism for decentration.

  • Do not calculate - No prism calculated for decentration

  • Calculate with BOC of zero - Used in conjunction with a BOC of zero for an executive lens to prescribe prism vertically in order to draw the OC down to the segment line (mainly used in European labs)


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