System Settings - E-Mail

System Settings - E-Mail

Email Options:

User older SendSmtp for email - Check this box if you ISP requires a smtp authentication for email, and sending email is not working with either of the other email methods in Rx-Universe. Checking this box uses an older email program, which may solve the authentication problem, but may result in problems sending PDF documents (such as statements) to customers using web-based email accounts such as gmail.

Use 2007 SendEmail.exe - This was the default email handler in Rx-Universe until 2017. It supports smtp authentication, but does NOT work with email accounts from gmail, for example. It should only be used if the 2017 solution does not work.

Use 2017 Email program - This i the option that should be used most often. It supports gmail accounts and provides the greatest level of successful communication across different email providers and operating systems.

SMTP Address - Enter the SMTP address for you e-mail provider.

Return Email Address - This field contains the return e-mail address that will be used when sending e-mails.

SMTP User Name - This field along with the SMTP Password are used for ISPs that require SMTP authentication to send emails.

First, try setting up email notification WITHOUT these fields - if unable to send emails, then users can try setting these to the username and password used to connect to the internet through the ISP. Information required to setup e-mail functionality can also be found within a users email client.

SMTP Password - See information above for SMTP User Name

Send WIP report in body of e-mail - When checked, this will place the WIP report into the body of the e-mail instead of sending it as an e-mail attachment.

Skip WIP e-mail if report empty - When checked, the e-mail notification program will verify that there are orders to report on before e-mailing a copy of the report to the customer. If the WIP report for a customer is empty, then the “Completed Events” will reflect the fact that the e-ailing was skipped.

Use Holiday file for E-mail Notifications - If this field is checked, the E-mail Notifications for WIP report will take into account the holiday dates, when a Holiday file is entered, and when determining when to create the WIP report.

Use PO num instead of the patient JT emails - If this option is checked, the subject line of emails generated when trays move to a particular job tracking station, either automatically or at dayend, will use the PO number instead of the patient name. (Currently, the patient name is used with the order number in the subject line).

E-mail System Errors to - This is a list of e-mail recipients who will receive an e-mail when there is a day end error, a month end error or major database errors.

To add or remove an e-mail, click the right mouse button, then choose the appropriate option.

Support E-mail Address - This field contains the support e-mail address that will be used when sending log files.

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