System Settings - Job Tracking

System Settings - Job Tracking

Jobtrack station verify - When checked, Rx-Universe will validate the flow of work from one station to the next. This is sued in conjunction with the job station and addon pricing job flow settings.

Force QA required on Addon Jobs - This field controls the Final QA job flow field on Addon type orders.

When checked, the “Final QA required” flag will be set to “Y”, which means all Addon type jobs must go through a Final QA job station before being shipped. When unchecked, Addon type jobs don’t have to go through a Final QA job station before being shipped. The job flow required flags can be viewed from the Order browse window by pressing the F3-F11 key combination.

Operator Mandatory for Job Scanner Simulator - When checked, Rx-Universe will require an operator to be scanned at the Job Scanner Simulator.

# Months to keep when purging history - This setting controls the number of months of jobtrack history to keep when purging.

Dynamic Display screen refresh rate - This setting controls the number of minutes that the Dynamic Display screen will pause between refreshes.

Snapshot time - This setting controls the time that the Job Tracker program will take a snapshot of certain jobtrack record groupings. The entry is based on a 24 hour clock.

Note that the snapshot can’t be done during the backup times.

Backup start time -

Backup end time -

Jobtrack file is split - The purpose of splitting the jobtrack file is to reduce the down time should the jobtrack file become corrupted. All current jobtrack history records kept in the main jobtrack file, while jobtrack history records associated with completed orders are kept in a history file. Pressing the Split Jobtrack Switch button will toggle the Split jobtrack between on and off.

Note that this function should only be run if you fully understand its implications.

Automated Day-end settings:

Time to start Day-End - This field controls the start time for the automated day/month ends. The automated day/month ends are activated via the JobTracker. When the Job Tracker reaches the specified time, it will trigger the starting of the day/month end procedure. If the field is set to “00:00”, this deactivates the automated day/month end procedure.

The start time must be set to run outside the Backup Start/End time ranges. The program also checks to make sure there is at least 1 hour of run time between the day-end time and the start of the backup pause time.

*NOTE - Before you enter the start time, the month-end for the pervious month must have been run.

Day-end runs for previous day - When checked, this informs the Job Tracker to use the previous days date as the day/month end run date. This allows the lab to run the automated day-end after midnight, but use the previous day’s date for the day-end run date.

Don’t Skip Holiday dates on Day-end - This flag allows the lab to control the day-end based on entries in the “Holiday Dates” database. When Un-checked, the automated day-end feature verifies that the day-end date is not in the holiday file. If the date is in the holiday file, then the day-end is skipped. Note that this switch has no effect on the automated procedure if the run date is for a Month-end. Month-ends run regardless of the Holiday date entries.

Day to run month-end - This field determines the day of the month that the lab wants to run its months-ends on. Users can chose a day from 1 thru 4 and 27 thru 31. If a month does not have the stated number of days, then the month-end will be run on the last day of the month in question. If the Job Tracker was shut down on the date that the month-end was supposed to be run on, the automated procedure will still run the month-end the next time that the automated procedure is triggered and use the month-end day date as the run date for the automated run.

User-defined Job Flow Labels - Allows the user to create a job station that can be modified and applied to Job Flows.

MES information:

MES Interface activated - When checked, this will activate the sending of information requests to the MES server.

MES uses PO number when communicating - When checked, the communications with the MES system will use the Order PO number as it’s primary identifier.

When un-checked, the communications will use the Order number as it’s primary identifier.

MES Server - Contains the IP and communication port for the SatisLoh MES VC interface. This is only used if the MES device interface is setup as a TCP device.

MES server port - Contains the IP and communication port for the SatisLoh MES VC interface. This is only used if the MES device interface is setup as a TCP device.

Days to keep MES triggers - The MES system functions by placing any required transmissions from the Rx-Universe system to the MES system in a trigger file.

This field causes the Job Tracker to keep triggers for “X” amount of days before removing them for the MES trigger file if they can’t be transmitted due to errors. This allows any older/bad records to be removed from the trigger file.

MES trigger retry in minutes - Enter the number of minutes to retry sending a request to the MES server if the communication has failed.


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