System Settings - Dayend Parms

System Settings - Dayend Parms

Time to start Day-End - This specifies the time that the Day-End process will begin. This entry is based on a 34 hour clock.

Job Costing Report:

Daily - level of detail -

Weekly - day of week -

Weekly - level of detail -


MTD - level of detail -

Monthly - level of detail -

Sales Analysis Report:

Daily - level of detail -

Weekly - day of week -

Weekly - level of detail -


MTD - level of detail -

Monthly - level of detail -

Ageing report level of detail -

Inventory cost report level of detail -

Print jobs in progress report -

Print late jobs in progress report -

Order of completion report -

Order of batch report -

Print inventory transaction reports -

Export file to Rx-Site -

Run Shamir Report Automatically at Month End - If this option is checked, the Shamir report will run automatically at Month End, then e-mail the results to Shamir.

Create Lens Export Files Daily - Checking this box will trigger creation of the lens export files daily during the day end process.

This option will export all active lens inventory items, including OPC, the description of the lens, and some technical information. The file will be called “LensInventory.CSV” and will be created in a folder called EXPORT folder. They are “Materials.CSV”. “Styles.CSV”, “Tints.CSV” and “Manufacturers.CSV”.

Run Essilor Stats Rpt Automatically at Month End - If this option is checked, the Essilor Stats report will run automatically at Month End, then FTP and e-mail the results to Essilor.

Run Essilor Digital Rpt Automatically at Month End - If this option is checked, the Essilor Digital report will run automatically at Month End, then FTP and e-mail the results to Essilor.

Rx-Xplore export settings - Checking these boxes will trigger creation of the XML file that is intended for the RxPlore reporting tool.

The XML file will be created in the folder XMLFILE underneath the root Rx-Universe folder. The RxPlore API can be configured to monitor this folder, or the XML file can be moved to a different folder which RxPlore is monitoring.

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