System Settings - Nucleo / Art

System Settings - Nucleo / Art

Nucleo Block Selection - For Nucleo blocks, the lab can define the block pieces that are available, and when each should be used.


Block selection for Nucleo Grid


The “Block” column is just an identifier for the block.

The “Text” column is what will print on the work ticket.

“BLKRD” (block radius) is the the radius of curvature of the block (provided by the block manufacturer).

“Min r” and “Max r” specify the min and max radius of curvature of the blanks that should be blocked on this block

“Diam” is the diameter of the full (unused) block.


Radius of curvature is related to true curve by the formula:

r = (n-1)*1000/D

Where: n = index of refraction and,

D = true curve in diopters

A lens with a true curve of 5.92 in 1.53 index would have a radius of curvature of 89.527.

Diameter selection for Nucleo Grid


The “Diameter selection” grid is used to “group” blocks already used, and allows selection of a block in the correct group based on the crib diameter of the job.

Blocks will be physically divided into these groups after use, based on how small they were cribbed for the last job run. In the example above, we have 5 groups of blocks:

The first group has blocks up to 55 mm, and can be used for any job requiring up to a 55 mm crib.

The second group has blocks bigger than group 1, up to 57 mm; the third group up to 65 mm, the fourth group up to 70 mm, and the last group is made up of full-size blocks (75 mm)


ART Block Selection - For ART blocks, the lab can define the block pieces that are available, and when each should be used.


Block selection for ART Grid


The “Block” column is just an identifier for the block.

The “Text” column is what will print on the work ticket with the appended diameter.

The 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 columns, when checked, means that the block for that diameter are available for selection. If no diameters are selected, then the associated Min r and Max r are greyed out to make following the radii easier. Double-click on a cell to change from checked to un-checked.

“BLKRD” (block radius) is the the radius of curvature of the block (provided by the block manufacturer).

“Min r” and “Max r” specify the min and max radius of curvature of the blanks that should be blocked on this block. See the ART blocking cut-off point table for the cut-off points based on available blocks used by the lab.


Radius of curvature is related to true curve by the formula:

r = (n-1)*1000/D

Where: n = index of refraction and,

D = true curve in diopters

A lens with a true curve of 5.92 in 1.53 index would have a radius of curvature of 89.527.

Diameter selection for ART Grid


The “Diameter selection” grid is used when “Allow Cribbing of ART Blocks” is checked. This is used to “group” blocks already used, and allows selection of a block in the correct group based on the crib diameter of the job.

Blocks will be physically divided into these groups after use, based on how small they were cribbed for the last job run. In the example above, we have 5 groups of blocks:

The first group has blocks up to 55 mm, and can be used for any job requiring up to a 55 mm crib.

The second group has blocks bigger than group 1, up to 57 mm; the third group up to 65 mm, the fourth group up to 70 mm, and the last group is made up of full-size blocks (75 mm)

Allow ART Cribbing - When Checked, the ART blocks can be cribbed if needed

ART cribbing allowance - When “Allow ART cribbing” is not checked. This variable is used to determine which ART block diameter to use. The cribbing allowance is subtracted from the lens crib diameter and the block whose diameter is equal to or less than the resulting number is chosen.

Example: largest-block-diameter <= lens-crib-crib-allowance

The cribbing allowance cannot be less than 1.0

Block repick tolerance - This variable is used when an order is recalculated. It compares the order CRIB diameters (before and after) the calculation to determine if the new which Nucleo/ART block to use. If the difference between the two cribs is greater than the tolerance, then the new block is used for the order, otherwise, the order keeps the existing blocks. Note that if the block RNGDM changes, then the new block will be selected.



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