System Settings - General

System Settings - General

Customer Process Option (CPO) - If a lab has any custom development, or uses the Eyefinity interface, the lab will be assigned a CPO value by the Rx-Universe team. If no specific value is assigned to your lab, please use 99.

Continent - This field does two things within Rx-Universe:
1) if finished lenses are used, setting to Europe assumes finished lenses are stored with PLUS cylinder; plus cylinder is also assumed for purposes of pricing
2) if pricing is used, and an order has a monthend discount associated with it, the monthend discount will be subtracted from the taxable total (tax will be calculated on the order total assuming the monthend discount will be taken)

Date Format - This setting allows the lab to specify how dates are viewed within Rx-Universe screens and reports (in month/day/year or day/month/year formats)

Current Period - This indicates the current accounting period month for billing purposes. This is used when displaying billing or inventory totals by period. Valid entries are 1 thru 12, where 1 = January, 2 = February… 12 = December.

Current Year - This indicates the current billing year, which is used at monthend, and for display of fields such as inventory usage by month (in the column headings).

Send PCL Codes to Printer - This option sends PCL codes to trigger condensed print on a PCL printer, for the few remaining reports in Rx-Universe that are not generated as PDF documents. These are:
1) batch order report (created at dayend, would be printed from the Report Database)
2) segment location report (print icon on Lens Configuration, Segment Locations grid)
3) lens style report (print icon on Lens Configuration, Lens Styles grid)
4) material report (print icon on Lens Configuration, Lens Materials grid)
5) pre-treatment report (print icon on Lens Configuration, Lens Treatments grid)
6) lens tint report (print icon on Lens Configuration, Lens Tints grid)
7) pattern import report (done after an import from another Rx-Universes system in the Frame Tracings section)

If you are not using a PCL enabled printer, this box should not be checked.

Convert PCL print to PDF before printing - Checking this box will activate PDF printing of all PCL type reports that use PCL codes, PCL statements, PCL work tickets and A/R envelopes. If you are using ONLY PCL5 compatible printers for PCL or PCI work tickets, you won’t need this option checked, but if you print work tickets on any other type of printer, this option SHOULD be checked.

Use City / State fields - When checked, the Customer maintenances screen will contain distinct fields for City and State. This permits reporting based on City and/or state. Labs in North America generally WILL use this option, where labs outside of North America generally will NOT.

Right justify tray numbers - When checked, this will right justify tray numbers in order entry and automatically insert zeroes. ie: if “5” is typed, the tray will be changed to “00005”. This generally SHOULD be checked; the exception would be if a lab is using tray numbers containing a letter (for example BL123), and this usually means they have no equipment they scan the tray number on. As it is exceedingly rare that a lab would NOT be scanning a tray anywhere, this option should normally BE checked.

Include stock jobs in DHS report - When checked, stock jobs will be included in the Days In House report showing the statistics on turnaround time of jobs. Some labs prefer days-in-house totals to reflect only Rx work, in which case this option should NOT be checked.

Tray Optional for Rx jobs - if checked, the entry and use of a tray number is OPTIONAL on Rx orders. This implies that a lab will be scanning the ORDER number at all equipment. Note that a tray number CAN be used for the job, but is in no way required.

Use PDPRINT to print PDF files - Rx-Universe generates a PDF file for most documents, including work tickets, invoices, and any additional documents. These PDF documents are generated and sent to a printer automatically during processing of orders, modifying orders, requesting print of a work ticket / invoice / additional document, etc. Prior to version 7.52.00, Rx-Universe used a program called PDFPRINT.EXE to do this. Beginning with version 7.52.00, Rx-Universe will continue to use PDFPRINT.EXE by default, but a new program, PDPRINT.EXE, can be used instead. One known issue with PDFPRINT was that it would occasionally cause a “hung” instance, on specific printer drivers (this seemed to occur with specific HP drivers). Labs can try PDPRINT as an alternative. Note, PDPRINT is the program used when printing any document from an API endpoint (such as Shippo label printing, or printing frame labels from Rx-Inventory).

OLSS Server - This is the location of the Rx-Universe server used for program, lens, and report updates. If not set, the default IP of (omics.dnsalias.com) will be used. This should only be changed upon the advice or agreement of Rx-Universe personnel, as setting it incorrectly will result in Rx-Universe being unable to obtain any program, lens, report, or table updates from the centralized Rx-Universe data.

OLSS root - This is the default location of files on the Rx-Universe server. This should only be changed upon the advice or agreement of Rx-Universe personnel, as setting it incorrectly will result in Rx-Universe being unable to obtain any program, lens, report, or table updates from the centralized Rx-Universe data.


Tool Usage:

  • Months of history to keep - This field indicates how many months of tool history the Rx-Universe system will store, used for the tool usage report. If the lab is not using aluminum tools this field has no effect.

  • Months of detail to keep - This field shows how many months of daily tool history (detail) Rx-Universe should keep. If the lab is not using aluminum tools this field has no effect.

JT / Remote:

  • Time to shut down - This field is used to automatically pause the Job Tracker, Remote Order Processor, Digital Processor, and Device Sessions to allow for the system backup to be done. The allowable entries are based on a 24 hour clock, “00:00” to “23:59”.

  • Time to Restart - This field is used to automatically un-pause the Job Tracker, Remote Order Processor, Digital Processor, and Device Sessions after the pause to allow for the system backup to be done. The allowable entries are based on a 24 hour clock, “00:00” to “23:59”.

Language - This is the default system language. Note that the language can also be set for specific users, in the User Maintenance screen.

Number of days to keep temp files - Enter the number of days that any temporary files for an order should be kept before being deleted from the system (Max 999 days). Currently this is used for the following files:
1) XML files in the XML folder during dayend

Seconds to pause between printing - when generating multiple PDF documents and submitting them to a print queue, some systems may resequence documents within the print queue (presumably to optimize printing). This can result in documents being printed in a different sequence than they were submitted by Rx-Universe and can create extra work for the lab if the documents need to be sorted to be placed into trays (for example). This setting imposes a delay between submitting each document to the print queue, which can alleviate the resequencing issue, but at the expense of slowing submission of documents for printing. This option is currently used by the Print Open Packing Slips routine, and also when printing a sequence of additional documents (at completion, for example).

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