System Settings - Blocking

System Settings - Blocking

LDCS port - This field is needed only if using the Nucleo or ART blocker with block re-use.

This is the port used for LDCS communication between SatisLoh equipment (blocker, generator, and auto-deblocker) and the LMS; it can be any port not otherwise used, and must be set to the same value on the equipment. The default port is 33520,

Nucleo Max Used - When using SatisLoh ART or Nucleo blocker with the Re-Use Blocks option, this field sets the maximum number of times that the block can be re-used. When a blockpiece has been used more than this number of times, the blocker will be instructed not to re-use the block if it is selected and placed into a tray.

Premium ART Max -

Nucleo blocker tolerances:

Nucleo blocker recalculate - This field contains the tolerance level that will trigger a recalculation of the order. The true front curve of the selected blank will be compared to the front curve measured by the Nucleo blocker, the difference between these curves is compared to the recalculate tolerance level. Any difference over the tolerance level will cause the order to be recalculated.

Nucleo blocker failure tolerance - This field contains the tolerance level that will place an order on hold. The true front curve of the selected blank will be compared to the front curve measured by the Nucleo blocker, the difference between these curves is compared to the failure tolerance level. Any difference over the tolerance level will cause the order to be placed on hold.

Allow tolerance check on spherical lenses - When checked, the tolerance levels will apply to jobs that use spherical type lenses.

Allow tolerance check on aspheric lenses - When checked, the tolerance levels will apply to jobs that use aspheric type lenses.

Allow tolerance check on progressive lenses - When checked, the tolerance levels will apply to jobs that use progressive type lenses.

Reprint W/T when recalculating for Nucleo - When checked, this field will cause the work ticket to be reprinted if the reason for recalculating the job was due to the front curve returned from the Nucleo blocker.

Select ART or Nucleo blocks - If the lab wishes to select the “best” ART or Nucleo block to use, in addition to the default blocking method, check the appropriate box here. When either “select ART blocks” or “select Nucleo blocks” is checked, the work ticket will print both the regular blocking info, and the ART or Nucleo block to be used on the work ticket.

Selection of the ART or Nucleo block is done using the grids on the Nucleo tab in System Parameters.

Default Block Settings:

Blocking method - This field contains what the default method of blocking is for the lab. This can be over-ridden by material, lens style, or on specific jobs. Most common options are:

  • “7” - block will be selected from the list of blocks set up as “dynamic”

  • “0” - block will be set to the default block height and diameter on this screen; no checks will be made for cutter crash, block on segment, etc. This would be used for wax blocking, for example, where cutter crash is not a concern. Option “0” does not calculate set value or actual value on the work ticket.

  • “U” - Nucleo blocking

  • “A” - ART blocking

  • Other options are:
    ”Y”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6” - these options use predefined lists of LOH blocks and switch between them using hard-coded rules. Use of option “7” is recommended over these options “M” and “P” - are for use with the SatisLoh MT-1 generator ONLY. Refer to the Loh Generators QRG for more detailed information regarding this setting.

Default Block Height - This is the default block height (use manufacturer specs). Refer to the Loh Generators QRG for more detailed information regarding this setting.

Default Block Diameter - This si the default block diameter (use manufacturer specs). This field is required for correct calculation of the pseudo front curve. Refer to the Loh Generators QRG for more detailed information regarding this setting.

Generator block diameter - This field contains the generator block diameter used. This is an optional field. Refer to the Loh Generators QRG for more detailed information regarding this setting.

Allowable overlap on blocks - This is the amount of overlap by the segment of any multifocal blank on the rim of a Loh block. When the overlap is less than this amount, OMICS will accept the 58x7 block, otherwise OMICS will automatically switch to an alternate blank.

Note: this setting applies only to the Loh generator setting of “4”. It is disregarded for all other Loh generator values. The suggested setting is from 0.0 to 2.0 mm.

Force Same Blocks Both Eyes - If checked, this causes blocks of the same diameter and height to be selected for both eyes. If not checked, different blocks could be selected for each eye, based on the Rx and requirements of each eye separately.

Default Block Group Toric - this field assigns a default block group when calculating all toric jobs. All block groups setup within Rx-Universe will be selectable.

Default Block Group Digital - this field assigns a default block group when calculating all digital jobs. All block groups setup within Rx-Universe will be selectable.

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