System Settings - Devices

System Settings - Devices

Auto-Attach Trace - When Checked, this setting will allow any frame tracings to be automatically attached to a matching order. If no valid order is found, the trace remains in the system as an orphaned trace that can be retrieved at a later time.

Re-calc job on auto attach - Checking this box will cause Rx-Universe to recalculate the job when a frame is traced and automatically attached to the job. This includes digital jobs, in which case the job will be re-submitted to the digital calculator.

A or B tolerance for recalc - This allows a lab to only recalculate an order based on the size difference between the A or the B measurement. The current trace attached to the order or the box measurements will be compared to the A and B measurements from the trace being attached. If the difference in either the A or the B is greater or equal to the tolerance level, then the recalc will occur. A tolerance set to “0.0” will always cause the recalc to occur.

Print WT on auto attach recalc - When a frame is traced with a tray number and automatically attached to an existing job, the job will be recalculated if the trace measurements differ from the box measurements by more than 0.50 mm, or if the frame type changes on the order. Checking this box will cause a work ticket to be printed when the trace is attached (note that if using the XML user-defined work ticket, this option requires the job tracking module to be active).

Mirror Dual-eye traces - Certain tracers upload independent data for each eye when tracing a frame. This setting allows you to override this tracer feature.

When checked, the data for the left eye will match the data for the right eye with the exception that it will be re-sized to compensate for any difference in the circumference between the two eyes.

When Un-checked, the eyes will use their respective data.

This setting is for OMA devices only.

Send Eyes Switch - This setting controls the sending of left / right eye information for the DVI and OMA device interfaces. It controls the information send to the DVI mode edger request and the OMA edger, generator, surface blocker and finish blocker modes. The setting controls the way that breakage jobs would be sent to the device.
The done flags can be checked from the order browse screen by using the F3-Other Functions then F-11 Job Track Flags. The device done flags are located at the lower right of the screen.

  • when checked - if one-eye on a two-eye job is flagged as done, then don't resend the eye information for the completed eye, only send the un-completed eye.

  • when un-checked - always send the data to the edger.

Use PG7 Pattern Generator - This setting is used if the lab has a PG7 Pattern Generator, if the lab has such a device, then this setting needs to be checked.

Create device file - If checked, this keeps track of order numbers as they are modified or re-calculated in order to create an output file in VCA format for each other, in the DEVFILE folder.

A device session must also be set up in order to cause the VCA output files to be created.

Edger zero setting - This is the zero machine setting of you edger. This value is used as a reference point when Rx-Universe calculates machine settings for one cut edging. The zero machine setting is the setting of the edger which will cut a lens exactly the same size as the pattern or tracing.

Pattern Traces - This setting controls how pattern traces are stored when received from a device. The various settings are:

  • Save trace in pattern file - Saves traces in the pattern database using the supplied tray number.

  • Save trace with Invoice # - Saves trace information under the invoice number from the job number in Order Entry.

  • Read box measurement only - This will only read the box measurements from the trace.

  • Do not save trace - Will not save the trace data in the pattern database.

  • Auto create saved patterns - This feature is only available when the auto attach trace flag is checked. When a trace is received and attached to an order, if the flag is set, and the order has either a frame name entered or a pattern name entered, the trace will also be saved by one of these names if it doesn’t exist. The name used to save the trace will be the frame name first, if available, or the pattern name (as long as the pattern manufacturer is not “FTD” or “INV#” or “SHAP”).

  • Save pattern as calc only - When checked, if an auto-attached trace is saved as a frame name also, this flag will set the created pattern as a calculation only trace (not usable for edging).

OMA - DOFBLK Settings - The two check boxes control how an OMA device that requests this label will have the parameter set. If either the Semi-Finished or Finished lines are checked, then the OMA interface program will ignore the existence of coatings (AR or Mirror) that are normally checked before setting the DOFBLK parameter.

When the lines are not checked, the OMA program verifies that the required coatings are either on the lenses from the factory, or that the associated service required field is set to Done. These checks are done independently for each eye.

RxServer Options:

  • Send results to RxServer - this selects whether the job order number or tray number is used as the job number in RxServer. RxServer supports only one number as the reference number, so only one of these numbers can be sent from Rx-Universe. If devices are attached to RxServer, this will be the number used at devices to request the job.

  • Get jobs from RxServer - If checked, Rx-Universe maintains a file of orders to be interfaced with RxServer.

LOH prism settings - These settings control what formula will be used to calculate Loh prism. The settings are:

  • Use OMICS formula - Uses the OMICS formula to calculate prism.

  • Use Loh formula - Uses the Loh formula to calculate prism.

  • Use Loh formula (revision 1999) - Uses the Loh 1999 formula to calculate prism.

Print rounded prism on work ticket - When checked, this will round the prism on the work ticket. When un-checked, the prism will not be rounded on the work tickets. This setting is not recommended if you’re using prism rings.

Drill point edge tolerance - This value is used when checking the drill points to se if they are inside the trace. This value represents the amount of lens that must be present between the end of a drill point and the edge of the cut lens in order for the drill point to validate. This value is only used to display a warning when modifying drill points and does not stop the user from accepting drill points that may be outside the cut lens.

ELLH Options:

  • ELLH thickness breakpoint - This is the minimum cribbed thickness value that will trigger elliptical cribbing. If a lenses cribbed thickness is below this threshold, then ELLH will be calculated for the lens.

  • ELLH maximum difference - This value contains the maximum allowable difference from the crib diameter that’s allowed to be saved. When the ELLH is calculated, its value cannot be less than (CRIB Diameter - Max Difference).

  • ELLH maximum percentage - This value contains the maximum allowable percentage difference from the crib diameter that’s allowed to be saved. When the ELLH is calculated, its value cannot be less than (CRIB Diameter * Max Percentage).

Attach FTD trace if within X days - Specify a cutoff for number of days for FTD traces - if trace is older than this number of days, the trace will NOT be attached to a new job in this tray. A setting of 0 means date will not be checked.

Allow VCA interface to use order PO# - When checked, when the job number is scanned at an VCA device workstation, if the scanned number is greater than 8 characters, then the device interface will attempt to locate the order using the PO number. Also, when entering an order, if the PO# is greater than 8 characters, the live orders will be checked to make sure that the entered PO# is unique.

Validate order PO# for VCA - This field is only active when the “Allow VCA interface to use order PO#” is checked. When this field is checked, it causes the order entry programs to validate the PO number entered, it makes it a required field (no spaces allowed), checks the entered data for imbedded spaces and verifies that the length is 9 characters or more.

Do NOT auto create NEW TCP/IP devices - Previously, if the LMS received a request from a VCA device, over TCP/IP, for an IP address which wasn’t already configured, it would automatically create an entry in the device table for that device.

While this is convenient when connecting several new devices, it can sometimes NOT be desired, when using a device which is configured with a dynamic IP address, as the newly created entries in the device table will not be configured with any special parameters needed for the device.

This checkbox now allows a lab to choose that new, unrecognized TCP/IP devices will NOT have entries automatically created in the device table.

Check the device IP when communicating - When this is checked, TCP device sessions will use the IP of the device that’s communicating to find the correct entry from the device parameters for the workstation device session that is started.

If no match is found, the program will either create a new device parameter (depending on the setting of the “Do NOT auto create NEW TCP/IP devices”) or the communication will time out with nothing sent to the requesting device.

Crib group w/o AR coating - This allows the lab to select a crib group for jobs which d not have AR on them.

Crib group with AR coating - This allows the lab to select a crib group for jobs which have AR on them.


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