Surface Block groups

Surface Block groups

Surface blocks must be associated to a block group. To access the block groups, select the “Block Groups” maintenance program from the “Setup” menu. The block groups available are listed in the browse grid. If the group has colors associated with the group, “yes” will be shown in the color column.

Selecting a group or adding a new one will access the Block Group” maintenance screen.

The fields available in this screen are as follows:

  • Block group - Enter a number from 1 to 9 that indicates the blocking group

  • Description - Enter a description for the blocking group

  • Color table - The color table is optional and does not need to be used. To add or delete grid lines, right click on the color grid. When entering colors, the radius of curvature(radii) must be entered in ascending order. The colors only print on the work tickets and have no other effect on an order. The colors are based on the radius of curvature of the lens front curve. The color grid is searched for a range and that color is printed on the work ticket. The formula used to calculate the radius of curvature value is as follows:
    Radius of curvature = (Ind - 1) / 1000) / FC
    where "Ind" is the front curve index of refraction from the related material, and "FC" is the lens front curve.