Changing the Executable Path of a Windows Service

Changing the Executable Path of a Windows Service

Performing this action requires administrator permissions and involves making changes to the Windows registry using RegEdit.

If any of the RxUniverse or Rx-Suite Windows services are failing to start, the issue could be related to an incorrect path to the service executable. This can occur if RxU or Rx-S is originally installed to one location (Eg: C:\RxUniverse\) but the installation has to be moved to another folder.

In the following scenario, Rx-Suite was originally deployed to C:\sites\. However, the customer now wants it to be deployed to E:\sites\. The example below will only show the steps for the Rx-Hub module, however they are near-identical for the rest of the Rx-Suite modules.

(The path to Ruby will remain the same.)


To check a the executable path of a Windows service, right click on it in the Windows Services Manager, and select “properties”:

Changing this directory requires the use of the RegEdit registry editor. Always be cautious when editing a system’s registry, as any mistakes may lead to system instability.

To launch RegEdit, press Windows (command key) + R on your keyboard to bring up the Run Command Window. Then type “regedit”, and hit enter:


This will launch the Windows Registry Editor:

Using the file tree menu on the left, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services. This is where the registry settings for Windows Services are defined:

Find the service you wish to modify (in this case Rx-Hub), and click on it to bring up the service properties:

For this process, we are only interested in the “ImagePath” property. Double click on “ImagePath” to edit the property:

Once the desired path has been entered, click “Ok” to update the ImagePath property. The next time the Windows Service starts, it will use the new path:


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