Remove Watermark "Evaluation of VeryPDF PDFPrint"

Remove Watermark "Evaluation of VeryPDF PDFPrint"

Using a DOS command prompt on the Thin Client Workstation, go to the "thin_client_folder\PCLTOPDF"

Type in the following command:

  • PDFPRINT.EXE -$"93Q4574143D8P3PRE267"   And press the "Enter" key. 

Note: There is no space between the -$ and 9.

If the command was successful, you will see "Thank you for choosing our product.".   If you do not see this message, the license did not register.

In my experience, I would insert a space between the -$ and the 9 (-$ "93Q4574143D8P3PRE267") and press the enter key.  I would see a bunch of lines going up my screen; like an error and the program help information.

I would then enter the command line again but this time removing the space between the -$ and the 9 (-$"93Q4574143D8P3PRE267") and pressing the [Enter] key.  This time I would get the "Thank you for choosing our product." message.

If after all of this, it still showing the watermark, try logging into that computer as “Administrator”…maybe I should of led the my instructions with this 😊

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