EssilorFrance digital calculations

EssilorFrance digital calculations

If you are experiencing communication issues or unexpected results when processing calculation requests via DEO France, the communication program can be run in a "demo" mode.

To start the program in demo mode, from a command prompt type the following:

    EssilorFrance.exe function, URL, a, b, login, password, c, d

  • function - demo, submit, check, get, surf
  • URL - deo-test.rxdigitalplatform.com/DcsService.svc  or the name of the current URL
  • a  -  LMS file name
  • b -  LDS file name
  • login - login ID provided by Essilor France for the lab
  • password - password associated with the login ID
  • c - order number for the job
  • d - requestType - Feasibility or ManufacturingData

ie :  EssilorFrance.exe demo deo-test.rxdigitalplatform.com/DcsService.svc digital/essilor/11004844.LDS digital/essilor/11004844.LMS 04b3e4f0-2ba8-4867-bd7b-02a05b9a3f80 8fb3927b-2a57-4be6-8175-ae1055346d80 11004844 Feasibility

The demo mode will display an interactive screen and allow you to control the communications with the Web Service to pin point where the problem may be occurring.

The contents of the "Input file" will be displayed in the top box.  Pressing the "Submit input document" will send the request to the DEO WebService and if successful, will return a value in the Ticket (GUID) field.  At any time, if errors are encountered, they can be viewed by clicking the "errors" tab.

To check if the calculations are ready, press the "Check if results available" button, this will result in either a true or false condition displayed in the "Check results" box.  

Once results are available, press the "Get LMS" button to retrieve the calculation results, these will be placed in the file name listed in the "Output File" box, as well as displayed in the results window box.  

To determine the type of surface point  file to retrieve, you need to review the LMS file looking for the LDPATH line, the file extension of the LDPATH determines what type of surface points request to make.   Make sure you have file names entered to place the surface point inquiry results into before pressing the "Get Surface R/L" buttons.   Once the WebService returns a valid surface point file, it will be displayed in the results window, replacing the display of the LMS file.