National Optronics LMATID codes

National Optronics LMATID codes

Rx-Universe supports the "standard" set of LMATID codes used by National Optronics devices.  These codes (as of the present time) are:

0 - Plastic CR-39
1 - Polycarbonate
2 - Plastic Hi-Index (index > 1.51)
3 - Trivex
4 - Thick Polycarbonate
5 - Plastic Hi-Index with AR
6 - Polycarbonate with AR
7 - Plastic CR-39 with AR

If the device identifies itself as manufacturer "NOP", these settings will be used in precedence over any device codes or VCA table entries. To over-ride this (to prevent using the codes even if the device identifies itself as "NOP", set the manufacturer override on the device to something other than "NOP", as follows:

Identifying Lenses With AR

Settings 5, 6, and 7 indicate materials with AR on them.  Rx-Universe identifies a lens as having AR on it in two ways:

  1. If the blank itself (usually a finished lens) has a pretreatment on it which is tagged as AR in the treatment setup:
  2. If the job has been through a job station which indicates that AR has been done:

Identifying "Thick Polycarbonate"

Setting 4 for NOP indicates that a lens is a "thick poly" lens.  In Rx-Universe, this is set based on the power of the lens, and the breakpoint is set on the poly material setting, "Devices" tab:

In the above example, if either the SPHERE power, or the SPHERE+CYL power is less than -4.00D, and the lens is poly, then LMATID would be set to 4 instead of 1.  Note that the check for "thick poly" is done BEFORE the check for AR coating, so a -6.00 poly lens, with AR, would still have LMATID=4, with the above settings.  If the lab prefers the AR setting to over-ride the "thick poly" setting, you would need to lower the thickness breakpoint to something like -20.00 (which effectively means the "thick poly" setting would never be used).

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