GDEPTH and GWIDTH settings

GDEPTH and GWIDTH settings

Groove Depth (GDEPTH) and Groove Width (GWIDTH) can be set in several places in Rx-Universe.

First, it can be set as a default for a specific device, on the Edger tab of a VCA (OMA) device:

This is the first default that will be used.

The groove depth and width can also be set on a specific frame trace; if the frame trace is set to a “groove” edge type (on the VCA tab), then these values take precedence over any other setting:

If it is not set on the trace record (or if there is no trace record), then the frame type record will be checked to see if the “groove” settings are set and they would be used:

If it is not set on the frame type record, and the frame was set as a “groove” edge type,, the setting from the material screen would be used: