Lens Catalogue
The "Lens Catalogue" is a database list of hundreds of different lens style offered by the lens manufacturers. This is where you would browse for the lens styles that you would want available in your Order Entry via either the manual or automatic blank selection process.
In other words, you have to browse the "Lens Catalogue" and mark active the lens needed for your lab operations, once completed this will then perform a Mass update process of your lens inventory (database) and update it with the new active lenses.
"Lens Catalogue" is defined and updated by OMICS Software Inc. can be update in the system menu under the lens update option.
To access the "Lens Catalogue" function; from the Main Menu:
- Go into the "Inventory" & Select the "Lens Catalogue" option:
In order to browse the Lens Catalogue database you have to use the Search for field using comma separated values in the format below
Manuf,Mat,Style,Depth,Width,SForF..... (Manufacture,Material,Style,Depth,Width,SemiFinish or Finish,Diameter,Tint,Treatment,Upper Add Power,OPC Code)
In the Example below we are looking for a Sola,Plastic,Single Vision,-,-,S
Alternatively you could also search using the "Search By OPC" field, in this case for the same Lens it would be "0101126985"
If you click on the selected lens above you will get the screen below
A new option has been added for semi-finished lenses. You can now enter OPC codes within the lens catalogue by clicking the OPC button.
A new screen will appear showing all base/add combinations from the lens catalogue screen and either a single OPC column or right/left OPC columns dependent upon the lens style. If the OPC codes already exist in Rx-Universe, they will be displayed; otherwise a blank field will be displayed. You can enter the OPC codes manually or by using a scanner.
Once you have finished entering the OPC codes, click the Save icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Before creating a new Lens Catalogue entry for a new lens, make sure the Manufacturer Code, Material Code, Lens Style Code, Tint Code and the Treatment Code exist in their own individual Databases.