Device Interface Error Codes

Device Interface Error Codes

Once a device has been set up in Rx-Universe, the screen will show the status of each request from a device. On occasion, a device will request a job and the desired data will not be sent to the device. When this happens, Rx-Universe displays a status message on the screen which explains what has been requested, and why the information could not be sent. These status codes and their meanings are explained in this document.

The device interface screen in Rx-Universe looks similar to the screen below. The particular devices listed will differ depending on your configuration.

The first part of the line indicates the port the device is connected to; in this case, port 1. The next two parts indicate the manufacturer and model of the device; in this case it shows the device is a “SATISLOH” “VFT-orbit”. The next part indicates the type of device this is. The valid values for this field are:

TRC – a frame tracing device
EDG – an edger
SBL – a surface blocker
GEN – a generator
FBL – a finishing blocker
PAT – a pattern maker
OMA – an OMA-compatible (VC-compatible) device

The next field, set to “VC DEVICE” in this example, is the remarks specified in the Device Interface Parameter screen, which is used strictly for display purposes and to help the lab identify the device if more then one device is used for each type.

The next three fields are of most interest when diagnosing a problem with communication. These fields, in order, indicate the tray/order number, the time of the last request, and the status of the last request.

The tray/order number shows the number specified by the device. Note that this number will normally be right-justified and padded with zeroes on the left. Thus, if job number ‘12’ was specified at the device, it would appear as ‘00012’ on the device screen. This can be very useful in cases where the job number is not being transmitted by the device correctly. For example, if job number ‘12345’ was specified at the device, and it appears on the device I/F screen as ‘01234’, that is an indication to the lab that there is a communication problem between the device and the interface. (This scenario likely indicates a timing issue, requiring a change to the timing parameters for that device in the “Device Interface Parameter’” screen).

The time indicates the time of the last request by the device. Again, this is useful in verifying that requests are being received by the PC in a timely manner from the device(s).

The status field is the most interesting field in diagnosing communication problems. When a request is received from a device, processed, and the data returned, this status message displays the value ‘GOOD’. If data cannot be returned for any reason, various status messages will appear in this field, as explained below:

AccM – the customer (Account) record for the order does not exist
ACK – Acknowledgement request – indicates a request for an acknowledgement was received from an Optek device and an acknowledgement has been sent
ACTV – Actual Value – indicates the LOH actual value was less than the LOH set value for a job requested by the classic LOH protocol.
BAD – Bad Trace – this message is returned by the National Optronics serial tracer interface. It indicates a problem with the tracing data received from the tracer. If the problem persists, it may be related to the timing parameters.
BCRC – Bad CRC (bad redundancy check).
BLDI – Blank Diameter – indicates the blank diameter was either less than 40mm or greater than 90mm for a job requested by a classic LOH protocol device.
BLKH – Block Height – indicates the block height was either less than 7mm or greater than 13mm for a job requested by a classic LOH interface device.
BLKD – Block Diameter – indicates the block diameter was either less than 40mm or greater than 68mm for a job requested by a classic LOH interface device.
BSTL – Base Tool – indicates the base tool was either less than –20.00D or greater than 0.00D for a job requested by a classic LOH interface device.
CFG – Configuration – this indicates that a configuration record has been received from an Optek generator.
CLBS - the intermediate calculation file (created by the CLBS process) is required, but the CLBS file could not be located. This often means a step was skipped in the blocking process.
COOL – Cooling Time – this error appears when a job is requested on a generator before the cooling time specified for the blocker in the “Device Interface Parameter” screen.
CSTL – Cross Tool – indicates the cross tool was either less than –20.00D or greater than 0.00D for a job requested by a classic LOH interface device.
DSCD – Discarded – indicates that extra characters were received and have been discarded by the interface.
ERNR – End of Record Not Received – indicates that the ‘end of record’ character was not received by Rx-Universe to indicate the end of the transmission. An actual ‘end of record’ character is only sent by a few devices.
ERR! – Error – this message indicates an internal problem with the software. You will need to contact software support.
ES10 - used for the TSM30 interface only, indicates the device type is not recognized
ES13 – Generator record is missing.
FINE – this is a synonym for GOOD, and indicates the request was received, processed, and sent back to the device successfully.
Flow – Job Flow Error – occurs when a job is requested on a device and not all required job flags are done. For example, if AR is required on a job and identified as required before edging, if a job is requested on an edger for which AR is needed but not yet applied, an error “Flow” will be raised. A Flow error will also be raised if lens pick verification is required, but has not yet been done.
Fmsg – Frame Missing – this indicates that an order was requested which requires a trace to be attached (for example, from a finish blocker or edger), but for which no trace is attached to the order. This can also happen if a trace IS attached, but is marked as for calculations only..
GenM – Generator (device) data Missing – indicates that the generator record (which contains data for various devices) is missing for the order requested. Please re-generate a work ticket for this order and retry the request from the device.
GOOD – this indicates that the request was received correctly and the desired data was found and transmitted to the device.
GTRY – Good Tray – this message is returned by some devices; it differs from the ‘GOOD’ status only in that it indicates the tracing information comes from an ‘orphaned’ trace (which is a trace not associated with a particular order) as opposed to a trace that is linked to a particular order.
IniR - the session ID sent by the device was not recognized (not previously initialized) so Rx-Universe has requested re-initialization with the device (indicated in the log file by STATUS=5). Note that some devices do not recognize this request (even though it is in the standard).
LnsM – Lens code Missing – indicates that data was requested for an order, but that the lens code for one of the eyes did not exist in the lens code table. The order in question should be modified, the lens codes, etc., verified, a work ticket produced for the job, and the device request attempted again.
MatM – Material Missing – indicates that a request was made for a job that contains a material that is not defined in the material table. The order should be manually modified to ensure data is correct, recalculated (by producing a work ticket) and the request made again from the device. If the problem continues, contact software support.
MesE - the MES host was not ready
NCNV – Number of Characters Invalid – indicates that the number of characters received identifying the tray number for the trace is incorrect. If the problem persists, try changing the timing parameters in the ‘Device Interface Parameter’ screen, or calling software support for assistance.
NoPo – No Polling Card – this message (used only by the Weco Polling Card Interface) indicates that the interface has been unable to communicate with the Weco polling card. The problem will generally be with either the communications or timing parameters for the device, or with the cabling between the card and the device PC.
OCTH – OC Thickness – indicates the OC thickness was less than 1.0mm for a job requested by a classic LOH device interface.
Oper - the device is flagged as requiring an Operator to have been scanned, and no Operator code has been scanned.
Pmsg – Pattern Missing – indicates that there is no tracing in Rx-Universe with the specified tray number.
Prsm – Prism – indicates that required prism was not blocked on the job - ie the remaining prism to be generated exceeds the capacity of this generator to manufacture..
RCT1 or RCT0 – Read Character Timeout – indicates a session had started to be received by Rx-Universe, but that the transmission had paused and had not resumed before Rx-Universe timed out. If the timeout happens frequently, it may be a problem with the timing parameters in the “Device Interface Parameter” screen, or you may wish to contact software support for assistance.
REPT – this indicates that the tray number just requested was a repeat of the last one requested. In the case of LOH interfaces, when Rx-Universe encounters this situation it will not resend the data to the device; other devices will still send data for a repeated tray request.
SETV – Set Value – indicates the LOH set value was less than 1.00 for a job requested by a LOH device.
STAT – Status check – indicates a status request was received from an Optek device and an acknowledgement has been sent
TRAY – accompanied by “MISSING” in the tray number field, indicates a missing tray number from the device. This is often a timing issue solved by changing the timing parameters in the “Device Interface Parameter” screen for that device.
WBTY – Warning, Bad Tray – this message is returned by LOH device interfaces, which send a 6-digit tray number instead of 5 digits to Rx-Universe, with the last digit indicating the right or left eye requested. This message indicates that the tray number requested did not meet this criteria.
WDC – Warning, Data Corrupted – indicates the data received by Rx-Universe did not make sense. If the problem persists, it may be alleviated by changing the timing parameters on the ‘Device Interface Parameter’ screen, or call software support for assistance.
WIF – Warning, Invalid Format – indicates the data received by Rx-Universe did not make sense. If the problem persists, it may be alleviated by changing the timing parameters on the ‘Device Interface Parameter’’ screen, or call software support for assistance.
WJNF – Warning, Job Not Found – indicates that Rx-Universe was able to find an order, but the device information was not present. This could be because calculations were never done on the job.
WMDM – Warning, Materials Don’t Match – this error indicates that the material generator code (found on the material code database) does not match the material used for the job. Generators such as the Gerber SG series use a table of materials built in to the generator software. When a job is processed, Rx-Universe needs to send the material code for that generator. These codes are set up in the material code database in a field called “Generator Code”. If this field is not set, the information cannot be sent to the generator, and this error message will result.
WONF – Warning, Order Not Found – indicates that a valid, uncompleted order for the job number specified does not exist in the order table. In order to interface to a device, a job number must be associated with an order which is not yet completed, not pending completion, has been validated, and has not been marked for deletion or placed on hold. It must also be of the correct type for the device (for example, if you request a job with finished lenses on a generator, Rx-Universe will not send the job, since there is no generating to be done, and will raise a WONF condition).
WONV – Warning, Order Not Valid – Rx-Universe was able to locate the order desired by the device, but the order is either unvalidated or not valid to send to the device for another reason.
WPNF – Warning, Pattern Not Found – indicates that the desired order was found, but there was no tracing attached to it.
WTDM – Warning, Trace Data Missing – this message indicates that a tracing was found, but it is associated with a different order or has already been used. Verify the tracing in the order in question.
WTNF – Warning, Trace Not Found – indicates that the desired order was found, but there was no tracing attached to it.
WTNM – Warning, Tray Number Missing – this indicates a request was received from a device but the tray number was missing from the request.
WTNO – Warning, Tray Not Orphaned – An orphaned trace is one which exists in the tracing (pattern) file in Rx-Universe, but which is not associated with an order. This usually indicates a frame that was traced for a job that was not entered in Rx-Universe, but for which a patternless edger or finish blocker will be used. This error is returned when the only trace for a tray number found is an orphaned trace, but which has already been used.
WTNV – Warning, Tray Not Valid – there is no device information for the tray number specified by the device.
WWNF – Warning, Weco Trace Not Found – this message can only occur when a request is received from a Weco edger or blocker. It indicates that Rx-Universe was expecting a trace made with a Weco tracer, but the Weco tracing information is not available. Should this error occur, please contact software support.
X254 – this indicates an output buffer overflow. Please contact software support.
XBOF – Transmission Buffer Overflow – more than the maximum number of characters permitted for this device were received without recognition of a value request. This can indicate a problem with baud rate, parity, etc., or with the device actually connected to the computer not matching what Rx-Universe expected the device to be.
XIDF – Transmission Error (Data Format) – the data sent is not in the format expected. This could be due to incorrect settings for baud rate, parity, etc., or due to the wrong device being specified in Rx-Universe compared to what is actually connected to that port.
XICD – Transmission Error – the communication session timed out waiting for an <ACK> from the device.
XIDE – Transmission Error (Data for Eye) – indicates invalid data exists for at least one eye for a job requested by a LOH device.
XNC1 – Transmission Not Completed – this indicates that more characters than were expected were received from the tracing device. This could be alleviated by changing the timing parameters in the ‘Device Interface Parameter’’ screen, or may require contacting software support for assistance.


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