Pin Beveling

Pin Beveling

Pin Beveling can be specified for the back of a lens (label PINB), and for the front of a lens (label FPINB).

Pin Beveling (also sometimes called safety bevel) is set by Material, on the "Devices" tab of the material:

Pin beveling is specified as a value in mm, defined in the VC standard as:

The first columns, called "--Regular–" allow the lab to specify the amount of pin beveling, for each of the front and back of the lens, to use for non-rimless frames, by different eye sizes (often, more pin beveling is desired for larger lenses, to minimize the effect of the extra thickness, especially on minus lenses). Often, pin bevel is applied only to the back side of a beveled lens.

The second columns allow the lab to specify the pin beveling for rimless frames; often, a lab will pin bevel both the front and the back of a rimless lens, for cosmetic reasons.

A value of 0, such as used in the "Regular Front" example here, causes pin beveling not to be done.

The lab may also click "Bypass pin bevel settings", which causes pin beveling to be suppressed for all jobs (PINB=0, FPINB=0).



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