Shamir Report

Shamir Report


Shamir wishes to receive monthly reports of Shamir lens usage (both blanks and Rx Only products, credits, redo’s, etc).  The ASCII file may be automatically transferred from each participating Rx-Universe lab via e-mail as part of the month end process or generated manually.

When reporting, the report looks at each order in the date range specified, and for each order, checks the Shamir table to see if there is an OPC associated with that combination of lens style, material, coating and colour – if there is, it reports using the OPCs in the Shamir table.  This would be the case for all Freeform lenses, where there are no OPCs associated with the lens blanks, but rather associated with the designs.  If there is no entry in the Shamir table, then the report uses the OPC code associated with the lenses from inventory. This table of Shamir OPC reporting codes is maintained by OLSS, and can be downloaded by a lab using the “Web update” icon at the top of the screen:


Coatings may also be reported, by creating a reporting entry with wildcards for the lens information, and the specific addon code to be reported on; for example, to create a reporting entry for SGP:


As of January 2025, the specific codes expected by Shamir are:

Coating Code in LMS monthly report

Coating Full description


Glacier Plus


Glacier Expression


Glacier Sun



The Shamir Report is found under “Reports”, “Order Reports”, “Manufacturer Reports”, “Shamir report”.


Setting Up Manufacturer For Report

The Shamir account number must be entered in the Omics manufacturer database.  From the “Main menu” in Omics, select “System Databases” and “Manufacturers”.  Find the “SHAM” record and use the <F7> key to edit.  Use the “enter” key to reach the “Report Code” field and enter your own account number.  The account number may not exceed 6 digits. 

Setting Up The Reporting Table

The report (and file) will report on all Shamir finished and semi-finished lens blanks used by the lab by ship to account number, plus all Shamir descriptions listed in the Shamir Translation table in Rx-Universe.  This translation table is intended to be used for Freeform jobs ordered, whether processed at that lab or elsewhere, and provides the OPC translation for those Freeform styles.

Upon entering the report from the menu, the user is presented with a standard browse screen for a file describing the different lens and coating descriptions for the Freeform jobs.  Standard Shamir lenses, such as Genesis and Creation, need not be entered in the table below as they will be automatically included in the report.  The table allows any combination of lens style, material, lens color and lens pretreatment to be specified for the report. 

When creating/modifying records in this file, the following fields are available for specifying lenses:

Lens Style: This is the lens style of the lens, from the lens style database.  This is a browse field, so using <F7> on this field will access the lens style browse window.

Material: This is the material of the lens to be reported.  This is also a browse field, so pressing <F7> on this field will access the material browse window.

Color: This field is used to report lenses individually by color or tint; for example, the lab might want to differentiate between Poly clear and Poly Transitions for a particular lens.  To report separate colors, this would be the code for tint or color used in the inventory file for lenses.  It may also be set to “ZZZ”, which indicates that all colors/tints are to be reported.  Note that leaving this field blank indicates white lenses, not all lenses.

Pre-treatment: Like the color field, this field is used to separate lenses with certain pre-treatments (or none) for reporting purposes.  Again, a value of “ZZZ” indicates all pre-treatments, whereas a blank field indicates a lens with no pretreatment.

Right Lens OPC: This is the right OPC for the Freeform style that you defined above.

Left Lens OPC:  This is the left OPC for the Freeform style that you defined above.


Generating A Report Manually

To generate a report manually, press the printer icon on the toolbar at the top of the Shamir Report browse window.  A standard report window will appear, similar to the following:

Note that for this report the COMPLETION DATE of the order is used when determining what orders to include in the report.

When “Run Report” is pressed, Rx-Universe will generate both the report and the Shamir file.  The file is created in the default Rx-Universe folder (usually \RxUniverse) on the server, with a filename of AAAAAAYYYYMMDD.CSV, where AAAAAA = report code field from manufacturer “SHAM”, YYYY = year, MM = month and DD = day.  The user will be prompted to send the report to Shamir. If you answer “Yes”, the AAAAAAYYYYMMDD.CSV file will be e-mailed to Shamir automatically.


Generating the Shamir Reporting Automatically (at Month-End)


To generate a report automatically, you must check the “Run Shamir Report Automatically at Month End” field.  This is done under “System Parameters”, “System Settings”, “Dayend Parms” tab.

The month end process will create the report and the Shamir file and will also automatically e-mail the file to Shamir.




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