Cost of Sales by Customer Report
This report can be found in the report menu, under Order Reports and Completed Orders. You must have the Pricing module installed in order to have access to this report.
This report will:
give you the breakdown of costs and sales for a specified date and customer range
print by Bill To, Ship To or Ordered By
give you the option to include the cost of breakages
give you the option to include remakes
print one line for Rx jobs and one line for Stock jobs per customer
also include Report Groups
If the report is printed by “Bill To”, this will be the Customer on the jobs
IF the report is printed by “Ship To”, this will be the Ship To on the jobs
If the report is printed by “Ordered By”, this will be the Customer on the jobs UNLESS the customer is a VSP account. In that case, the Ship To will be used
Below is an example of this report.