Orders Production Report - Breakage

Orders Production Report - Breakage

This report can be found in the Reports menu, under Order Reports, then Legacy Reports.

The Production Report reports on breakages for completed orders, orders that are pending completion (shipped but not gone through a day end), and incomplete orders (not shipped). The report is most useful for labs using breakage sub fields.

You can select a date range, whether or not the report should include the breakage cost, and whether or not the report should include remake jobs. Each of these options will be discussed below.


Start Date / End Date - enter the desired date range. This affects only the Completed Jobs section of the report, filtering the data by ship date.

Include Breakage Cost - if checked, the report will include the cost of breakages based on the cost of the inventory item

Include Remakes - if checked, the report will include orders flagged as remakes in the data


Please see a sample report below


Information on how fields are calculated:

Breakage % - The number of lenses or frames broken by the department divided by the overall number of items of the same type processed for the entire lab

% of Total - The number of lenses and frames broken by the department divided by the overall number of items broken for the entire lab

Breakage Cost - The number of units broken times the value of the broken units

Please note that jobs that are pending completion (shipped but not gone through a day end) are considered complete by this report. Also note that the Incomplete Jobs section of the report is a snapshot of the current wip that includes all incomplete jobs and is not affected by the selected date range.

When a reverse breakage is performed on a job, this decreases the count for the most recent breakage Department/Reason the order has recorded for that item.

The Today’s Breakages table is built from all breakages that have occurred since the most recent scheduled day-end based on the System Setting Time to start Day-End

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