Breakage Percentage Report

This report can be found in the Reports menu, under Order Reports, then Legacy Reports.



The Breakage Percentage Report reports on all breakages entered in a range of dates.

You can select a date range, whether or not the report should include the breakage cost, and whether or not the report should include remake jobs. Each of these options will be discussed below.





Start Date / End Date - enter the desired date range. All breakages in the selected range will be counted. Percentage calculations will be based on all jobs marked shipped in the date range.

Detail View - if checked, the report will include rows breaking down the breakages by department and position - this is only of value to labs using Breakage Sub Codes

Simple Text Report - if checked, the report will generate in PDF format

Export to comma delimited file (CSV) - if checked, the report will generate in CSV format

Please see sample reports below

Summary View (Detail View unchecked)


Detailed View

Information on how fields are calculated:

Lenses Shipped - The count of all jobs marked Complete or Pending Completion in the date range

Count - The number of lenses broken for the specific reason in the date range.

% All Brk - Equal to Count for this row / Count of all breakages in range

% All Lenses - Equal to Count for this row / Lenses Shipped

SV- The number of breakages entered for single vision lenses for this reason in this range

Prog- The number of breakages entered for progressive lenses for this reason in this range

Bifocal - The number of breakages entered for bifocal lenses for this reason in this range

Trifocal - The number of breakages entered for trifocal lenses for this reason in this range

Plastic - The number of breakages entered for plastic lenses for this reason in this range

Poly - The number of breakages entered for poly lenses for this reason in this range

Hi-Index - The number of breakages entered for hi-index lenses for this reason in this range

Glass - The number of breakages entered for glass lenses for this reason in this range

Trivex - The number of breakages entered for trivex lenses for this reason in this range