Satisloh Generator Errors

Satisloh Generator Errors

“Prism angle not between 0 and max”

Despite the wording, this error has to do with the total amount of prism and not the angle of the prism. The confusion stems from Satisloh’s use of “angular degrees” to indicate prism.

The error means one of two things:

  1. the GPRVM sent exceeds the ability of the generator - generators such as the VFT Micro and VFT Macro do not have the same prism range as an Orbit, for example, and if the amount of prism requested is more than the generator can produce, that will cause this error. You might be able to resolve by blocking more prism.
    Also, ensure that the “max prism” values are set correctly for each different device.

  2. the surface point file can’t be cut by the generator. This could be related to the flatness or steepness of the curve (as defined by the SDF or surface point file), or could be related to the amount of decentration of the design relative to the center of the blank. Running the same job on a steeper base curve will sometimes resolve this.



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