Digital Surface Error Messages
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This document identifies some common digital errors and possible solutions.
Error Listing
Error Message | Possible Solutions | |
1 | 1Back-R too small | Combination of frame measurements and corridor length. Or back curve will not work with power of lens |
2 | Backward calculation impossible: 8_CalculerDSparamConditionFrontoWithRadi | Needed to change to short design. Comfort 2 DRX to Comfort 2 Short DRX |
3 | badUsage RxML Schema validation fails | Product code sent as FFSV needed SV |
4 | Calculation was terminated because it was found that the lathe will crash into the alloy. (Solution is on Prescriptor setup done by lab or Shamir) | Maximum diameter for the 48x10 block set to 60. The ED in this case was 54.6 and your edging overage is set to 6mm so the lens diameter was 60.6. I have set the 48x10 maximum diameter to 61 for now but if you run into this issue often I would suggest raising it further or lowering the overage. |
5 | calculation\247Missing Blank Occurence | Err Msg: 4011; Cylinder was out of power range. |
6 | calculationºFree blank out of range | Trying to order FBO in Trivex |
7 | calculationºLeft glass : Surface data not found: D:\APPS\SCG\SCGv23.15.2.1\Exe\COLLARD_ROSE_MAIN_5 | Sent to Rita which in turn sent to Bernard |
8 | Call made to CARLZEISS FAILED | No obvious error listed on ticket but from_rxcp job number not parsed Showed error TechnicalDescription=severe\247Xml validation error on result of Action plug : Routing_CalculatorEngine_Optic |
9 | Cannot complete oblique central refraction calculations | Signet needed to update software. |
10 | Can't find product code | Translation was missing for CBT name |
11 | Could not find thickness scheme | Lab forced base curves out of the BRS range (Shamir) |
12 | Could not find thickness scheme | Shamir would not allow the PG3 Element with 1.60 |
13 | Crib diameter (85.5mm) is greater than the blank diameter (82.0mm) | Added SIGNETRX to sm_max_dec 30 30 |
14 | CRIB size on ticket does not match CRIB size on generator | Enable on digital side CUSTOM CONFIGURATION EDITOR -------------------------------------------------- Calling Program: [LAYOUT ] Field Name: [USE RXCP CRIB DIAM ] Enabled: [Y] Character Setting: [ ] Float Setting: [ ] Integer Setting: [ ] Comment: Enable to use any returned crib diameter |
15 | EDSO has not returned a sdf result within 300.00 seconds. Sub error on EDSO calculator: STATUS=20;Error generating right eye points file; Blank not suitable for calculated back surface. | Re-ran job on flatter base. |
16 | EncompassingDiameter not in the range. | Cut issue. If this is a generic shape try using a smaller ED. If lab has the frame have them trace it. Another job failed because ED was too small |
17 | Err Msg: 15;severeā¬ºUnable to find additionalEngraving objects: file which shold contains layouts was not found \\Frer0960\EOA_Layout_Files\Engraving\Electronic_Layouts\Definity III Long R. | Kitting code (Engraving code) was missing on digital in 3 14 3 for TR DE3 |
18 | ERROR - Label DOES NOT have all its Dependency labels ( LMFR ---> (BCTHK) & (FRNT) & (DIA) & (BACK | Freeblank and BRS lightups were not on. |
19 | Error calling connect() for BRS on port 500x: Connection refused (From Demonlog on digital side) | Mapped drive that was needing a password for BRSUser... |
20 | Error with other eye Given base is not valid for left eye prescription and addition;E (errorCode="171”) | Used a different lens mfr. with slightly higher true curve and was thicker. |
21 | Failed to insert a new semi finished blank record because front curvature value is not with | Autoops on toric side has 99.00 instead of 99.99 and some jobs to not make it over to digital |
22 | Failed to insert a new semi finished blank record because front curvature value is not within the range of any of the available base | Make sure to use BRS for Shamir jobs. Jobs ran with true curve outside of the BRS will get this error message. |
23 | Failed to retrieve all the available base curves for the RX, lens design and material combinations | This Shamir job was out of power range and not ran with BRS |
24 | Failed Writing to DB | Seg Height and PD swapped (Too high seg and narrow PD) |
25 | Failed Writing to DB | Seg Heigth was larger than the B |
26 | Far Vision Cylinder could not be calculated to the required accuracy. | Original progression length was 15 with 22 seg ht. Changed to 18 and went through |
27 | Fitting height < Minimum Fitting height for the current design | Progression length was greater than the seg height. . |
28 | For DS Param : missing or forbidden parameter: Tilt, | Job was entered as Fit originally then changed to DRX Remove fitting Parameters From job_data. |
29 | FrameTilt_FaceFormAngle for curent Design not in the range (lab policy). | FRAME PANTO ANGLE Pantoscopic Tilt 0 -12 (Default 9) FRAME WRAP ANGLE Panoramic Angle 0 – 12 (Default 5) (Wrap Design) Attitude Panaramic Angle 12 – 30 (Default 15) VERTEX FIT DIST LFT/RGT Vertex 5 - 30 |
30 | FRNT tag for the lens was not found or duplicate in the VCA string | Make sure Free Blank light up is turned on. |
31 | Given base is not valid for right eye prescription and addition | IOT job outside of range of BRS |
32 | Given FRNT or MBASE is not included into the input LMFR base collection;E | RXCP has to have the tag MBASE |
33 | Label DOES NOT have all its Dependency labels ( LMFR ---> (BCTHK) & (FRNT) & (DIA) & (BACK | Free Blank was not selected for this Autograph lll job |
34 | Max number of Tilt convention retries was achieved during DoRxTiltManipulation | Entry error B measurement was same as dbl and lower than seg ht. |
35 | Max number of Tilt convention retries was achieved during DoRxTiltManipulation | Waited for the frame to be traced and job went through with no warnings. |
36 | Must wait for RxCP to calculate the Rx. Error message does not return and you only see the above message. You will see a results file but the ticket nevers gets updated | You will need to go in on toric side and add light up to not Send. 3 11 10) Route Conditions Lite_Up Editor. Add the num bit and F Condition ID: [DIGITAL CALC ROUTING] First Number (num): [5 ] (Lite-ups: NOT the number viewed on screen) Second Number (bit): [19 ] (Lite-ups: NOT the number viewed on screen) Pricing Text : VISION BILLING On Off or Ignore: [F] O to turn on en-route |
37 | NO BASE CURVES RETURNED FROM BRS REQUEST | BRS and Product is not mapped in RXCP |
38 | No diameter compatible with the pattern | Cut issue. If this is a generic shape try using a smaller ED |
39 | No route to host | Issues with calculator or RXCP |
40 | No SKUS | Digital Blank Switch and Database mismatch |
41 | No supplier listed for this line item suggest adding entries to the blanksupplier priority list the blanksupplier priority list | Added blank switching |
42 | NO SUPPLIER LISTED FOR THIS LINE ITEM SUGGEST ADDING ENTRIES TO THE BLANK SUPPLIER PRIORITY LIST | Job was an Essilor Progressive that had Free Blank Light Up on. Removed the Light Up and job worked as expected. |
43 | NO SUPPLIER LISTED FOR THIS LINE ITEM SUGGEST ADDING ENTRIES TO THE BLANK SUPPLIER PRIORITY LIST | Lab forced base curve that is not available. Used BRS to select blanks Prescriptor would accept. This would require split bases. |
44 | NO SUPPLIER LISTED FOR THIS LINE ITEM SUGGEST ADDING ENTRIES TO THE BLANK SUPPLIER PRIORITY LIST | Fix blank selection to add all the lenses available in Material Color |
45 | No valid blocker could be found for this calculation | Free Blank was sent in the job???.in file do to a custom config set up to wrong Num Bit (Definity 3 Job) |
46 | NoneValidData | Had to adjust set height to larger than progression length would not tak the Same. Might be issue with generic shape seg height combination. |
47 | NoneValidData | Job had 4 Diopters of prism OU horizontally along with equithin prism. 4 is the Max prism removed equithin prism job went through. |
48 | Param Error: ProgressionLength, Optionnal, Out of range [14, 18] | Lab ordered 19 changed to 18 |
49 | PPO Err DFG Get Field | Had to contact Shamir and they fixed. |
50 | PPO Err Rescale - The Real Fitting Height was found to be smaller than the minimum allowed | Try using shorter progression length. Progression length was not long enough at near PD for the shape. |
51 | Prescriptor has not returned a calculation result within 300.00 seconds | Prescriptor issues try job again after a new job went through without issues. |
52 | Product not identified | Website has PDF charts of availability. |
53 | Reason: Required Base data not returned Patient name had a & added custom config SKP SAVE PAT 2 RXML | CUSTOM CONFIGURATION EDITOR -------------------------------------------------- Calling Program: [LAYOUT ] Field Name: [SKP SAVE PAT 2 RXML ] Enabled: [Y] Character Setting: [ ] Float Setting: [ ] Integer Setting: [ ] Comment: [If enabled, do not write the clientName field ] |
54 | Required Base data not returned | Call made to SCG FAILED do to 7.25 highest base listed on base curve chart on ELART (Lab wanted 8) |
55 | Right base is too flat at reading point. Limit exceeded by 0.14 diopters;E | 8 base lens was highest available and not steep enough |
56 | Right base is too flat at reading point. Limit exceeded by 2.15 diopters; | Use a steeper base curve (IOT) |
57 | Segment 600 missing | Re-submitted job and got good results |
58 | Seiko call was unsuccessful. Reason: The VCA document could not be created.Product not identified | Mapping for SRN lenses not set up. Changed to SRC |
59 | Seizure off range power | Use ELART to check out charts. Need to check base curve charts also. Powers are stepped and is by total power. +10.00 - -10.00 to -6.00 cyl would go only out to a -4.00 -6.00 and cyl decreasing until reaches -10.00 sphere. |
60 | Seizure\247Garbled Base table | Cut issue, Ran with smaller frame information and the job created a good ticket. Base curve chart had 3 different size lenses for Physio Enhanced. |
61 | seizureImpossible process choice | Ordered a 1.74 product available only as a full order from an Essilor lab. |
62 | seizureImpossible process choice | Product code was not updated. Updated code |
63 | seizureºBlank diameter insufficient | Err Msg: 1071 Cut issue |
64 | seizureºBlank diameter insufficient | moved trace files out of the way and reduced ed on digital |
65 | seizureºNon-existent Addition | Job was a single vision Forced base curves and job went through |
66 | seizureºNon-existent Addition | This was for an Essilor 360 (SV) forced base (2.00) and job made it fine. |
67 | seizureºNon-existent Product Code | The product codes were not declared (Was not in DEO database) |
68 | seizureºRight glass : No diameter compatible with the pattern (mini 75.0) | Err Msg: 1026 Cut issue |
69 | seizureºThe blank material index is too different from the requested one | FBO test Evidently Essilor is not allowing Trivex in the design yet. |
70 | seizureºThe Free Blank option is not available for this product | Wrong product code for sku and CBT |
71 | Semi finished blank usable diameter is not sufficiently large for the frame and fitting parameters. | Cut issue. If this is a generic shape try using a smaller ED. If lab has frame have them trace and try again. |
72 | Severe Exception received while executing Action Routing_C | Network issue Trying resubmitting after a bit. |
73 | Severe Unable to validate the RxML document: attribute is not declared Several other unable to validate messages will also show GCHorizo, GCVeric, PRPHoriz, PRPVerti, backSurf | DEO did an update and Rita (RXCP) had to fix the Schema |
74 | severe Unable to validate the RxML document: The 'addition | Ron made a modification to put zeros in the fields Zeiss is passing back as nulls which is what is causing RxCP grief |
75 | severe Unable to validate the RxML document: The element ' | |
76 | Severe Xml validation error on result of Action plug : Rou | Communication error with Zeiss Calculator. Jobs were simply recalled and they created good tickets. |
77 | severeā¬ºThe document received was not vazlid RxML Please make sure you the files before sending them." origin="DEO" Below is from the in file. Essilor does not allow decentration for and would fail with above message. <TechnicalParameter forcedBase="425" SurfaceMatrixMaximumDecentrationIn="300" SurfaceMatrixMaximumDecentrationOut="300" SurfaceMatrixMaximumDecentrationUp="300" SurfaceMatrixMaximumDecentrationDown="300" precal="true" /> | This was an error when we started Essilor digital custom config was turned on for decentration for IOT. Had to edit form sm_max for SCG and PSCG not to decenter the lenses. |
78 | severeºError while calling SCG Optic : Error while beginning Optical processing relaunchºThe Job Centralizer database cannot be reached or its queue is full. | Ask Lab to assign to new tray to get job out. DEO had issue with SCG they fixed it. |
79 | severeºError while calling SCG Optic : The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: | Re-submitted job and got good results file. |
80 | severeºTechnical exception while receptioning job : Msg=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.^ CommercialInformation=^ Scope=all^ | They entered a patient name that is showing up as "O" Leary".... so you can see the quote after the O is causing the confusion. Enter it with a single quote if it is in fact a double quote OR just leave the quote off altogether?? |
81 | severeºThe document received is already running. Please wait until you receive an answer before tr | This usually happens when there is a NetWork issue and lab re-submits when jobs are backed up after a Severe Exception received while executing Action Routing_C |
82 | severeºUnable to find additionalEngraving objects: file which should contains layouts was not found (\\Frer0960\EOA_Layout_Files\Engraving\Electronic_Layouts\Definity III Long R. | Kitting code not set up on digital side 3 14 3 |
83 | severeºUnable to validate the RxML document: The element 'Left' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'JobStatus' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'Order' in namespace ''.^ CommercialInformation=^ | |
84 | SignetRx has not returned a result within 300.00 seconds. | Drive did not reconnect after it lost it’s connection |
85 | SignetRx has not returned a result within 300.00 seconds. | Signetrx calculator might have quit running because a job was not sent with Free Blank lightup on |
86 | technicalDescription' is a duplicate attribute name | Resubmitted job and got good results |
87 | technicalDescription' is a duplicate attribute name. | Free Blank was not on. Added Free Blank and job went through fine. |
88 | technicalDescription="1No usable Block-Ring | This warning came up with small frame. I am thinking it is similar to the block crash warning from Shamir where a smaller block has to be put in the table. |
89 | The design specified does not exist | Product not available from digital vendor. Check material color combinations |
90 | The lens diameter is too large and can not be accommodated by any blocker | Prescriptor block table might be needed to be modified for a smaller block |
91 | The product OTH F3A 900 doesn't exist | Custom config needed to be updated 3- 6- 6 Field Name: [ALT MFR, FREEBLANK Character Setting: [E2,KB,K2,VR,Y,S,AR,ES,E3 |
92 | The surface file could not be retrieved from Prescriptor | Prescriptor was down at the lab. |
93 | The transaction received an error upon submission to the Zeiss | Product was not available from digital vendor |
94 | The VCA document could not be created.OPC not identified- Ba | Free Blank not lit for Seiko Job |
95 | The VCA document could not be created.Product not identified | Possible mapping mismatch in RXCP |
96 | Timeout RxCP connection | Issues with RXCP |
97 | Validation Error - Input LDS File Is Not According To DCS Standard | Shamir job FREEBLANK was not on. |
98 | VCA File Writer Failed | ED was too large for this job. Reduced,sent with good results |
99 | You have reached the maximun number of lenses of type Single-Vision;E" | returnCode="error" errorCode="107" technicalDescription=" Lab will have to call IOT to log into their calculator and fix it. |
100 | ZEISS Base does not match other eye (but same product) | To get around message force base and size on digital side. |
101 | ZEISS Could not construct customer data. Invalid product code(s). LNAM=463 LMATID=4 COLR=XTG Expected | This product was not mapped correctly at Zeiss |
102 | ZEISS Could not construct customer data. Invalid product code(s). LNAM=463 LMATID=7 COLR=CLR Expec | This was for a 1.60 Sola HD. Zeiss does not authorize 1.60 for Sola products in the US as of 06.14.2013 per Steve at Zeiss |
103 | ZEISS Cribbed to complex shape to remove knife edge | Just a message to say a funky crib was put on the lens. |
104 | ZEISS Difference between the cribbed shape and the required shape is less than 1mm | Just a warning. |
105 | ZEISS increased thickness because of stability ch | Message stating lenses will be thicker than sent. This was for a drill job. |
106 | Zeiss OEM jobs will not work without Zeiss pucks. | RxcP has to be updated for Zeiss. The information for these jobs must also include the following VCA values in order to use the custom blanks: FRNT (true front curve in diopters) based on 1.530 (default) or whatever TIND value is sent (Index of refraction used for all diopter curves in a packet. In the absence of a TIND record or field value, 1.53 will be used). DIA (blank diameter) BACK (Blank backside lens curve) BCTHK (blank thickness) LIND (index of lens material) |
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