Manual Pricing Adjustments

Manual Pricing Adjustments

Rx-Universe allows you to manually to change the pricing on an invoice.

Shipped Jobs:
It the event that this job has been shipped you will have to unship the job by order number before you can manually change the price.

1) Unship the Job (note the original ship date
2) Into Order Entry modify the Job pricing correctly
3) Reship the jobs (important: make sure you use the original ship date)

Enable Manual Pricing
1) To do this, you need to find the Job# in the customer service screen(verify that it's not shipped)
2) Once you have the Job opened locate the pricing tab within the job and change the price list value to "000" and hit "Enter or Tab". This will now allow you to manually override pricing on this specific job.

Once you enable manual pricing it will also allow you to edit existing AddOns codes and allow you to change the very same pricing for those same Addons Codes.