Package Pricing

Package Pricing

NOTE - Package pricing requires the Rx-Inventory module.

Setup the package pricing with Rx-universe as follows.

  • Create a package pricelist. Go to the Pricing menu, go to Price Lists and select Rx Pricing.

    • Create a new price list, and set the “Price List Type” to “Package”.



    • Save the pricelist. Note that you cannot add “Rx prices” or “Addon prices” to a “Package” price list, all the pricing is controlled in the Rx-inventory module.

  • Associate the “Package” price list with a Customer account.

    • Go to the Pricing menu and select Customers.

    • Select a customer and go to the “Pricing” tab.

    • Enter a valid “Package” price list code in the “Package” price list field.


      Save the changes

  • Go to the Setup menu and select Addon Codes.

    • To exclude an addon code from the package pricing request (when entered manually) on an order, a

      check box has been added to the maintenance screen.


      This new flag would allow the lab to enter a shipping charge without affecting the package pricing.

  • Go to the Rx-Inventory windows application and select “Price lists”

  • Switch to “Package” and create a package price list

  • Select the price list created and add a new package price for the pricelist

  • A package price requires the following entries

    • Description (required) - this is the description that will appear as an addon on the Rx-Universe order.

    • Lens Style (required) - enter a valid Rx-Universe lens style code

    • Material (required) - enter a valid Rx-Universe material code

    • Pre-Treatment (optional) - enter a valid Rx-Universe pre-treatment code

    • Addon codes (optional) - enter valid Rx-Universe addon codes required for this package (only 14 codes will be considered)

    • Frame UPC (required) - link to a valid Rx-inventory frame

    • Price (required) - enter the package price

    • Is Discountable - check if applicable for volume discounts

    • Is Taxable - check if the package is taxable

Entering an Order

For an order to verify if package pricing is available, the following must be true

  1. The customer used must have a Package pricelist on file

  2. Order must be a supply frame

  3. The right and left eye lens style codes must be the same

  4. The right and left eye material codes must be the same

  5. The right and left eye pre-treatment codes (if entered) must be the same

  6. A valid frame must be entered

  7. Manual addon codes - all manual addon codes will be included in the package pricing request, unless they are flagged to not be included.

The Rx-Universe pricing logic will check to see if all the package pricing criteria is met, then the following occurs:

  • If package pricing is not checked - then the standard Rx-Universe pricing will be carried out.

  • If package pricing is checked and no valid package price is returned, then the standard Rx-Universe pricing will be carried out

  • If package pricing is checked, and a valid package price is found the following occurs

    • the returned price will be included as an addon on the order with the code “PKGPRC” and the description returned from the request is placed in the addon description

    • Any manual addons will remain in the addon list but their price will be set to zero

    • Always-add addons will be processed and included in the addon list with the price from the Rx pricelist

    • Customer addons will be processed and included in the addon list with price from the Rx pricelist



When modifying an order that has a package price, the package price in the addon list will be cleared and the package pricing logic will be re-done to see if the order is still applicable for package pricing.