Rx-Inventory: Package Price Lists


  • Install Rx-Universe 7.62.00 or higher

  • Install Rx-Transfer 2.7.0 or higher

  • Install Rx-Hub 1.10.0 or higher

  • This is available in Rx-Inventory 1.10.0 or higher


Package price lists in RxSuite operate in tandem with price lists in Rx-Universe to provide pricing for orders. You can set special pricing for specific combinations of frames (provided by the lab), lens style, and lens material. You can also include pre-treatment and add-on options to tailor your pricing further within your customized "package." This flexible pricing capability allows you to provide tailored solutions to your customers, enhancing their experience and satisfaction with our product.


Rx-Suite provides you with an exceptional level of control over user permissions. With our platform, you can easily grant users full or read-only access to specific features within the Rx-Inventory module. Moreover, we offer the flexibility to create custom roles with pre-defined permissions, allowing you to assign appropriate access rights to different users efficiently.

The relevant permissions for Order Delete functionality can be set up in Rx-Hub → Roles → (Specific Role) → Rx-Inventory.

  • In Rx-Hub, edit the role of the user you want to grant access to.

  • Grant the role “Create/Read/Update/Delete” permission for ComboPriceList and ComboPriceListFrame in the Rx-Inventory permissions tab. Make sure you click on the “Update Role” button to save the settings. Learn more about setting up roles.

Rx-Hub - Roles: Package Price permission


Required Setup and Configuration

Ensure that the Price List configuration in Rx-Universe is completely set up. Learn more about setting up the Rx-Universe price list.

Configuring Price List



  1. In Rx-Inventory, navigate to the Settings → Price Lists

  2. Click on the Create button to create a new price list

  3. To indicate that this price list is a package price list, select “Package” from the Type dropdown.

    1. If binding the price list to Rx-Universe, the type will be determined by the type in Rx-Universe

  4. After creating the price list, package combinations can be added using the “Add Package” button


  5. When entering Lens Style, Material, Pre-treatment, or Add-on Codes, the entry will be validated against Rx-Universe. The following screenshot shows valid entries that display extended information about the item, and invalid entries will be highlighted in red.

The values you need to enter on the Lens style, Material, Pre-treatment fields should be the corresponding Code information that are set up in Rx-Universe.


  1. Frames can be selected using the Find Frame dialog, or by manually entering the UPC.

Not all fields are mandatory. You can create a package price for a combination of Style/Material without entering pre-treatment or addon-codes.