Miscellaneous Transactions

Miscellaneous Transactions

A miscellaneous transaction is an adjustment to a customer's account, which can either increase or decrease what the customer owes the lab.

Some examples might be a negative adjustment (sometimes called a credit) due to a billing error in a previous period; an adjustment for shipping charges which were missed (which increases what the customer owes the lab); a credit for warranty work that should have been applied to a job but was missed, etc. 

Miscellaneous transactions are entered under "A/R" and then "Miscellaneous Transactions".  Any entries already in the system will show on the browse window; entries can be added, modified, or deleted, as with other screens in Rx-Universe. In the example below, invoice D-00000053 decreases what the customer owes the lab; the other entries all increase that amount.

When adding a new miscellaneous transaction, the following screen is available; the example shown is for a $60.00 credit to the customer for warranty AR which should have been applied against job 805665 but was missed:

The "trans number" can be entered, or can be automatically generated.  If automatically generated, it comes from the "DEBIT" entry in the Special Numbers settings.

Item Type can be one of Rx, Frame, Stock, Other or Misc; these will be used in subtotals on some reports, and will determine any early payment discount for the entry.  For each line item, the line can be marked discountable (or not), and taxable (or not), using the checkboxes provided.  Both discount and tax totals are shown in the bottom part of the screen. 

If the "Print Invoice" option is checked, then when the transaction is saved, an invoice will be printed which can be sent to the customer.

Editing Miscellaneous Transactions

Miscellaneous Transactions can be edited; any field can be modified on an existing transaction.  If a miscellaneous transaction is modified which affects a previously printed statement, the statement(s) for that previous period should be re-printed and sent to the customer. :

Deleting Miscellaneous Transactions

Miscellaneous Transactions can be deleted, as long as they have not had a payment applied against them.  If a miscellaneous transaction has had a payment applied already, then when deletion is attempted, the following error will be shown:

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