Statements (or Statements Of Account) show a customer what they have purchased (jobs that have been run), any miscellaneous transactions applied against their account, any payments made, and any past due charges, as of a certain date.
Statements can be run at any time, for one or more accounts, and can be automatically printed, automatically emailed, or both, to accounts as appropriate. Individual statements for a single account can be viewed on the screen, and all statements are saved in Rx-Universe as a PDF document.
Set Customer Preference for Statements
In the "Customer A/R" screen, "Statements" tab, set the preference for how the customer wishes to receive statements. Currently, the choices are by Email or Printed - future support will be added to allow viewing of statements through Rx-Site.
You can also chose to include a statement message that will only appear on this customers statement. This is done by using the 2 message fields located in the "Messages" frame.
Amount of Detail On Statements
By default, Rx-Universe displays all transactions on a statement that were added in the past 30 days; that were paid (partially or fully), in the same period, and any transactions that are older than 30 days, that are not fully paid.
This can result in considerably longer statements (more detail) than OMICS customers, in particular, were used to seeing. There is an option which will not print fully paid invoices that are dated prior to the beginning of the statement period. This can be set on the Statements tab under System Parameters, as follows:
When this option is checked, the statement print screen will include a "start date" as well as a statement date (see below).
Running Statements
Under the A/R menu, select Statements:
The check box options have the following effects:
- "Print (based on customer setting)" - this will print 1 copy of the statement for each customer in the range specified, that has the option "Print Statements" checked.
- "Email (based on customer setting)" - this will send a copy of the statement by email for each customer that has the option "E-mail statements" checked, and which has an email address specified in the E-mail field on the statements section of the account record.
- "Print (regardless of customer setting)" - will print 1 copy of each statement in the account range, regardless of the setting on the customer screen. This could be used to print a physical copy of the statement for the lab's use, for example.
- "View" - is only available when producing a statement for a single customer.
- "Update statement date on Customer A/R" - when checked, this will update the most recent statement date on each applicable customer record. This should be checked when running statements at the end of the month, for example, so that the customer screen accurately reflects when the most recent statement(s) were printed for each customer.
If the option to suppress paid invoices prior to the statement period is selected (see above), then the print statement screen has an additional parameter, as follows:
This allows the lab to control exactly which paid invoices will appear on the statement (usually since the date of the last statement issued).
Copies Of Statements
When statements are produced for customers (all options except the "View" option), a PDF for each statement is saved in the STATEMENTS folder underneath the root Rx-Universe folder.
Below are examples of each statement templates we have available in Rx-Universe:
STM001 STM002 STM003