Opti2.8 Translations

Opti2.8 Translations

Opti2.8 Translations can be found on the Remote menu.

It is common for the other systems to use different codes to represent lens styles, materials, colors, treatments, manufacturers, or addons/services, than are used in Rx-Universe. It is therefore necessary to have a way to translate one to the other.

When receiving orders from Optifacts, we use the Optifacts RxTransfer File Format, Opti2.8 This format uses Lab ID, Code Type, Code and Seg to specify combinations of materials, lens styles, tints, treatments, manufacturers, etc. This table allows values specified as any of these labels to be translated into the Rx-Universe material, style, tint, treatment, manufacturer, addon codes, etc needed to process the order.


Lab ID - this is the ID of the Lab that is to be translated, if one exists.

Code Type - this is the type of code to be translated. This field must exist. There are 7 options: “A” (addon), “B” (brand), “C” (color), “M” (material), “S” (lens style), “T” (design), “X” (xml tag)

Code - this is the actual code to be translated. This field must exist and is converted to upper case.

Seg - this is the seg value that is need for translation, if one exists.

Lens Style - the lens style to be used for this translation - can be left blank, but if specified must be a valid lens style. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Material - the material code to be used for this translation - can be left blank, but if specified must be a valid material. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Tint - the tint code to be used for this translation - can be left blank, but if specified must be a valid tint code. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Pre-Treatment - the pre-treatment code to be used for this translation - can be left blank, but if specified must be a valid pre-treatment code. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Manufacturer - the manufacturer code to be used for this translation - can be left blank, but if specified must be a valid manufacturer code. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Addon Code - can be blank or can be a valid addon code. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

VCA label - can be blank or any VCA label can be entered in this field - field will be converted to uppercase. This field is only enabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Thickness - can be blank or a value from 0 to 4. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Fin/SF - can be blank, or “F” to force finished blanks, or “S” to force semi-finished blanks. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Uncut - can be blank, or “Y” to indicate that the lens is to be supplied uncut, or “N” to indicate an edged lens. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Frame Type - can be blank or a 1 character value that indicates the frame type. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Frame Status - can be blank or a 1 character value that indicates the frame status. This field is disabled for the “XML tag” code type.

Description - can be blank or free format text.

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