


Uncut entry in Rx-Universe is similar to entry of other jobs, with a changes to the handling of certain fields.

When entering an order, the job type can be "Full Job" (which includes frame measurements), "Uncut no frame", or "Uncut with frame".

"Full job" and "Uncut with frame" require either box measurements or a frame trace to be entered for the order.  If frame measurements are used, PD and Seg Height (both relative to the frame) can be specified for the order.

To process an uncut with no frame measurements, select "Uncut no frame" as the Job Type:

After choosing the lens style, material, etc., certain fields will be greyed out and not available for uncuts, depending on the lens style selected.

Single Vision

For single vision lenses, the lab can enter horizontal and/or vertical decentration.  Prism will be calculated to move the OC from the blocking center (GC of the blank) to the point specified by the decentration.

If the user tries to enter a PD instead of a decentration, the user will be warned:

This is because there is frame with which to determine decentration using the interpupillary distance.  Similarly, vertical decentration must be specified as distance below the GC (therefore a minus value is above), and not from the bottom of the frame.


Non-Progressive Multifocals (Flat Tops / Round Segs / Executives)

For multifocals, the user may specify the inset desired (the horizontal distance between the distance OC and the segment), and the BOC (below optical center), the vertical distance from the OC to the top of the segment.  The distance PD and SegHt fields are inaccessible, but are automatically calculated based on the Inset and BOC, and the particular blank that is used.

For example, a Flat Top Bifocal, uncut to 65mm, with an inset of 2mm and a BOC of 4mm would be entered as:

The PD and SegHt fields, above, are calculated based on the lens blank that is used.  In this case, the lenses used were VE 75mm:

The PD (or decentration) is calculated as BSI - Inset = 6.5 - 2.0 = 4.5mm.  The OC is thus located in 4.5mm from the GC of the blank (also the blocking center).

The SegHt is calculated as Crib/2 - BSD = 65/2 - 6.5 = 26.0 (the top of the segment is 6.5 down from the blocking center, since the lens is blocked on geometric center.

Labs can set up defaults for uncuts for the Inset and BOC values, in the System Parameters, on the Orders2 tab:


Progressive Lenses

For traditional progressive lenses (using a progressive semi-finished blank), decentration cannot be specified; the blank is blocked on the geometric center, and the fitting cross located on the blank relative to the GC.  The crib center will be the same GC of the blank.  Since Inset is not variable on a progressive, and the distance from the PRP to the corridor is similarly fixed, the user cannot enter Inset or BOC, either.


For a digital progressive, however, it may be possible to decenter the design on the blank, by telling the digital vendor what decentration is desired.  (This, of course, requires the specific digital vendor in question to support decentered designs).

When entering the Rx on a digital progressive, the Dec field (for horizontal decentration) is available:

Specifying horizontal decentration on a digital progressive will be reflected in the values created in the LDS file that is sent to the digital calculator.

In the case of CrossBows and SignetArmorlite, the decentration is sent in the SBSGIN label.

For IOT and Profit, the decentration is sent in the BCERIN label.

For IOT, an additional change is made; the label _DECM is set to 2, to indicate that IOT should use the decentration specified, instead of calculating decentration.

Electronic Remote Order Entry For "Uncut With Frame" and "Uncut Without Frame" Jobs

_JTYPE=1 is Full Job.

_JTYPE=2 by itself is “Uncut With Frame” and you need a trace or the box measurements (A, B and ED).

_JTYPE=2 with “LAYOUT=U” and “_UNCUTDIAM=x;x” is “Uncut Without Frame”:
















This example will give you an "Uncut with No Frame" with a Crib Diameter of 65mm on the right eye and 63mm on the left eye.




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