Credit Hold (Place and Release)
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This document provides instructions for flagging an account to be placed on Credit Hold and how to release the Credit Hold.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – Customer Database and press Enter.
Select Option 4 – Add/Edit Account and press Enter.
The Customer Database Modifications screen is displayed.
- Enter the Company code, Branch code, Sales Territory code, Account Number, and press Enter.
- Press Enter until the cursor is at the “Credit Flg” field. There are 2 options for this field.
- Press “C” to place an account on Credit Hold but allow an operator to enter a job.
- Or, press “Y” to place an account on Credit Hold, but will "NOT" allow an operator to enter a job.
- Press Enter past all other fields.
Is the data correct (Y/N)?
- Type Y if correct or N to edit.
Jobs/Account on Credit Hold using Credit Flag “C”
The following example shows a flag of “C” to place an account on hold but still allows job entry. The job won’t be allowed to run through verify and won’t ship until the hold is released.
If an account is on Credit Hold, the data entry operator sees the following message if they try to key in a job.
If an account is on Credit Hold, the data entry operator sees the following message if they try to recall a job.
Jobs/Account on Credit Hold using Credit Flag “Y”
The following example shows a flag of “Y” to place an account on hold but won’t allow jobs entry and won’t allow jobs to be verified.
Credit Hold Message on Job Entry or Job Recall
If an account is on Credit Hold, the data entry operator sees the following message whether they try to key in or recall a job.
Credit Hold Message at Verify
If an operator tries to verify a job and an account is on Credit Hold, the data entry operator sees the following message.
Credit Hold Message at Mailout
If an operator tries to Mailout a job and an account is on Credit Hold, the data entry operator sees the following message.
Job Data Definitions
You must set up the following Job Data Definition:
From the Optifacts main menu:
The Prompt Configuration for Miscellaneous Job-Related Data screen is displayed.
- Press “Q” to Query.
- Ensure that the table below exists.
If the table does not exist, press “A” to add a new record.
- Enter all the information as per the example below.
- Press Escape to save the data.
- Press “E” to exit.
Release Credit Hold
The process to release a Credit Hold on a job is done through the Accounts Receivable menu. This way, security is used to define who can release a Credit Hold.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – Daily Routines and press Enter.
Select Option 14 – Job on Credit Hold and press Enter.
Press “S” to view on screen or “P” to print and press Enter
Option 1
- Press “Y” to show all accounts with jobs on hold and press Enter.
- Press “S” to select an account.
Option 2
- Press “N” to specify an account or range of accounts with jobs on hold and press Enter.
- Type the beginning and ending account codes pressing Enter past each field.
- Press “N” to Sort by Date Needed or “I” to sort by Date In and press Enter.
The program first lists all jobs on Credit Hold that we indicated by account or account range.
- Press the Space Bar to release the Credit Hold on the selected job.
Notice that an (*) asterisk is placed on each side of the job released from Credit Hold.
- To release all jobs listed on the screen, type the letter “A.”
- Press Escape to exit.
Continue with Credit Hold Release of jobs (Y/N)?
- Press “Y” to release the jobs.
To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.
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