Label Index
- access
- accessnumber
- access-number
- account
- account_config
- account_info
- account-info
- accounting
- account_list
- account_mat
- account_message
- account-message
- account_note
- account-note
- account_notes
- account-notes
- account_phone_list
- account_price_list_assignment
- account_ref
- account_reference_list
- accountsreceivable
- accounts_receivable
- accounts-receivable
- account_summary
- account-transfer
- accrual
- acct
- acct_mat_config
- acct_phone_list
- acct_rec
- acct_ref_list
- acct_summary
- activation
- add
- add_frame
- add-frame
- add-on
- address
- add_trace
- add-transaction
- adj
- adjust_frame
- adjust-frame
- adjustment
- after_breakage
- againg-report
- aging
- aging_report
- alert
- alerts
- alias
- all_mfr
- allow
- allow_disallow
- allow-disallow
- all_style
- append
- appendix
- append_thk
- apply_open_item_payment
- apply_payment
- apply-payment
- apps
- ar
- archive
- archive_job
- archive-job
- armenu
- ar-menu
- ar-transfer
- ar_xml
- asn
- aspheric
- assign_bin
- assign-bin
- assignment
- attach
- attach_trace
- audit
- auto
- auto_assign
- auto-assign
- auto_lite-up
- automatic
- automatic-lite-up
- autopay
- available
- backupedge
- backup_edge
- balance
- balance_forward
- balance-forward
- balance_lens
- barcode
- base
- base_by_cbt
- base_curve
- base_curve_chart
- baskets
- baudrate
- bc
- biconcave
- billto
- bill-to
- bin
- bin_close_time
- bin_location
- bin-location
- bit
- blank
- blank_selection
- blank_selector
- blank-selector
- blank_switch
- blcok
- block
- blocker
- blocking
- block_pick
- block_product
- block-product
- bonus
- bonus_credit
- bonus-credit
- branch
- branch_mailing_list
- brand
- breakage
- breakage_station
- bridge
- browser
- bulk
- bulk_stock
- bulk-stock
- business_type
- business-type
- buying_group
- buying-group
- cabling
- calc
- calc_module
- calc_options
- calc_opts
- calculation
- calculation_options
- calendar
- campaign
- cancel
- cancel_job
- cancel-job
- cancelled
- cancel_po
- cancel_tray
- cancel-tray
- card
- cash
- cashreceipts
- cash-receipts
- category
- cbt
- chain_group
- chain-group
- change
- change_account
- change-account
- change_branch
- change-branch
- change_company
- change-company
- change_quantity
- change_territory
- change-territory
- change_tray
- change-tray
- charts
- check
- check_po
- circumference
- clbs
- clear
- clear_forms
- clear_tray
- clippership
- close
- close_dome
- coat
- coat-codes
- coat-complete
- coating
- coating_baskets
- coating-codes
- coat_switch
- code
- code2
- codes
- color
- color_code
- color_exception
- color_itemizations
- column
- columns
- combo
- command
- commercial
- commercial_brand
- commercial_branding_tool
- commercial-branding-tool
- commercial_code_mapping
- commercial-code-mapping
- commercial_price
- commercial-price
- commercial-pricing
- commercial_product_selection
- commercial-product-selection
- commericial_pricing
- commission
- commission_report
- commission-report
- communication
- company
- company_mailing_list
- compensation
- condition
- configuration
- configure
- connection
- contact
- contact_lens
- continue
- continue_job
- continue-jobquick-lookup
- contract
- control
- copay
- copy
- correction
- corridor
- cost
- cost_change
- costs
- count
- count-entry
- counter
- count-of-origin
- country
- country_of_origin
- country-of-origin
- courier
- courier_closing
- courier_code
- courier-code
- courier_scale
- courier-scale
- cps
- create
- create_order_file
- create_po
- create_trace
- credit
- credit_check
- credit-check
- credit_entry
- credit-entry
- credit_group
- credit-group
- credit_hold
- credit-hold
- credit_hold_message
- credit-hold-message
- credit_limit
- credit-limit
- credit_notes
- credit-notes
- credit_old_tax_rate
- credit-old-tax-rate
- credit_original_price
- credit-original-price
- credit_reason
- credit-reason
- crib
- cribbing
- crib_diamter
- crib_specification
- criteria
- cs
- csize
- c-size
- cta
- curetime
- curve
- custom
- custom_configuration
- custom-configuration
- customer
- customer_database
- customer-database
- customer_lens_report
- customer_ranking
- customer_service
- customer-service
- custom-lite-ups
- custom_report_options
- custom_reports
- customs
- customs-codes
- custumer_database
- cut
- cycle_count
- cycle-count
- daemon
- daily
- dailytotals
- daily-totals
- data
- database
- data_entry
- data-entry
- date
- date_needed
- date-needed
- days
- days_in_lab
- dbl
- deallocate
- deallocation
- debit
- debug
- decide
- default
- default_discount
- default-discount
- default-material
- defect
- definitions
- delay
- delete
- delete_and_load
- delete_discount
- delete-discount
- delete_frame
- delete-frame
- delete_payment
- delete-payment
- delete_transaction
- delete-transaction
- delivery
- delivery_note
- delivery-note
- delivery_status
- delivery-status
- delta
- dependent
- dependent_liteup
- description
- destination
- detach
- detail
- diameter
- differences
- digcalcs
- digiport
- digital
- digital_setup
- digital-surface
- disallow
- discontinued
- discount
- disk
- distance
- division
- dnr
- documentation
- dome
- dome_account
- dome_close
- dome_coat_group
- dome_lens_count
- dome_number
- dome_range
- donotroute
- do_not_route
- dot-net
- download
- drill
- drill_points
- drill-points
- dr_redo
- duplicate
- duplicate_invoice
- duplicate_patient
- duplicate_patient_name
- dynamic
- dynamic_wip
- edd
- edger
- edging
- edit
- edit_frame
- edit-frame
- edit_job
- edit-job
- editor
- edit_po
- efax
- e-fax
- efficiency
- employee
- employee_production
- enclosed
- enclosed_left
- enclosed_lens
- enclosed_right
- endofmonth
- end-of-month
- end_of_month_update
- end-of-month-update
- engraver
- entry
- envelope
- eoe
- eoe-orders-app
- eoe_viewer
- eoe-viewer
- eom
- equipment
- error
- error_messages
- error-messages
- esclis
- essilornxtgen
- estimated
- estimated_delivery_date
- estimated-delivery-date
- etherlite
- europe
- example
- exception
- exchange
- expand
- expanded
- expanded-search
- expansion
- expected
- expected_pickup_time
- expected-pick-up-time
- explanation
- extended
- eye_size
- f2
- f2f
- f5
- failed
- failed_rx
- faktura
- far
- fax
- fcs
- feasibility
- feasibitliy
- featured
- fees
- field
- field_location
- fields_available
- field_translation
- file
- file-format
- file_format_editor
- file-format-editory
- fin
- finished
- finishing
- fitting
- fixed
- fixed_bin
- fixed-bin
- footers
- force
- forcesf
- force_usage
- format
- forms
- formula
- fotex_bulk_orders
- fpc
- frame
- frame_a
- frame_b
- frame_bin
- frame-bin
- frame_configuration
- frame-configuration
- frame_count
- frame-count
- frame_counter/access
- frame_credit
- frame-credit
- frame_database
- frame-database
- frame_groups
- frame_info
- frame_inventory
- frame-inventory
- frame-label
- frame_library
- frame-load
- frame-lookup
- frame_management
- frame-management
- frame_marry
- frame-marry
- frame_measurement
- frame_mfr
- frame-mfr
- frame_name
- frame_name/prices
- frame_order
- frame-order
- frame-price
- frame_prices
- frame_purchase
- frame_receipt
- frame-receipt
- frames
- frame_stock
- frametocome
- frame_to_come
- frame-to-come
- frame_trace
- frame-trace
- frame_transaction
- frame-transaction
- frame_usage
- frane-bub
- ftc
- ftp
- future
- future-ship-date
- future_stop
- future-stop
- general
- general_config
- general-configuration
- generate
- generate_forms
- generator
- group
- group_control
- groupname
- groups
- grouptable
- handling
- handprice
- help
- helpkey
- high
- history
- hold
- hotjob
- hot_job
- how
- howto
- html
- incomplete
- index
- information
- informix
- in_process
- in_progress
- input
- install
- installation
- installing
- integer
- interface
- invalid
- invalid_report
- inventory
- inventory_count
- inventory_status
- inventory_transaction
- inventory-transaction
- inventory_valuation
- investment
- invoice
- invoice_listing
- invoice_master_categories
- invoice_matching_report
- invoice_number
- iso
- itemizations
- itemize
- job
- job_count
- job_data
- job-data
- job_data_change
- job-data-change
- job_data_definitions
- job-data-definitions
- job-datajob-data-definitions
- job_data_reason
- job-data-reason
- job_data_triggers
- job-data-triggers
- job_hold
- job-hold
- jobid
- job_id
- job-id
- job_info
- job-info
- job_marry
- job_number
- job_routing
- jobs
- job_status
- job-status
- job-summary
- jobtime
- jstatus
- kbtitle
- lab
- lab_config
- label
- label_print
- label-print
- lab_general_config
- lab_info
- lab_material_config
- lab_redo
- landscape
- late
- laycom
- layout
- layxfer
- ledger
- left
- lens
- lens_combo
- lens_cost
- lens_data
- lens_database
- lens_download
- lenses
- lens_inventory
- lensksu
- lens-order
- lens_orders
- lens_types
- lens_usage
- library
- limit
- link_trace
- list
- liteup
- lite-up
- lite-up_group
- lite-ups
- load
- load-frame
- loan
- location
- locaton
- log
- login
- logout
- lookup
- low
- machine_interface
- mailing_list
- mailout
- mailto
- mail_to_patient
- mail-to-patient
- maintenance
- manual_block_pick
- manufacturer
- manufacturer_report
- manufacturer-report
- mapping
- margo
- marry
- master
- master_station
- master-station
- mat
- match
- matching
- material
- material_code
- material_config
- material_database
- matrix
- max
- maximum
- max-invoice
- mcs
- measurement
- measurements
- message_of_the_day
- message-of-the-day
- messages
- mfr
- mfr_config
- mfr_names
- mfr_reports
- mfr_sub
- min
- min_crib_diam
- minimum
- minmax
- min_max
- min-max
- min/max
- min_max_update
- minmax_update
- mirror_shape
- misc_credit
- misc-credit
- misc_data
- misc-data
- miscellaneous
- misc_stock
- monthend
- month_end
- month-end
- monthly
- mounting_height
- mrp
- multi
- multiple
- multiple-credit
- multi-site
- names
- nameset
- navigation
- near
- negative-discount
- negative-payment
- new_color
- new_lens
- new_material
- new_parts
- new_parts_supplier
- new_product
- new-product
- new_supplier
- new_warehouse
- nextgen
- next_generation
- no_charge
- no-charge
- no_criteria
- no-criteria
- nominal
- non-adapt
- non-discount
- non-discountable
- non-discount-credit
- nonstock
- non-stock
- nonstocked
- no_price
- note
- notes
- notice
- not_surface
- not-surface
- nre
- num
- num_and_bit
- number
- num-bit
- nx00
- nx50
- nxg8
- nxtgen
- oe
- old-balance
- old_balances
- oldprice
- oldticket
- old-ticket
- oma
- oncenter
- on_hand
- open
- open_item
- open-item
- open-item-payment
- open-itme
- operator
- opname
- optera
- opticom
- optifacts
- optimization
- option_credit
- option-credit
- options
- order
- order_entry
- order-entry
- order_file
- order_frame
- order-frame
- ordering
- orders
- origin
- other
- other_stock
- out
- out_of_stock
- output
- over
- overhead-monitor
- overpower
- override
- oversize
- overview
- packing_list
- partner
- parts
- parts_inventory
- parts_order
- parts_po
- parts_purchase
- parts_supplier
- parts_transaction
- past-due
- patient
- patient_name
- patient-name
- pattern
- pattern_location/set
- payment
- payment-method
- paymet_method
- pd
- percentage
- perform
- phone
- phone_list
- phonerx
- physical_count
- physical-count
- pick
- picklist
- pick_list
- picks
- pick_ticket
- pick-ticket
- pickup
- pick_up_time
- pick-up-time
- pickup_time
- pinout
- po
- polaroid
- polisher
- po_receipt
- po-receive
- po_report
- port
- portal
- ports
- prepare_month_end
- prepare-month-end
- presentation
- price
- price_list
- price-list
- price_list_assignment
- price-list-editor
- price_options
- price-options
- prices
- pricing
- pricing_database
- pricing-editor
- pricing_options
- pricing-options
- pricing_opts_change
- pricing_translation
- printer
- printer_routing
- printers
- print_frame_order
- print-frame-order
- print_mapping
- print_order
- print-order
- print_po
- print-po
- print_statements
- print-statements
- priorities
- priority
- prism
- prism_tilt
- process
- process_rx
- process-rx
- prod_date
- prod_processes
- product
- product_allow
- product-allow
- product_code
- product-code
- product_disallow
- product-disallow
- production
- production_date
- production_processes
- prog
- prog_col
- programs
- progression
- progressive
- progressive_column
- promise
- promise_job
- promotion
- purchase
- purchase_advise_report
- purchase_order
- purchase-order
- putty
- radius
- ranges
- ranking
- rate
- reader
- reallocation
- reason
- recall
- receipts
- receivable
- receive
- receive_by_barcode
- received
- receive_frame
- receive-frame
- receive_manually
- receive_po
- receiving
- receiving-site
- recent
- reconcile
- reconciliation
- records
- recover
- recycle
- redo
- redocode
- redo_reason
- reference
- reference_list
- refraction
- refresh
- register
- relaunch
- remix
- remote
- remote_edging
- remote-edging
- remote_ticket
- remote_trace
- remove_discount
- remove-discount
- remove_payment
- remove-payment
- remove_trace
- remove_transaction
- remove-transaction
- report
- reports
- representative
- reprint
- reserve
- re-size
- resolved
- restart
- restore_data
- results
- retail_transfer
- retail-transfer
- retail-transferquick-lookup
- retention
- return
- return_to_vendor
- reverse
- reverse_breakage
- right
- route
- route_code
- route-code
- route-destination
- route_destintation
- route_lite-up
- route-lite-up
- routing
- routing_remix
- rss
- rss_feed
- rx
- rx_count
- rxcp
- rx_credit
- rx-credit
- rxinfo
- rx-info
- rx_job_analysis
- rx_job_source
- rxorder
- rx_order_entry
- rx-order-entry
- rx_summary
- safety
- sales
- sales_analysis
- sales_group
- sales-group
- sales_limits
- sales-limits
- savedays
- save-days
- scanner
- search
- segment
- selection
- semi
- semifin
- send
- sending-site
- send_po
- sequence
- serial
- server
- service_code
- service-code
- setup
- sf
- shape
- shapes
- ship
- ship-date
- ship_method
- ship-method
- shipping
- shipping_route
- shipping-route
- shipto
- ship_to
- ship-to
- ship-to-code2
- ship_to_listings
- shipto_listings
- ship_to_mailing_list
- shipto_mailing_list
- ship_to_reference_list
- shipto_reference_list
- ship_to_ref_list
- shipto_ref_list
- shop_floor
- short
- shortcut
- shortkeys
- short_optimization
- short_order
- shorts
- shorts_advise_report
- show
- singleeye
- single_mat
- single_mfr
- single_style
- site
- siteid
- sku
- sort_order
- sort-order
- spec
- special_lens_types
- special_processes
- specials
- specification
- sphere
- spreadsheet
- stages
- startup
- statement_corrections
- statement-corrections
- statement_reprint
- statement-reprint
- statements
- station
- station-assignment
- status
- steps
- stk
- stock
- stock_billing
- stock_contact_lens
- stock_credit
- stock-credit
- stocked
- stock_lens
- stock-lens-orders-app
- stock-lens-orders-with-frame
- stock_options
- stock_order
- stock_price
- stock_pricing
- stock-pricing
- stock_status
- stock-status
- stop
- stop_inv
- stop_job
- stop-job
- stop_print
- stop_stages
- stop-stagesproduction-date
- store
- strip
- style
- sub
- sub_master
- sub-master
- subsidiary
- sub_station
- substitution
- summary
- supplied
- supplied_lens
- supplier
- supplier_list
- support
- suppress
- suppress_pricing
- switch
- system
- tables
- tag
- target_sales
- target-sales
- tax
- tax-%
- tax_%_by_material
- tax-%-by-material
- tax_code
- tax-code
- tax_on_tax
- tax-on-tax
- tax_percentage
- tax-percentage
- tax_percentage_by_material
- tax-percentage-by-material
- tax_rate
- tax-rate
- tax_report
- tax-report
- tcpip
- template
- territory
- territory_mailing_list
- thickness
- thinning
- ticket
- time
- time-in
- time_needed
- time-needed
- tints
- tnt
- trace
- trace99
- trace99_notsurface
- trace99-not-surface
- trace_link
- trace-link
- tracer
- track
- tracking
- tradiitional-pricing
- traditional_pricing
- transaction
- transaction_entry
- transaction-entry
- transaction_register
- transactions
- transfer
- transitions8
- translations
- transportation
- tray
- tray_marry
- tray_notes
- tray-notes
- tray_number
- tray-number
- tray_table
- tray-table
- tray_track
- tray-track
- trayup
- trigger
- triggers
- troubleshoot
- turn_around
- turnoff
- turnon
- types
- unapplied
- unapplied_payment
- unapplied-payment
- uncancel
- unmail
- unpaid_invoice
- unpaid-invoice
- unship
- upc
- update
- updated-frame
- update-form
- update_frame
- usage
- usage_detail
- user_doc
- user-doc
- user-manual
- using-perform-screen
- uucp
- valuation
- variance
- variance-report
- vendor
- verification
- verify
- verify-left
- vierfy-right
- view
- view_dome
- viewer
- view_log
- visionweb
- vol_disc
- vol_discount_report
- vol_disc_report
- volume
- volume_discount
- volume-discount
- volume_discount_report
- volume_disc_report
- vsp
- vwebstatus
- vwstatus
- waiting
- warehouse
- warehouseid
- warn
- warnings
- warranty
- watermark
- webservices
- wilcard
- wildcard
- windows
- windows-app
- windows_apps
- windows-lens-orders
- winscp
- wip
- wizard
- work
- work_file
- work_in_process
- workticket
- work_ticket
- work-ticket
- work_ticket_messages
- xml
- 0%
- 0lens
- 0price
- 0_price
- 0sphere
- 1
- 10
- 10-2
- 11
- 111
- 1-1-1
- 11-1
- 11-10
- 11-11
- 1-1-12
- 11-12
- 1-1-13
- 11-13
- 1-1-14
- 11-14
- 1115
- 11-15
- 11-2
- 113
- 1-1-3
- 11-3
- 114
- 1-1-4
- 11-4
- 11-5
- 11-6
- 117
- 1-1-7
- 11-7
- 11-8
- 119
- 1-1-9
- 11-9-1
- 11-9-2
- 11-9-3
- 11-9-4
- 12
- 121
- 1-2-1
- 1210
- 1-2-10
- 1-2-11
- 12-1-1
- 12-1-10
- 12-1-12
- 1-2-12
- 12-1-2
- 12-1-3
- 12-1-4
- 12-1-5
- 12-1-6
- 12-1-7
- 12-1-8
- 122
- 1-2-2
- 12-2-1
- 12-2-2
- 12-2-3
- 12-2-4
- 12-2-6
- 123
- 1-2-3
- 12-3-1
- 12-3-2
- 12-3-3
- 12-3-4
- 12-3-5
- 124
- 1-2-4
- 12-4-1
- 12-4-2
- 12-4-3
- 12-4-4
- 12-4-5
- 125
- 1-2-5
- 12-5-1
- 12-5-5
- 126
- 1-2-6
- 127
- 1-2-7
- 128
- 1-2-8
- 129
- 1-2-9
- 13
- 131
- 1-3-1
- 1-3-10
- 1-3-11
- 1-3-13
- 1-3-13-4
- 1-3-15
- 1-3-2
- 1-3-3
- 1-3-4
- 1-3-6
- 1-3-9
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 2
- 20
- 21
- 24
- 25pin
- 3
- 3-1
- 3-10
- 3-1-1
- 3-1-10
- 3-1-11
- 3-11-10
- 3-11-11
- 3-11-14
- 3-11-14-10
- 3-11-14-2
- 3-11-14-4
- 3-11-14-5
- 3-11-14-6
- 3-11-14-7
- 3-11-14-8
- 3-11-14-9
- 3-11-15
- 3-11-16
- 3-1-12
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Optifacts is now utilizing a help-desk ticket system to better serve your emailed support needs and have your requests assigned to a team member that can support you best.
Please consider emailing your support requests to rather than individual addresses for more efficient support.
You may also log in to your account at to submit your requests directly and see the status of any currently open tickets your lab may have.
If you are in need of immediate support, please call the support desk directly at (800) 678-4322 during business hours of 8 am to 5 pm CST/CDT, Monday through Friday.
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Phone: (800) 378-4322 Phone: (320) 258-3559 Fax: (320) 258-3880
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