Stock Credit Entry (through Quick Lookup)
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This document provides instructions for entering a Stock Lens credit from Quick Look-up.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 7 – Tray Tack and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – Quick Look-up and press Enter.
Perform a search for the relevant job.
- Once you have found the job in Quick Lookup, make sure the brackets are located on each side of the job information and type C to enter the Credit Memo screen.
If the invoice has already had a credit posted against it, you see the following message:
If not, then you see the following message:
- Press Enter to continue.
The original job information displays.
- Press enter past the Patient Name field.
Are these entries correct <y/n>?
- Press “Y” to accept the entry.
- Press “N” to return to the form.
- The system automatically assigns tray number 7777777.
The original job information is applied automatically to the remaining fields.
- Press Enter past each field until the following window displays.
- Select the appropriate billing options.
- Press Enter (11 Continue) once more to display the first item listed from the original job.
The Stock Option defaults to option “I” Inventory.
- If the item to credit is displayed, enter the quantity to credit. If the appropriate item is not displayed, enter “0” zero in the quantity field. The system displays the next item on the list.
Price/Item and Price/Line populate automatically based on the Stock Price List and do not include any special discounts, but the Invoice Total includes any special discounts given.
- When complete, press "Q" to quit and press Enter.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to continue the process.
Example of credit for 1 lens and a pair of lenses:
The system prompts the Operator for a credit reason (if your lab is using credit reasons).
- Press “C” to and press Enter to continue.
- Enter any applicable comments.
- Enter past the reference for original credit.
- Enter the Date Out of the job credited, or press Enter past it if already populated with a date.
- Press Enter past the “Enter for Reason Options” OPTIONS field.
“DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD “OPTIONS” You may not see the Enter for Reason Options line if your lab does not use OPTIONS.
The Options Selector screen displays.
- Select the appropriate credit reason option and press E
The system may prompt you to select additional credit reason options by cascading through various credit reason menus.
- Press Enter to print the invoice.
- Press Enter to continue.
To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.
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