Turn Lite-up On or Off Without Recall

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This document provides instructions for setting up the tray tracking stations used to turn off or turn on a lite-up on a job in progress without having to recall and edit. 

*** This setup will affect all your Work in Progress. Any jobs that have the specified lite-up as set up in the tracking station will not pass through Mailout until the tray is assigned through Station Assignment menu 7-7. ***


Tracking Station setup

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 7 - Tray Track and press Enter.

Select Option 12 - Tray Track Configuration and press Enter.

Select Option 2 - Sub-Master Station Number Setup and press Enter.

The Sub-Master Station Number Setup screen is displayed.

The following setup stops jobs at Mailout that have the specified lite-up assigned in the tracking station if they have not passed through that station.

  • Press “Q” to query.

Search for the sub-master station numbers or descriptions, as determined by your system administrator.

  • Enter the predetermined number in the master station number field, or enter the predetermined number or description in the appropriate fields.
  • Press Escape to show the results.

If the entries do not exist:

  • Press “A” to add a record.

You must set up the Master Station before adding a Sub-Master Station.

  • Enter the following data, as shown in the following diagrams, pressing enter past each field.
    • Master Station Number
    • Sub-Master Station
  • Station Description 
    • Setup as LUON or LUOFF with the lite-up (short) description if the full description will not fit.
  • Station Type - Press Enter to accept N as the default entry.
    • N - Normal
  • Station Priority - 0 is the default priority number
  • Lite-up Number
    • Enter the desired lite-up number you want to trigger on or off with this sub-master station. The lite-up number is seen on the pricing options page in Rx Order Entry.
  • Delay station
    • Enter “N”
  • Interface Port - Leave Blank
  • After Breakage - Set to “N.”

  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Press “E” to exit the screen.

In the following example, we are using lite-up #11 POLISH. Therefore, all jobs with the POLISH lite-up turned on have to pass through that station before being mailed out.

Here is another example where jobs with lite-up #465 would have to pass through the IN COATLAB lite-up before Mailout is allowed.

The lite-up #539 would need to be turned ‘OFF’ before passing through Mail Out in the following example.

Station Assignment

Once you have set up the stations, the user may track a tray to the “LUON” or “LUOFF” stations through the station assignment screen.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.

Select Option 7 – Station Assignment and press Enter.

The Station Assignment Screen displays.

  • Enter the station number, as assigned in the Tray Track Sub-master.
  • Enter the tray number, job number, or invoice number.

A confirmation of the change will display on the screen.

  • Press Escape to return to the station number field.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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