User Defined Work Tickets

User Defined Work Tickets

Beginning with version 6.45.00, Rx-Universe allows labs to use work tickets designed with Satisloh's LOHreport program.

The LOHreport program produces a work ticket template in XML format; to use a template designed in LOHreport, place the resulting XML file into the RX-XML subfolder (under the root Rx-Universe folder).

Please note that the LOHreport program must be obtained from Satisloh - this program is not provided with Rx-Universe.

Set Up Rx-Universe for User-Defined Work Tickets

First, the XML file(s) produced by LOHreport (these are the templates) should be placed into folder "RX-XML" under the Rx-Universe root folder.

In Rx-Universe, on the Work Tickets tab, set up the work ticket type as "XML", and then select the name of the work ticket to use:

Make sure the size of the paper you are using is selected as well; the default is North American Letter size, but many parts of the world should use A4 (or another size) instead.

Viewing Ticket In Order Entry

Printing of the XML format ticket happens exactly the same as PCL or other work tickets.  One additional function is available with the XML work tickets - the user can choose to view the work ticket on the screen.

In the customer service screen, right clicking on the order shows a sub-menu - one option is now "View Work Ticket".  Clicking that will create the PDF work ticket and display it on the screen. 

Note, you must have Adobe Reader (or another PDF-compliant reader) installed on the client in order to view work tickets.

VCA Labels In LOHreport templates

There are a few differences in VCA labels used in work ticket templates for Rx-Universe versus those used in Rx-Pert or AF-Client.  In addition, there is a hard-coded check to use a VCA Label Table called "WT" for user-defined work tickets, which allows the use of specific tag values based on the VCA label table.

Header Tags

_LAB_NAME - prints your lab name
_LAB_ADDRESS_1 - prints address line 1 of your lab 
_LAB_ADDRESS_2 - prints address line 2 of your lab 
_LAB_ADDRESS_3 - prints address line 3 of your lab
_LAB_POSTAL - prints the postal/zip code of your lab
_LAB_PHONE - prints the phone number of your lab

_RL_AR_REFERENCE - prints the reference number for the AR envelope.  

_RL_ACCT_NUM - prints the remote lab's account number
_RL_NAME - prints the remote lab name
_RL_ADDRESS_1 - prints address line 1 of the remote lab
_RL_ADDRESS_2 - prints address line 2 of the remote lab
_RL_ADDRESS_3 - prints address line 3 of the remote lab
_RL_ADDRESS_4 - prints address line 4 of the remote lab

_PATIENT_AR_ENV - prints the patient name if the "Print Patient Name on AR Envelope" is checked (System Settings, Orders 1 tab)
_PATIENT_TEXT_AR_ENV - prints the text "Patient:" if the "Print Patient Name on AR Envelope" is checked (System Settings, Orders 1 tab)
_ORIG_AR_ENV - when the job is a remake, it prints the original AR envelope reference number
_ORIG_AR_REF_TEXT - prints the text "Original Ref#" if the job is a remake

Order Level Tags

RXNM - order number (use this instead of JOB, as JOB has specific meanings within the VCA convention
_RXNMEYE - returns RXNM + 0 at the end for the right eye and 1 at the end for the left eye
_EYERXNM - returns 0 at the start for the right eye and 1 at the start for the left eye + RXNM 

_JOBTYPE - returns the text of the type of job (Cut&Edge or Uncut). Also, there is _JTYPE which returns 1 (full job) or 2 (uncut).

_ACCN_NAME - name of the customer who ordered the job
_ACCN_ADDR - complete address of the customer who ordered the job
_ACCN_ADDR1 - address line 1 of the customer who ordered the job
_ACCN_ADDR2 - address line 2 of the customer who ordered the job
_ACCN_ADDR3 - address line 3 of the customer who ordered the job
_ACCN_ADDR4 - address line 3 of the customer who ordered the job
_ACCN_PHONE- phone number of the customer who ordered the job
- postal code of the customer who ordered the job

_SHPNUM - ship-to number of the order 
- ship-to name of the order
_SHPADD - complete ship-to address of the order
_SHPADD1 - ship-to address line 1 of the order
_SHPADD2 - ship-to address line 2 of the order
_SHPADD3 - ship-to address line 3 of the order
_SHPADD4 - ship-to address line 4 of the order
_SHPPOSTAL - ship-to postal code of the order

_SHPPHONE - ship-to phone number of the order

_PONUM - the purchase order number of the job
_TRAY - the tray number of the job
_RELEASENUM - the release number of the job

_DATE - the date the work ticket was generated
_TIME - the time the work ticket was generated

_STATION prints the job tracking station the order is currently at

_ORD_DATE - prints the date the order was received (the order date)
_ORD_DATE_YYYYMMDD - prints receive date as YYYY/MM/DD

_ORD_DATE_MMDDYYYY - prints receive date as MM/DD/YYYY
_ORD_DATE_MMDD - prints just month and day received in format MM/DD
_ORD_DATE_DD - prints just the day of the order received date (ie "09")

_ORD_CDATE - prints the date the order was completed or the pending completion date
- prints completed date or pending completion date as YYYY/MM/DD

_ORD_CDATE_MMDDYYYY- prints completed date or pending completion date as MM/DD/YYYY

_ORD_CDATE_MMDD - prints just month and day of the completed or pending completed date, in format MM/DD
prints just the day of the order completed date or pending completed date (ie "09")

_ORD_CALC_DATE - the date the work ticket was last calculated

_DUEDATE - prints the due date (date wanted) in format YYYYMMDD
_DUEDATE_YYYYMMDD - prints the due date (date wanted) in format YYYY/MM/DD
_DUEDATE_MMDD - prints the due date (date wanted) in format MM/DD
_DUEDATE_DD - prints just the day of the order wanted date (ie "09")

_USERNAME - returns the user login who created the order

_ADDON - returns up to 15 occurrences of addon codes corresponding to addons on the order
_ADDONDESC - returns up to 15 addon descriptions corresponding to the addons on the order
_ADDONn_DESC - returns the description of addon where n is a value from 1 to 15.  This can be used with the addon cost and/or price tags to print addons including pricing (see below)

_HOTJOB - returns the text "HOT JOB" if the order is flagged hot, or if the first character of the special instructions is a "!" (exclamation mark).  This text can be translated if using a language other than English.

_ONHOLD - returns the text "On Hold" if the order is flagged flagged as on hold.  This text can be translated if using a language other than English.

_OUTSOURCE - returns the text "Outsource" if the order is flagged flagged as outsourced.  This text can be translated if using a language other than English.

_FRAMEBIN - returns the bin location of the frame, set in the "Receive frame to bin" function

_LENS_BIN - returns the right / left bins for the lens stock used on the order

_RXMATDSC - Returns the Rx-Site material description for the order

_NUMBREAK - the number of times a breakage has been posted to this order
_NUMBREAKLENS - number of times each lens has been broken (chiral field, reports right and left)

_ERROR - any errors associated with the job will be returned; this can be multiple lines

MESG - any comments (remarks, special instructions) on the job will be returned; this can be multiple lines

MESGn - where n is a number from 1 to 11, returns the specific comment line from the order 

_BLK_DESC - returns the block group description

_PRICELIST - returns the pricelist code used on the order

_CHECKDIAM - returns a warning message if a finished blank is chosen and the diameter is less than the suggested diameter

_REMAKE_TEXT - returns a text message "REMAKE:" if the order is a remake 

_REMAKE_REASON - returns the description of the remake reason code if the job is a remake

_FREEFORM - returns a text message "FREEFORM" if the order is a digital job

_DIGITAL - returns a text message "DIGITAL" if the order is a digital job

_VSSTATUS - returns "IND" if the order is safety thickness, or "DRESS" otherwise for compatibility with VisionStar work tickets

_ORIGIN - returns the origin of the order, if provided by the sending system

_RTBKG - returns "BK#" where "#" is replaced by the number of lens breakages for the order.   This label is only populated if the last breakage contained the right eye

_LTBKG - returns "BK#" where "#" is replaced by the number of lens breakages for the order.   This label is only populated if the last breakage contained the left eye

_ROUTER - returns the comment on the routing rule that was used to route the order (or a manually entered value if editing the routing information manually)

_ROUTEC - returns a description of the routing rule that was used to route the order (R#, then the id number in the first line, then up 10 ten additional 30-character descriptions of the matched conditions.  If no rule was matched the first line will note the default printer was used or that the order was routed manually.

_GST_REG - returns the GST Registration number

_DEFAULT_MESSAGE - returns the Default Message field from the Invoice tab in System Settings

Order Pricing Tags

_LENS_PRICE_LT - returns the price of the left lens (including any addons rolled into that price)
_LENS_PRICE_RT - returns the price of the right lens (including any addons rolled into that price)
_LENS_PRICE - returns the total price of both lenses 
_LENS_XTRA_POWER - returns the extra power price  

_LENS_COST_LT - returns the cost of the left lens
_LENS_COST_RT - returns the cost of the right lens
_LENS_COST - returns the total cost of both lenses 

_ADDONn_DESC - returns the description of addon n (where n=1 to 15)
_ADDONn_COST - returns the cost of addon n (where n=1 to 15)
_ADDONn_DESC - returns the description of addon n (where n=1 to 15)

_ADDON_TOT_PRICE - returns the total price of all the addons
_ADDON_TOT_COST - returns the total cost of all the addons
_ADDON_TOT_DISCOUNT - returns the total of all the addon discounts

_SUBTOTAL - returns the subtotal of the order
_TOTAL - returns the total price of the order

Inventory Status 

You can print the status of the order's inventory at the time of the work ticket printing.  The status that can be printed are

  • Non  - non stocked item
  • In-Stock - item is in stock
  • Out - item is out of stock
  • Special Order - item will be ordered
  • Discontinued - item is discontinued
  • Picked - for lenses only - states that the lenses have been picked for the order
  • Inactive - the item is set as Inactive on the database

_STK_STAT_L - Stock status for the lenses

_STK_STAT_FR - Stock status for the frame - requires frame inventory module

_STK_STAT_FP - Stock status for the frame part - requires frame inventory module

_STK_STAT_SS - Stock status for the side shield - requires frame inventory module

_STK_STAT_M1 - Stock status for the miscellaneous item 1 - requires frame inventory module

_STK_STAT_M2 - Stock status for the miscellaneous item 2 - requires frame inventory module

_ORDERQOH - returns the quantity available for the lenses on the order, at the time the order was calculated

_LENSQOH - returns the quantity available for the lenses on the order, as of when the work ticket was printed

_STRIPTIME - free text field used to store the number of minutes required to strip coatings from a lens

Coatings and Tints

_TINT - prints the factory tint on the lens (ie GY3)
COLR - prints the factory tint on the lens (ie GY3)

_TINTDESC - prints the ordered tint description
TINTDESC - returns the text of any tint, applied or inherent

TREAT - prints the factory coating that is on the lens (ie TR7)

_TREATCODE - prints the ordered pretreatment code

_TREATDESC - prints the ordered pretreatment description

FCOAT - prints the factory coating that is on the lens (ie TR7)

ARCOAT - returns the text of an APPLIED AR coating (not inherent)
ARBRAND - returns the text of the AR coating, either applied or inherent, for each eye (chiral field)
_ARDESC - returns the description of any AR coating on the job (blank if no AR coating) (non-chiral field)

Rx Information

_MATERIAL - prints the material code of the lens
LMATNAME - prints the lab material remarks

_MATORDERED - prints the material, treatment and tint of was what ordered.

_MCUSTDESC - prints the material's Rx-Site description if set, or the lab material remarks
_MATDESC - returns the full material description (including tints and treatments)

_LSTYLE - returns the lens style code of the job
_LREMARKS - returns the lens style remarks
_LCUSTDESC - prints the lens style Rx-Site description if set, or the lab material remarks

_STOCKDESC - returns the inventory description of the blanks for a job

_SFORF - returns S if the lens(es) are semi-finished, F is the lens(es) are finished.  It uses the code from the right blank if the eye is present, otherwise uses the code from the left blank

SPH - sphere power as entered
_SPHNEG - returns the sphere in negative cylinder format
_LDSPH - returns compensated sphere (or Rx sphere if no compensation)
_LDDRSPH - returns compensated sphere at the distance reference point (or Rx sphere if no compensation)

CYL - cylinder as entered
- returns the cylinder in negative cylinder format
_LDCYL - returns compensated cyl (or Rx cyl if no compensation)
_LDDRCYL - returns compensated cylinder at the distance reference point (or Rx cylinder if no compensation)

AX - cylinder axis as entered
- cylinder axis in negative cylinder format (transposed if necessary)
_LDAX - returns compensated axis (or Rx axis if no compensation)
_LDDRAX - returns compensated cylinder axis at the distance reference point (or Rx cylinder axis if no compensation)

ADD - add power
_LDADD - returns compensated add power (or Rx add if no compensation)

IPD - monocular distance PD
NPD - monocular near PD 
SEGHT - segment height

LDPRVM - returns compensated prism (for compensated lenses only)
LDPRVA - returns compensated prism axis (for compensated lenses only)

_COMPENSATEDDESC - returns the text "Compensated Rx" if the Rx is compensated, otherwise blank

_RPRVM1 and _RPRVM2 - amount of prescribed prism on the job
_RPRVA1 and _RPRVA2 - direction of prescribed prism as on the job - In, Out, Up and Out, or the specific angle (if entered that way)
_RXPRISM - returns a text field with all Rx prism and direction for the specified eye
_RXPRISMDESC - if Rx prism is present, this is set to "RX PRISM" otherwise it is blank.  Non-chiral field.

_REQBASE - if a specific base curve was specified for the order, it is returned in this label

_REQBASESW - if a specific base curve was specified for the order, this tag returns * (an asterisk) for each eye that had a base curve specified

_VALIDPD - returns a text string with the valid PD range for the Full Service or Uncut with Frame order

_VSSTATUS - prints IND if the job is a safety job, or DRESS if dress thickness 

_ORIGIN - prints the origin of the order (if populated by an origin that identifies itself)

_THICK - returns the edge thickness

_BOC - returns the BOC 

_NPD_VERTD - returns a text value of "NPD" or "Vert D" depending on the lens style type on the job

_NPD_VERTD_VALUE - returns either the NPD value or the Vert Decentration value depending on the lens style type on the order

_MINBLKSIZE - returns the value of the minimum blank size required for the order.  This shows the same information that is contained in the "View W/T" button after doing a calculation on an order.   The information shopwn will be the same as that found in the view. In the below example, 47 is the blank size for finished blank and 55 is the blank size for semi-finished blanks.


Surfacing Information

_LOHPRVM - returns the amount of prism to be blocked/generated in angular degrees
_LOHPRVA - returns the angle of prism to be blocked/generated

_SVAL2 - returns the SVAL (EV) for the lens with 0.1mm added for surface tape

SLBP - returns slaboff prism as diopters in material index (chiral field)
SLDRP - returns the slaboff reading drop, in mm, as a chiral field
_LOHSLBP - returns the slaboff prism in angular degrees, as a chiral field
_LOHSLBPTXT - returns the slaboff prism, which eye and drop value as a chiral text 
CTHNP- returns the minimum edge thickness at the crib diameter of the lens.  Today this is returned only for toric lenses, not digital. 

_ARTBLK - returns the text of the ART block piece to use (regular ART blocks)
_ARTPREMBLK - returns the text of the premium ART block piece to use
_NUCLEOBLK - returns the text of the Nucleo block piece to use

_ACTUALCRIB - returns the value that the  generator cribbed the lenses to


Finishing Information

_ETYPDESC - returns the description of the edge type of the order (from the frame type file)

_TRACETYPE - returns either “No Trace”, “Trace for calcs only”, or “Ready to edge”

_POLISHDESC - returns the text for polish instructions (polish edges, edges and pin bevel, etc).

Frame Information 

_FR_DESC - returns the Following frame information, "nnnnn  cccccc mmmmm EE-BB-TTT  Circ: 999  FCirc: 9999" where nnnn= frame name, ccccc = frame color,  mmmmm= frame manufacturer, EE = eye size, BB = bridge size, TTT= temple size,  trace circumference, frame circumference

_FRSTATUSDESC - returns the frame status

_FR_STOCK_BIN - returns the frame bin stocked location

_FR_BRAND - returns the frame brand

_FR_MODEL - returns the frame model

_FR_COLLECTION - returns the frame collection

_FR_GENDER - returns the frame gender

_FR_EYE - returns the frame eye size

_FR_BRIDGE - returns the frame bridge size

_FR_TEMPLE - returns the frame temple size

_FR_SIZE - returns the frame size in format EE-BB-TTT

_FR_COST - returns the cost of the frame from Rx-Inventory

_FR_PRICE - returns the price of the frame as priced on the order

FUPC - returns the frame UPC code

_FR_MUPC - returns the frame manufacturer UPC code 

_FR_PROP65 - returns the frame PROP65 warning flag

FCOL - returns the frame color

FMAT - returns the frame material

FMFR - returns the frame manufacturer

FRAM - returns the frame name

_FP_NAME - returns the frame part name

_FP_COL - returns the frame part color

_FP_MAT- returns the frame part material

_FP_MANUF - returns the frame part manufacturer

_FP_DESC - returns the following frame part information, "nnnnn  bbbbb cccccc mmmmm ddddd g EE-BB-TTT  aaaaa" where nnnn= frame part name, bbbbb = frame part brand, ccccc = frame part collection,  mmmmm= frame part manufacturer, ddddd= frame part colour, g= frame part gender, EE = eye size, BB = bridge size, TTT= temple size,  aaaaa= frame part material

_FP_STOCK_BIN - returns the frame part bin stocked location

_FP_BRAND - returns the frame part brand

_FP_MODEL - returns the frame part model

_FP_COLLECTION - returns the frame part collection

_FP_GENDER - returns the frame part gender

_EDBOX - "Dispenser" ED, this will match ED from the stored shape

_FP_EYE - returns the frame part eye size

_FP_BRIDGE - returns the frame part bridge size

_FP_TEMPLE - returns the frame part temple size

_FP_UPC - returns the frame part UPC code

_FP_PROP65 - returns the frame part PROP65 warning flag

_SS_NAME - returns the frame  side shield name

_SS_COL - returns the frame side shield color

_SS_MAT- returns the frame side shield material

_SS_MANUF - returns the frame side shield manufacturer

_SS_DESC - returns the following frame side shield information, "nnnnn  bbbbb cccccc mmmmm ddddd g EE-BB-TTT  aaaaa" where nnnn= frame side shield name, bbbbb = frame side shield brand, ccccc = frame side shield collection,  mmmmm= frame side shield manufacturer, ddddd= frame side shield colour, g= frame side shield gender, EE = eye size, BB = bridge size, TTT= temple size,  aaaaa= frame side shield material

_SS_STOCK_BIN - returns the frame side shield bin stocked location

_SS_BRAND - returns the frame side shield brand

_SS_MODEL - returns the frame side shield model

_SS_COLLECTION - returns the frame side shield collection

_SS_GENDER - returns the frame side shield gender

_SS_EYE - returns the frame side shield eye size

_SS_BRIDGE - returns the frame side shield bridge size

_SS_TEMPLE - returns the frame side shield temple size

_SS_UPC - returns the frame side shield UPC code

_SS_PROP65 - returns the frame side shield PROP65 warning flag

_M1_UPC - returns the miscellaneous-1 UPC code

_M1_DESC - returns the miscellaneous-1 description field

_M2_UPC - returns the miscellaneous-2 UPC code

_M2_DESC - returns the miscellaneous-2 description field

Trace Data

_TRACENAME - returns the trace name used on the order if there was one

_TRACETYPE - prints either “No Trace”, “Trace for calcs only”, or “Ready to edge” based on whether there is a frame attached to the order, and whether the trace is calcs-only or is edge-able. 

There are 4 ways to print frame trace data (the names below each example are what should be entered in the "Name" field of the shape box in the work ticket ticket template.


Note that if printing both sides of the frame is desired, you can use TRACE_ONLY (or any of the other options) for one eye, and TRACE_ONLY2 (or any of the other options, with a "2" appended), to avoid an error in LOHreport of a duplicate field name.

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