Nucleo Front Curve Tolerances

Nucleo Front Curve Tolerances

The Nucleo blocker also sends back information on the block/blank geometry, which Rx-Universe will save and use for subsequent communication with other equipment. One of the pieces of information sent back by the Nucleo is the measured front curve of the blank that has been blocked. If the measured front curve differs from the stored front curve in Rx-Universe, value used for the calculation, Rx-Universe will automatically re-calculate the job; if the measured front curve differs from the stored front curve by a large amount, this may indicate the wrong base curve was pulled, and the job can be placed on hold for manual investigation. 

The system default for how much variance is allowed between the measured front curve and the stored front is set up under "Setup", "System Settings", on the "Devices" tab:

The "Nucleo blocker recalculate" value specifies when Rx-Universe should recalculate the job - in this example, if the measured front curve is more than 0.03D different than the stored value, the job will be recalculated.  The "Nucleo blocker failure tolerance" specifies the maximum difference that is allowed between the measured value and the stored value - if the front curve differs by more than this amount, it will not be recalculated, but rather, the job will be placed on hold, as such a wide difference could indicate the wrong base or blank has been placed in the tray.

The types of lenses that this check should be applied is controlled by the three checkboxes for spherical, aspheric, and progressive lenses.  Currently, the Nucleo blocker returns measured front curves only for spherical lenses, so that is the only option that should be checked.  If not checked, then the _FRNTMES value returned by the Nucleo blocker will be ignored by Rx-Universe (no jobs will be recalculated or put on hold based on _FRNTMES).


Since recalculating a digital job may incur additional click fees (depending on the licensing arrangement between the LDS and the lab), a lab might wish to make the rules for recalculation different for a particular LDS vendor.  Therefore, the lab can set different front curve tolerances for an LDS vendor.  This is done in the "Devices", "Digital Surface Types" for the LDS vendor, on the Device tab:

In the above example, recalculation will only happen when the front curve differs by more than 0.06D.  This would result in fewer jobs being recalculated than toric jobs, but possibly at the expense of additional power problems.




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