Lab General Configuration

Lab General Configuration

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This document provides instructions for setting up the Lab General Configuration table. The Lab General Configuration table is one of several primary configuration tables involved in the lab setup. Each one handles a small part of the overall laboratory process control. If a field does not require a change, use the default setting provided.


Lab General Configuration

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 4 –Edit Lab General Configuration and press Enter.

The Lab General Configuration screen is displayed.

  • Enter all the information using the guidelines listed in the following table:
  • Press F2 to save the data.
  • Press Escape to discard the changes.

Field Definitions

Field Name


Enable Recall

Enter “Y” to save all jobs and enable recall at Order Entry.

Continuous Inv

Enter “Y” to print invoices on continuous forms (tractor feed).

Enter “N” for drop-in (prints individual sheets).

Auto Invoice #

This setting sets the auto invoicing sequencing.

  •  “L” Layout
  •  “S” Stock
  • “1” Both Layout and Stock using one group
  • “2” Layout and Stock using two groups
  • “N” Neither

Ship To Label

Enter “Y” to print a ship to Label on the bottom of continuous invoices.

Drop-in Lines Down

Enter the number of lines to skip down to begin printing on drop-in for dot-matrix printer alignment.

Drop-in Col. Over

Enter the number of columns to skip over to begin printing on drop-in invoices for dot-matrix printer alignment.

Enable Lens Usage

Enter “Y” to save all lenses in the lens usage database.

*** No longer used, leave it set to “N” ***

Enable Rx Saving

Enter “Y” to save all jobs in the Rx database 

*** No longer used, leave it set to “N” ***

Enable Frame Usage

Enter “Y” to save all frame info (including color and temples) in the database.

*** Consult with Optifacts support before setting to “Y” ***

Invent Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Inventory package

Track Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Track package

TT Fax Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Tray Track Fax package

Note: You must have Track Enable active to enable this setting.

Gerber Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Gerber Generator package

This setting sets the system to send data to Gerber devices.

Important: Leave the setting Gerber Enable set to “Y.” It is vital that this switch equal “Y,” even if the lab does not use Gerber equipment. Certain internal events, for interface files, are triggered by this. Primarily, the “X-MIT TO GENERATOR” lite-up is automatically activated, only if this switch is “Y.”

Coburn Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Coburn Generator package

Enabling this sets the system to send data to Coburn devices.

BL Sel Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Blank Selection package. 

To run Blank Selection, you must enable the module with this option. Turning this option on alters the Order entry program prompting for operator information. Order Entry will no longer prompt for Manufacturer, Diameter, or Base Curve of lenses on each Rx. Order entry operators have less entry work to do, and their jobs per hour increase.

Layout Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Layout Calculation package

Price Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Pricing package

AR/Trans Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the  Accounts Receivable package, enter “T” for Transfer Site

Trace Enable

Enter Y/N – “Y” enables the Frame Trace package

Trc Prt (none)

Enter the device port (such as tty2a) that has a Coburn frame tracer.

St Qty Break

Enables Stock Quantity Break.

  • ”L” Lenses
  • “C” Contacts
  • “B” Both Lenses and Contacts
  • “T” Total
  • “N” Neither, mix and match
  • “F” Forces a break

Price Marked FA

Enter “Y” to price frame A oversize on marked A

If “Y,” then Oversize pricing is based on the True “A” size as opposed to pricing by the marked size.

Prompt Misc Blk OK

Enter “Y” to prompt operator is Misc. Blank info, OK?

If active “Y,” and the operator enters miscellaneous blank information (from other settings), this prompts the operator to acknowledge entry.

Prompt Insert Inv

Enter “Y” to prompt the operator to insert the invoice and press return.

If active “Y,” the system pauses at the end of each Rx Entry and asks the operator to insert the paper for printing. Logically, since printers use stacked paper, setting this to “Y” allows the operator an additional chance to edit the Rx before committing and clearing the entry screen.

Show Comp Lens Thick

Enter “Y” to show the computed lens minimum thickness in the Blank window.

If set to “Y,” the entry screen displays a window showing the computed minimum thickness of the lenses for the job.

Calcs Remove Trace

Enter “Y” to have the calculation module remove the frame trace file.

If active, and a trace is attached to a valid job in progress, then the tracing gets removed from the trace file.

Uncuts use Trc Data

Enter “Y” to have uncut jobs use traced frame data.

If active, uncut work can use traced frame data for calculation of the Rx.

Skip Traced Name

Enter “Y” to skip entering frame name on traced jobs.

If active, “Y,” the entry screen won”t force typing of a frame name on a tracing.

Save Lay/Stk Adt

This setting determines what gets saved in the Audit Trail.

  • ”B” Both
  • “L” Layout
  • “S” Stock
  •  “N” None (no audit trail)

Prompt for Act/Hold

Enter “Y” to prompt the operator to set the statements to run on Active, Hold, or Both.

  • ”A” Active
  • “H” Hold
  • “B” Both

Stmts Default A/H/B

Enter default Active, Hold or Both for running statements

  • “A” Active
  • “H” Hold
  • “B” Both

Set Hold to S

If set to “Y” sets hold code to “S” for WIP work when updating on –hold invoices.

Stmt Prt Inv Tax

If the system setting is “Tax on Invoice,” setting this to “Y” prints the total tax amount on the statement.

Stmt Prt Post

If set to “Y,” the system prints the postage totals on the statement.

Stmt Prt Frame

If set to “Y,” the system prints the frame totals on the statement.

Stmt Dsc Tax

If active “Y” and taxes are to apply, this computes statement discounts, including the tax amounts.

Stmt Dsc Post

Similar to Stmt Dsc Tax, if active “Y,” computes statement discounts, including the postage amounts.

Stmt Dsx Frame

Related to Stmt Dsc Tax and Stmt Dsc Post, when active “Y” includes the frame dollar amounts as discountable on statement discount calculation.

Run Opti Base

Enter “N” run Normally with all entered config values used. “Y” is base.

*** NEVER SET THIS TO “Y.” ***

This setting circumvents the program enhancements in use and reverts the software to its basic, default state.


Enter “Y” to do tax for the United States. Setting this to “N” does tax for Canada

Prt Co on Inv

Enter “Y” to print the Company name and address on top of the invoice.

Prt Co on Stk

Enter “Y” to print the Company name and address on top of the stock invoice.

Pt Co on Stmt

Enter “Y” to print the Company name and address on top of the statement.

Prt Stmt Stub

Enter “Y” to print the statement stub identifiers: “N” if pre-printed.

Inv Item Rnd

Enter the number of cents to round invoice items to, from 1 through 10.

Min Serv   0.00

Enter the minimum service charge on statements for customers that get charged.

Prt Stk Chng

Blank Selection STK, Y=prnt style w/ST, N=prnt org. S=prnt as SF always

If Blank Selection (during Rx entry) selects a stock lens as a viable choice and this setting is “Y” prints both the finished and semi-finished choice on the work ticket. If set to “N,” print the original (best) choice only and, if set to “S,” print only the semi-finished selection on the work ticket.

When Order Entry enters a semi-finished style, Blank Selection may alter the style to Stock. If this happens, this option allows you to specify if the invoice should print the style with the ST suffix and if Stock should print after the style description, in the special instructions box. Enter “Y” to print the style with ST and description with Stock. Enter “N” to print the style and description as semi-finished. Enter S to always print stock styles as semi-finished, regardless of manual or Blank Selection. Note: If the invoice prints as a semi-finished, a base curve is calculated and printed based on the power of the job

Pre Stk Chng

If Blank Selection adds STOCK to style, Enter “Y” to price style w/ST, “N” to price as initially entered. When a semi-finished style gets entered in order entry, Blank Selection may alter the style to stock. If this happens, this option allows you to specify if the job should be priced as a stock lens or as a semi-finished lens (as the operator entered it). Enter “Y” to price the job as a stock lens. Enter “N” to price the job as a semi-finished.

In conjunction with Prt Stk Chng setting this to “Y,” prices the job using the stock lens selected (if applicable), set to “N” prices based on the best choice only.

O/A Levels

Enter the number of Override/Add-on price list levels to allow. Values between 1 and 10 are acceptable.

Save Sls Anl

Enter the number of months to save sales analysis info. Set to zero (0) if no save is needed. Otherwise, a value of 1 to 99 is allowed.

Prc Edit Sze

Enter the total field size (7-19) for the Pricing Editor price list fields. The acceptable range is 7 through 19.

Use 132 Coln

Allow 132 column mode for V0t100, or N)one

Ck Dup Tray

Enter “Y” to check for duplicate Tray numbers in A.R.

Set to “Y” to check for duplicate tray number use in the AR system. A setting of “N” allows duplicate tray numbers.

Note: This has no impact on tray numbers used in production. In production, there are no duplicate tray numbers allowed.

Tray Only #”s

Enter “Y” to allow only numbers for the tray, set to “N” to allow all characters.

Tray Ck Char

Enter “D” to compute a number check digit for trays.”N” for no check digit

Inv @ Mail-out

Enter “Y” to print invoices at mail-out, “N” to print invoices at the time of job entry.

Invnt Verify

To determine how the system handles the decrementing of lens inventory.

  • ”Y” to decrement at the verification screen
  • “W” to decrement at verification and allow forcing of lenses
  • “N” if neither used

Works with the Pick Tickets setting below: Verify is set to “N” or “W”, the Pick Tickets need to be set to “N” in order to create the interface files for the equipment.

Pick Tickets

Pick tickets

  • “L” Laser
  • “B” Basic dot matrix printer
  • “N” Neither

Works with the Invnt Verify setting above: Verify is set to “N” or “W”, the Pick Tickets need to be set to “N” in order to create the interface files for the equipment.

Prnt ST & SF

Enter “Y” to print both stock and semi-finished choices on work tickets

Ignore Lead 0

Set to “Y” would strip any leading zeros from stored tray numbers, and if the tray bar code contained zeros, they would not match at any scanning station. Setting this to “N,” the system fills the field with zeros all spaces left of the tray number.

Intermec Rdr

Enter “Y” if using Intermec readers, enter “N” if using Worthington.

Days Needed

Enter the default number of days needed for Tray Track. Relative to work turn-around time.

Time Needed

Enter the default time needed for Tray Track using the military format to enter the time of day that the workday ends. This setting determines when the day end occurs.

Save Trk Hst

Enter the number of months to save Tray Track History. Acceptable range from 1 to 99 months.

Save Mailed

Enter the number of days to save mailed Track jobs. Acceptable range from 1 to 99 days.

Stk Upd Track

Enter “Y” to include stock orders in tray track history.

Stk on Hold

If set to “Y,” stock orders are not automatically shipped when Order Entry is complete. If set to “N,” the system automatically ships (mail-out) the order when Order Entry concludes.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image. 

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You may also log in to your account at https://rxuniverse.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/12 to submit your requests directly and see the status of any currently open tickets your lab may have.
If you are in need of immediate support, please call the support desk directly at (800)  678-4322 during business hours of 8 am to 5 pm CST/CDT, Monday through Friday.  

Optifacts, Inc.   Suite 100 - 18 Riverside Ave. S.   Sartell MN 56377

Phone: (800) 378-4322   Phone: (320) 258-3559   Fax: (320) 258-3880

Email: sales@olsssystems.com   Email: support@optifacts.com

Optifacts Service Desk: http://support.optifacts.com 
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