Account Material Configuration

Account Material Configuration

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This document provides instructions for adding or editing the Account Material Configuration table. There are several primary configuration tables involved in the lab setup. Each one handles a small part of the overall laboratory process control. If a field does not require a change, use the default setting provided.


Account Material Configuration

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 2 –Edit Account Material Configuration and press Enter.

The Account Material Configuration screen is displayed.

  • Enter the applicable Account Number or zero “0” for all accounts.

All Account/Material Configuration tables with the account number set to zero “0” is a general use table (default) for thickness control. Any account or several accounts that require special thickness, cribbing differences, or other parameters can be accommodated by adding a new table with the unique account number. You can alter those unique account tables, but give some consideration in areas that might jeopardize safety, policy, or quality processing procedures.

  • Enter the applicable Material Code.

If you are adding a new Material Code, a message is displayed, as shown in the following diagram:

Add New Material

Edit Existing Material

Edit or Delete this material (E/D)?

  • Enter E to edit.
  • Press Escape to discard.

If you are editing an existing Material Code, a message is displayed, as shown in the following diagram:

  • Enter all of the applicable information using the guidelines listed in the following table:
  • Press F2 to save the data.
  • Press Escape to discard the changes.

Field Definitions

Field Name



At a minimum, a table exists for each material set to account zero (0). These tables get used in conjunction with the Material Configuration tables. Any specific accounts that need unique configuration can have their account number and material-specific tables.

Low Minus Cntr

Enter default low minus power center thickness in mm

The thickness for minus powered lenses up to Low Minus Lmt. The thickness remains constant until power exceeds the limit. Progressive and Executive lenses include the ADD POWER when determining the value of thickness.

Low Minus Lmt

Enter default low minus power limit (for low minus center thickness)

Upper power range (most minus) that is controlled by the Low Minus Cntr value. The High Minus Cntr and High Minus Lmt controls to manage the powers exceeding this range limit.

High Minus Cntr

Enter default high minus power center thickness in mm

Minimum thickness to allow for minus powers. Once a lens exceeds the Low Minus Lmt, the thickness gets gradually reduced to this thickness by the time the power reaches the High Minus Lmt value.

High Minus Lmt

Enter default high minus power limit (for high minus center thickness)

Minus power at which the High Minus Cntr is reached.

Plano Edge Thk

Enter default edge thickness for standard edged Plano power lenses

The thickness for the edge of a PLANO power lens. In Progressive or Executive styles, the ADD POWER gets taken into consideration for thickness control.

Hi Plus Limit

Enter default high plus power limit (for high plus edge thickness)

The plus power at which the High Minus Cntr is reached.

Hi + Edge Thk

Enter edge thickness for standard SF edged Hi Plus Limit power lenses

Minimum plus power thickness. Thickness gets gradually reduced from the value set for Plano Edge Thk to this thickness.

Fct&Str Edge

Enter edge thickness for facet and string (comb.) plus/minus power lenses

Minimum edge thickness for a GROOVE frame type with a FACET applied. Thickness overrides default edge controls.

Drill Point Min

Enter drill point minimum thickness

+5.00 Facet Edge

Enter edge thickness for facet lenses at +5.00 or stronger

Minimum edge thickness for a plus powered lens when a FACET is applied, and the power exceeds +5.00 diopters.

Plano Facet Edge

Enter edge thickness for facet lenses at Plano or minus power

Minimum edge thickness for a PLANO powered, FACET applied edge type.

+ String Edge

Enter edge thickness for plus power string lenses

Minimum edge thickness for a plus powered GROOVE frame type. This setting overrides the thickness controls set above.

- String Edge

Enter edge thickness for minus power string lenses

Minimum edge thickness for a minus powered GROOVE frame type. This setting overrides the thickness controls for minus powers.

Note: Will increase the center thickness of weak powered (minus) lenses if the default setting would make the edge too thin.

Indust. Thick

Enter default minus and Plano lens thickness for industrial (safety) lenses

Minimum thickness for SAFETY work. This thickness gets used until the power exceeds Ind + Thin Pwr, at which time it switches over to the thickness under Ind + 1.00 Thk.

Ind + Thin Pwr

Enter default starting plus lens thinning power for industrial (safety) lenses

Minimum Power to switch over to Ind +1.00 Thk thickness control.

Ind +10.0 Thk

Enter default thickness for industrial (safety) lenses at +10.00 power

The minimum thickness used when power exceeds the diopter value specified under Ind + Thin Pwr.

Stock Thck Tol

Enter the stock Blank Selection thickness tolerance amount.

Deviation allowed for the selection of a stock (pre-ground) lens during Blank Selection. The value entered here allows a lens that is too thin, or lens too thick, by this amount. In the case of a groove or drill rimless frame type, the tolerance is only positive – it allows a lens that is too thick only.

You are setting up Stock thickness tolerance limits. This setting is usually the same as our stock removal, but you can edit this value to force Optifacts to pull a 1.5mm thick stock lens where you normally would only grind to a 1.8 mm center. Example: If your system will normally only grind to a 1.8 mm center thickness, but you would like the system to be able to pull a 1.5mm finished lens, if available, set your stock thickness tolerance to at least 0.3 mm. (1.8 - 1.5 = 0.3). In this example, any finished stock lenses that have a thickness of less than 1.5mm would not get selected automatically. You can still force a thickness in the lens blank window of the layout module to pull lenses of lesser thicknesses.

Edg SV Psm Rd

Enter “Y” to default edged SV lenses doing prism reduction

If the entry is “Y,” the system grinds the minimum amount of oprism for cut out on EDGED work only. The blank size selection doesn’t get altered. If set to “N,” the system grinds prism to move the OC the full decentration needed. This method ensures that the blocked lens for edging is centered. (see Unct SV Psm Rd)

Edg SV Pcnt

Enter the percentage of the blank available. To use for edged SV prism reduction

Percentage of the useable area when checking cut out during lens selection. Applies only to edged work.

Edg Prsm Inc

Enter “Y” to default edged SV & dir dec Exec lenses doing prism increase

Enter “Y” to default edged SV and Dir Dec EXEC lenses doing prism increase.

Edg Psm T Pwr

Enter power where prism thinning starts defaulting on for edged

Minimum power for automatic application of prism thinning. Applies only to edged work.

Edg Psm T Hgt

Enter pupil height above FMC where prism thinning starts defaulting on

Minimum seg height for automatic application of prism thinning. Applies only to edged work.

Edge Prsm Thn %

Edged relative % of smart prism thinning (40-60% is typical)

Set to (A) for always, (N) for never and (S) to let the parameters set under Edg Psm T Pwr and Edg Psm T Hgt decide.

Edg Blnk Saf

Enter edged blank diameter safety allowance

The value added to the minimum blank size for cut out requirements. The typical value should be 2.0mm or less. It also includes Edg SV Pcnt, if single vision.

Edg Crib Saf

Enter the edged generator crib diameter safety allowance (99=no crib)

Safety allowance for cribbing. If no cribbing is desired, set to 99.0. Applies to edged work only.

Unct SV Psm Rd

Enter “Y” to default uncut SV lenses to doing prism reduction

If the entry is “Y,” the system grinds the minimum amount of prism for cut out on UNCUT work only. The blank size selection doesn’t get altered. If set to “N,” the system grinds prism to move the OC the full decentration needed. This method ensures that the blocked lens for edging is centered. (see Edg SV Psm Rd)

Unct SV Pcnt

Enter the percentage of the blank available. To use for uncut SV prism reduction

Percentage of the useable area when checking cut out during lens selection.

Unct Prsm Inc

Enter “Y” to default uncut SV and Dir Dec EXEC lenses doing prism increase.

Unct Psm T Pwr

Enter power where prism thinning starts defaulting on for uncut

Minimum power for automatic application of prism thinning. Applies to uncut work.

Unct Psm T Hgt

Uncut pupil height above FMC where prism thinning starts defaulting on

Minimum seg height for automatic application of prism thinning. Applies only to uncut work.

Unct Prsm Thn %

Uncut relative % of smart prism thinning (40-60% is typical)

Unct Blnk Saf

Enter uncut blank diameter safety allowance

The value added to the minimum blank size for cut out requirements. The typical value should be 2.0mm or less. It also includes Unct SV Pcnt, if single vision. For uncut work, this value might get set larger (than for edged work) to assist accounts who are concerned with how close the cutout point is when they edge the lenses.

Unct Crib Saf

Enter uncut generator crib diameter safety allowance (99=no crib)

Safety allowance for cribbing. If no cribbing is desired, set to 99.0. Applies to uncut work only.

Psm T W/Rx Prsm

Default prism thinning with B)oth horizontal & vertical, H)orizontal only, N)o Rx prism

It determines the method for handling of prism thinning on Rx’s with prescribed prism. Possible settings are: (B) for both horizontal & vertical prism is acceptable. “H” for only horizontal prism is acceptable, and “N” for neither direction of the prescribed prism is acceptable.

Bifocal OC

Enter amount OC should default to being above the seg on bifocals

Minimum height vertical OC location relative to the top of bifocal seg.

Trifocal OC

Enter amount OC should default to being above the seg on trifocals

Minimum height vertical OC location relative to the top of intermediate acceptable.

SV Slab Dist

SV slab-off distance to read point separation

Distance (vertical)in which to calculate slab off prism on a single vision lens.

Bi Slab Pnt

Bifocal slab-off read point inside segment distance

Location of Reading Point in bifocal to include in slab calculation.

Tri Slab Pnt

Trifocal slab-off read point inside segment distance

Location of Reading Point in trifocal to include in slab calculation.

Pr Rnd Carry

Diopters that carry from one eye to the other, when rounding in pairs

The amount, in diopters, to add when rounding rear curves on PAIR work.

Caliper Thk Adj

Enter “Y” to adjust lens thickness for non-strap edge callipering

Set to “Y” to adjust the printed lens thickness (edge) for not-strap edge callipering.

Exec Dir Dec

Enter “Y” to default running executive lenses direct decentration

If set to “Y,” the system grinds prism to achieve the Distance PD only. The near point (NOC) remains centered horizontally in the eye. Setting to “N” achieves both Distance and Near, by grinding the appropriate INSET. This method produces many occurrences of “Min Blank Diam – No Blank in the supplier list was large enough to cut out” message.

Pricing Revert

Enter “Y” to allow uncut price lists to revert to edged price lists.

Show Over Diam

Enter “U” Uncut only, “Y” Yes, “N” No to print diameter on oversize

Setting for printing ov oversize pricing on invoices.

Prt Lft $ On Inv

Enter “Y” to print dollars for each light-up on the left of the invoice

Prt Avl Disc/Inv

Enter “Y” to print the maximum possible discount available on the invoice

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image. 

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