Add/Edit Account Number & Ship To Code
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This document provides instructions for setting up a customer Account Number and Ship to Code.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – Customer Database Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 5 – Add/Edit Ship To and press Enter.
The Customer Database Modifications screen is displayed.
If the Company code, Branch code, and Sales Territory code do not exist, the system prompts you to set them up.
- Type the Company code and press enter.
- Type the Branch code and press enter.
- Type the Sales Territory code and press enter.
Account Code
- Type the new Account Number to be assigned to the customer and press enter.
Caution: Do not type an existing account number in this field. If you Enter an existing account number, the account information displays, and you could overwrite it. You do not want to overwrite account information.
The following screen displays.
Enter all applicable information as per the guidelines below:
First Name: If Account is Using Doctor’s Name: If the account is a doctor with a first and last name, Enter the doctor’s first name in the First Name field. Enter the doctor’s last name in the Last Name Field.
Last Name: If Account Using Business Name: If the account uses a business name, press Enter in the First Name field to leave it blank. Enter the business name in the Last Name field.
Contact: Enter a contact name. This name is for internal reference use only. It does not print on any documents.
Telephone: Enter a telephone number (999-999-9999 format).
Attention: Enter a name. This name prints on invoices and printed Rx forms. It won’t print on the work ticket.
Street: Enter the street address. Required field and prints on invoices and printed Rx forms.
Street: Enter additional address information. This address prints on invoices and printed Rx forms.
City: Enter the City. Required field.
State: Enter the State. Required field.
Zip: Enter either, a five-digit zip code, a zip plus 4 code, or an appropriate country code.
Stock Disc %: Enter a flat discount for stock lenses for the account.
Stock Frame Disc %: Enter a flat discount for stock frames for the account.
Frame Disc %: Enter a flat discount for frames on Rx orders.
Discount %: Enter a discount percentage. This field is for reference use only for a customer statement discount.
Serv Chrg %: Enter a service charge percentage. Reference field only for customer’s service charges on past due balances.
Fixed Bin #: This field defines whether the lab uses fixed or dynamic bins for the account. Enter the desired entry - A number (up to 5 digits only) = Fixed bins.
Fedrl Tax Code: Enter the federal tax code. Required field. Refer to the Tax Code Setup Table for the federal, state, and local tax codes after checking with the finance department for appropriate tax percentage.
State Tax Code: Enter the state tax code. Required field. Refer to the Tax Code Setup Table for the federal, state, and local tax codes after checking with the finance department for appropriate tax percentage.
Local Tax Code: Enter the local tax code. Required field. Refer to the Tax Code Setup Table for the federal, state, and local tax codes after checking with the finance department for appropriate tax percentage.
Tax on Dlvry Nt (Invoice):
- Y - Calc on Del Note and keep in Analysis
- S - Calc and show only
- N - don’t calc
Always set this to Y (the tax-exempt status should always be relative to the appropriate federal, state, and local tax codes).
Credit Flg:
- N - Run jobs
- Y - Block order entry from Entering jobs for the account
- C - Warn operator at order entry that account is on credit hold but still allows the operator to enter the job.
Credit Limit: Enter a credit limit. This field is for reference use only.
Optifacts will not automatically place an account on credit hold when the credit limit is reached. Manual intervention is required to set the credit hold flag.
Billing Type: Enter the desired entry per the instructions below
- V = Vision Service Plan (VSP) and other managed care billing accounts
- S = Other accounts
- C = Co-pay accounts
- N = Normal
Open Item: Enter “N” if the account is Balance Forward or “Y” if Open Item.
Bill-To Acct: Enter the desired entry per the instructions below:
- If the account is a buying group member, use the buying group’s main account here.
- In all other cases, press Enter to accept the default value (the same account number you used to set up the account).
The Bill-To account is used for insurance programs if applicable:
- COPAY: Tax Codes Used (0-2).
- Disp Not Taxed (0-1)
- Max Pay Tax (0-3)
Handling Fee: Enter the handling fee value if applicable.
Stk Suppress Prc: N for no or Y for yes. This flag suppresses the price from printing on a stock invoice.
Is this data correct (Y/N)?
- Enter “Y” to save or “N” to edit.
Once you save all of the above information, the cursor position is at the Ship-To Code field.
Ship to Code
- Enter the applicable Ship-To code.
The following screen is displayed.
- Press Enter to accept the account information or update the information if necessary until you reach the Modem Flag field.
Modem Flag: Enter “N.”
Stock Qty: Consult your Pricing Administrator to obtain the appropriate pricing level code (A, B, C, or D).
- Enter the appropriate code.
Code2: Enter “N.”
Courier (M-Z): Enter the letter which corresponds to the shipping method set up in the account message editor. The corresponding message prints at the bottom of the Ship-to box below the patient name.
Is this data correct (Y/N)?
- Enter “Y” if correct or “N” to edit the entries.
To add another Ship To Code for the account, use Menu option 5 Add/Edit Ship-to and repeat the last 6 steps above.
To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.
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