Brand Accrual

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This document provides instructions for setting up Brand Accrual. A process to calculate and credit a volume discount based on Brand can define periods longer than one month and the ability to credit another account.


Set up the following to correctly accrue and credit:

Custom Configurations

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Edit Custom Configuration and press Enter.

The Custom Configuration Editor is displayed.

  • Press “Q” to Query.
  • Ensure that the tables below exist.

If the tables do not exist:

  • Press “A” - Add a new record.
  • Enter all the information as per the example (s) below.
  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Press “E” to exit.

(Optional) Enable the entry below to credit the account if they did not meet the exact target sales amount but are within this threshold.

(Optional) Enable the entry below and fill in a tax material code for what tax material percentage you would like applied to a brand accrual percentage. If this is not enabled, the brand accrual credits won’t have tax calculated.

Brand Group Configuration

To define what manufacturers are included or excluded for each Brand. Only lens manufacturers are included at this time.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 3 – Other Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 13 – Accruals/Investments and press Enter.

Select Option 1 – Brand Group Editor and press Enter.

Add the applicable entry or entries:

The term “COMBINED” is reserved, and you can’t use it as a Brand group name.

  • In the Brand prompt, enter what you would like to call the brand “
  • In the Brand to Print prompt, enter what Brand you would like to call the brand “
  • Enter “I” if you want to include this manufacturer code in the Brand or “E” to exclude this manufacturer code in the Brand.
  • Enter the manufacturer code we match to include in or exclude from the Brand.

Accrual Type Configuration

To define the accrual types used in entering a brand accrual contract and reporting.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 3 – Other Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 13 – Accruals/Investments and press Enter.

Select Option 2 – Accrual Type Editor and press Enter.

Add the applicable entry or entries:

The terms GROUP, SGROUP, and BGROUP are reserved, and you can’t use them as Accrual Type names.

Adding a Brand Accrual Contract

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 3 – Other Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 13 – Accruals/Investments and press Enter.

Select Option 4 – Add Brand Accrual Contracts and press Enter.

Brand Group:

  • Type the internal Brand name for the contract (or “COMBINED” to allow more than one).


  • If you entered “COMBINED,” the system asks how many brands you wish to enter.
  • Enter the number of brands you wish to accrue.
  • Enter the Brand group(s).
  • Enter the Type of Brand Accrual for this contract.
    • CGROUP to use all accounts in a Chain Group by chain ID.
    • BGROUP to use all accounts in a Buying Group by buying group ID.
    • SGROUP to use all accounts in a Sales Group by sales ID.
    • GROUP to manually enter the accounts you wish to include for accrual in this contract.
  • Enter the Type of Brand Accrual for the Group.
  • Enter the account to credit.
  • If you entered GROUP, CGROIUP, BGROUP, or SGROUP, the program asks which account to credit. You may enter “ALL” to indicate a credit for each.
  • If you entered GROUP, the system asks for the number of accounts you wish to include in the accrual.
  • Enter the account number(s).
  • Enter the inclusive and beginning and ending dates of the contract.
  • Enter the period of accrual. A credit note gets issued at the end of each period. (M-Monthly, Q-Quarterly, S-Semi-annually,  Y-Yearly)
  • Enter the base of accruals
  • Gross uses the original price of all chargeable items on a qualifying lens or lens credit (before any discounts – including any discounts on the delivery note or from a campaign).
  • Net uses the final price of all chargeable items on a qualifying lens or lens credit (after any discounts – including any discounts on the delivery note and campaign discounts).


  • Enter the Brand Group.
  • Enter the Type of Brand Accrual for this contract.
    • CGROUP to use all accounts in a Chain Group by chain ID.
    • BGROUP to use all accounts in a Buying Group by buying group ID.
    • SGROUP to use all accounts in a Sales Group by sales ID.
    • GROUP to manually enter the accounts you wish to include for accrual in this contract.
  • If you entered GROUP, CGROIUP, BGROUP, or SGROUP, the program asks which account to credit. You may enter “ALL” to indicate a credit for each.
  • Enter the account to credit.
  • If you entered BGROUP, CGROUP, or SGROUP, the program prompts you to enter the respective group ID you wish to use for accrual and then automatically pull whatever accounts assigned to that group ID.
  • Enter the inclusive and beginning and ending dates of the contract.
  • Enter the period of accrual. At the end of each period, a credit note gets issued. (M- Monthly, Q- Quarterly, S- Semi-annually,  Y- Yearly)
  • Enter the base of accruals
  • Gross uses the original price of all chargeable items on a qualifying lens or lens credit (before any discounts – including any discounts on the delivery note or from a campaign).
  • Net uses the final price of all chargeable items on a qualifying lens or lens credit (after any discounts – including any discounts on the delivery note and campaign discounts).

  • If Gross gets entered as the base, the program asks what the base should be for the calculated credit, either Gross or Net.

The credit base does not include any items marked as “Net” or non-discountable items in its calculation.

  • If only one account is credited, the program asks if there is any retention. Retention is a fixed amount at the time of credit deducted from the final credit amount and credited to a different account.


  • If you answer “Y” for yes, the program prompts the amount to retain and the account to credit the retention.

  • Verify the entries before continuing.

  • Enter the Target Sales limits and the award credit percentages for the contract.
  • Verify the entries to save the contract.

  • The unique Contract ID created displays.

Editing or Cancelling a Brand Accrual Contract:

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 3 – Other Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 13 – Accruals/Investments and press Enter.

Select Option 5 – Edit/Cancel Brand Accrual Contracts and press Enter.

  • To edit or cancel a contract, look it up based on what you know about the contract.
  • Press “E” to edit or “C” to cancel the contract.
  • Enter what you know about the contract to narrow down the search of contracts to edit or cancel.

The program looks for matches and lets you pick the one you wish to edit or cancel.

If editing the contract:

  • Update the Sales Limits and the Percentage Rates.

If only one account got credited for the contract, the program asks if you wish to change any future retention period (periods already complete cannot be changed).

Update the retention account and retention amounts.

  • Change the retention amount to 0.0 if no retention.

Verify that this is the correct contract.

  • Enter “Y” to confirm.
  • Enter “N” to return to the form.

If you are canceling a contract:

  • The program prompts you to confirm that you wish to cancel the contract.

A confirmation message is displayed.

Calculating and Generating Brand Accrual Credit:

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 2 – Monthly Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 12 – Month End Credits and press Enter.

Select Option 1 – Calculate Brand Accrual and Investments and press Enter.

Prepare Month End must be completed before running this process – Before running this process, ensure that all jobs and credits for the month got entered.

All brand accrual contracts with a period that includes the month entered in Prepare Month End are accrued.

All brand accrual contracts with a period that ends in the month entered must be credited if a sales target is met and if the credit is not retained to a retention account or an investment account.

After this process runs, a list of credit notes issued print to the ARB printer routing entry – please ensure this entry prints on a raw Printer.

Canceling a Brand Accrual Credit:

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 2 – Monthly Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 12 – Month End Credits and press Enter.

Select Option 2 – Cancel a Brand Accrual Credit and press Enter.

  • Type in the access code shown on the Credit Notes Issued report for the credit you do not want to issue.

The program then confirms that the credit note got canceled.

End of Month Brand Accrual Manual Entry:

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 2 – Monthly Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 12 – Month End Credits and press Enter.

Select Option 3 – Brand Accrual Credit Manual Entry and press Enter.

This menu item lets you enter a new brand accrual contract at the end of the month and as if you want to calculate it immediately after entering. The prompts are the same as the Contract Entry in the Other Routines menu.

Reprint List of Credit Notes:

Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.

Select Option 2 – Monthly Routines and press Enter.

Select Option 12 – Month End Credits and press Enter.

Select Option 4 – Reprint List of Credit Notes and press Enter.

The last generated List of Credit Notes Issued, reprints.

Printing Actual Credit Notes:

  1. Select Option 1 – Accounts Receivable and press Enter.
  2. Select Option 2 – Monthly Routines and press Enter.
  3. Select Option 2 – Monthly Statements and press Enter.
  • To print actual credit notes to send to the customer, go into the statements program, and select “C” for credits when prompted:

  • If prompted, enter “B” for Bonus Credits.

The Brand Accrual Credits, end of month Campaign credits, and Investment credits print.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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