Serial Devices

Serial Devices

Serial Connections

When using a serial connection, a serial cable is run from the equipment to a serial port on the computer that will service the request.  This computer must be running an Rx-Universe Device session, and like all Rx-Universe sessions, this will be set up with a particular workstation number (for example, 44).  Each serial port on the workstation (whether native, on the computer, or on a multi-port serial board) is identified as a particular COM port.  For example, on a multi-port serial board, the first COM port might be COM5, the next COM6, etc.

Continuing with our example of setting up an interface on workstation 44, assume the VCA (OMA) device is connected to COM6.  Under "Devices", then "Device Interface Params", an entry would need to be created for workstation 44, port 6.  Assuming the device is using 9600,8,N,1 as the communication parameters, the entry would be set up similar to:


Note that for a serial device, the device must be set up with the same serial communication parameters as the interface screen in Rx-Universe.  If the device is set up for 19200 baud, then the interface screen must be set up the same.  If the device using 8 data bits, the device interface screen must be set up the same.  Any difference in the COM port settings will cause the communication to fail.

On each device interface screen, there are several tabs that allow specific settings to be set for that particular interface. Help for each option is available by clicking the  button on the top of the screen, and then clicking the particular control; for example, click Help and the "Cut to polish" checkbox brings up the following:

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