Automatically attaching a trace to an order

Automatically attaching a trace to an order

When a tracing device communicates with Rx-Universe, the "JOB=" number that it supplies is stripped of all the leading zeros. 

The resulting number is then used to find an order, based on the length or contents of the remaining field and the settings of various flags in the System settings and the device parameters.

The logic used to find a valid order will be as follows:

  • Alpha-numeric entries are considered a PO#
  • 6 characters or less with be treated as a tray number
  • 7 or 8 digits will be treated as an order number
  • 9 to 20 characters, or a field sent with alpha characters (ie "123ABC") will be treated as a PO#.

Note: Attaching a trace can be set to only be done via the PO# field.   When attaching using the PO#, the first valid order with that PO# will be selected.  It is important to note that Orders should use a unique PO# or the trace could be attached to the wrong order.  

If an order is found and the "Auto attach trace" flag is on (see System setting screen below) the trace is attached to the order and saved with the order number as the name and "INV#" as the manufacturer.

Allow Orphan Traces

This flag is found in  the "Device Parameters" screen for an "OMA" device type and located in the "Tracer" tab.  If no order is found in the system based on the "JOB=" received with the trace, the trace is saved as an orphaned trace to be used at a later time.   

  • When this flag is checked,  the traces will be saved with the JOB number (without the leading zeros) used as the trace name and the manufacturer will be set to "FTD" for all types.
  • When the flag is un-checked, the traces will be saved with the JOB number (without leading zeros) used as the trace name, and the manufacturer will be set to "FTD" for a tray type JOB number otherwise is is set to "INV#".


Auto-Attach Trace

This setting will allow any frame tracings to be automatically attached to a matching order. 

Re-Calc job on auto-attach

Checking this box will cause Rx-Universe to recalculate the job when a frame is traced and automatically attached to the job. This includes digital jobs, in which case the job will be re-submitted to the digital calculator.

Print WT (Work Ticket) on auto-attach

When a frame is traced with a tray number and automatically attached to an existing job, the job will be recalculated if the trace measurements differ from the box measurements by more than 0.50 mm, or if the frame type changes on the order. Checking this box will cause a work ticket to be printed when the trace is attached.

Note that if using the XML user-defined work ticket, this option requires the job tracking module to be active. You will also need to have a Job Tracking Station added and named PT, (view below)

Once the Job Tracker station is created, you need to select "print ticket" within the setting of that Job Tracker Station.

Auto create saved pattern

This flag is only active when the "Auto attach trace" flag is checked.  When the "Auto create saved pattern" is checked, if the order that the tracing is related to has an entry in the frame name field, then a pattern will be created using the first 12 characters of the entered frame name.  

Note, that for the program to create a pattern based on the frame name is dependent on the frame manufacturer not being "FTD" or "SHAP" or "INV#" since these are specific manufacturers used within Rx-Universe.   

Save pattern as calc only

This flag is only active when "Auto create saved pattern" is checked.  If a pattern is created using the frame name, the pattern's "Trace for Calc only" flag is set based on the setting of the "Save pattern as calc only" flag.


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