Version 7.07.01

Released 3 May 2018

VCA Label Table Settings

A new option, SBF/SBU Settings, has been added to VCA Label Table Settings.  This will allow the user to change the Tint Present setting from ‘No’ to ‘Not Applicable’ or from ‘Not Applicable’ to ‘No’ for the Smart Blue Filter lenses in the Essilor (ESS) table (version 7.07.01).


If the Orders in Process report was more than three pages, the last line of the page would continue onto the first line of the next page.  This has been corrected (version 7.07.01).

Miscellaneous Changes

For thin client sessions, the XML Work Ticket template field in System Settings has been modified to automatically look at the RX-XML folder on the server.  The same change has also been made for the Template Filename on the Additional Documents screen (version 7.07.01).